Hebrew classes at the Midrasha impact on adults' professional, personal and spiritual lives. Jonathan Schecter decided to learn Hebrew after experiencing embarrassing moments in Israel. ea k L a n g tia g e LESLEY PEARL STAFF WRITER eir onathan Schecter wasn't a very good Hebrew student. For his bar mitzvah in Rochester, N.Y., Jona- than had his Torah portion transliterated. He was sus- pended from class after flushing his instructor's keys down the toilet. He heard shekhet, "quiet," often. Mr. Schecter never envi- sioned knowing Hebrew would be of any conse- quence in his life. Until the Gulf War. Mr. Schecter was in Israel visiting his sister and volun- teering on a naval base. At military mealtime, a soldier told Jonathan the Hebrew words to ask for his meal. He approached a female soldier and repeated the sentence. As the woman smiled at Jonathan and tapped the .45 in her hol- ster, he was sure he had not asked for food. Later, during the same visit, Mr. Schecter pulled into a fast-food establish- ment and ordered burgers for himself and his young nephew. After repeating the order, Jonathan's nephew threw himself onto the floor in a fit of giggles. He had ordered two big, dead rats. "I knew I needed help," Mr. Schecter said. He returned to his home in Bloomfield Hills and started making calls. He found the Midrasha Adult Learning Center and began, like numerous adults in the community, learning Hebrew with instructor Geri Levit. In the last year Mr. Schecter has enrolled in two 15-week courses. He boasts that he only missed one ses- sion due to his part-time work as a paramedic. He's learning to read and converse slowly and is thrilled to just know what Hebrew street signs say. His biggest problem is find- ing someone with whom to practice. "I write to my niece and nephew in Hebrew now. But my vocabulary is limited and they're getting older. I don't know if 'Hi. How are you? I am fine. The flowers are pretty. See you soon.' is going to cut it much longer," Mr. Schecter said. Like Mr. Schecter, Liz Williamson also found her lack of Hebrew knowledge a hindrance. Five years ago, while working for a company called American General, Ms. Williamson dealt exclu- sively with Israel. Her role involved shipping kits for vehicles directly to the coun- try. Often, while searching for missing door handles between Indiana and Haifa, Ms. Williamson would hear her clients speaking in Hebrew. "I wanted to know what they were saying. Was it about me? The product?" Ms. Williamson said. "I was a French major in college, so I knew I was adept with languages. I just had to find a place where I would learn more than 'Where's the beach? Where's the King David Hotel?' " She also found the Midrasha, where she has studied with Geri Levit, Ahuva Newman and Nira