75¢ DETROIT 17 ELUL 5753/SEPTEMBER 3, 1993 PEACE: A Lifetime Of The Unthinkable Mere Steps Away From Achievable F ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM ASSISTANT EDITOR rancine Rosemberg considers the announce- ment some of the best news she has heard in years. Les Davis thinks it's a nightmare. Early this week, Israel's Cabinet approved by a vote of 16-0, with two abstentions, a plan IR* that would grant self-rule to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank city of Jericho near the Jordanian border. The arrangement calls for Israeli troops to with- draw from the areas — negotiators dif- fer as to when and how — with Arabs handling all aspects of daily life in Gaza and Jericho, including internal securi- ty. It does not address the establishment of a Palestinian state or whether Israel eventually will relinquish more terri- tory in the West Bank. Francine Rosemberg, co-chairman of the Detroit chapter of New Jewish Agenda, calls the move a notable first step. "It's just the beginning of the process," she said. 'The question is how far it will go. We know what the Palestinians want. We know what the Israelis do not want. Now it's time for the negotiations." Israel has for years been in "an untenable situation that would only continue — there have been too many deaths on both sides," she said. "What Israelis and Palestinians need to fo- cus on now is common areas, like business and trade," she added. "Peace will help Israel gain strength and offer more security than ever be- fore." Don't believe it for a minute, says Les Davis of Oak Park. Mr. Davis is the local spokesman for the Jewish Defense Organization, a militant Jewish group that follows the teachings of Ze'ev Jabotinksy. The day the Israeli Cabinet approved this latest peace proposal is "a day of mourning for Israel," he said. "This is no different than the Munich appeasement" (when Hitler told Britain's Neville Chamberlain he would not wage war), he said. "You offer your enemy a false peace; then you strike later." Mr. Davis — who, with other JDO members will pull out his umbrella (Chamberlain was never without his) when Mr. Rabin next visits the United States — says "the only road to peace Israelis protest actions of their government as Prime Minister Rabin's Cabinet is through strength, and you hold on to every votes in favor of moving forward for peace. inch of land. "Arafat and the PLO want all of Israel, and any- "If there's really going to be peace, why isn't anyone sug- one who thinks Arafat has changed those goals is a fool. gesting we disband the Israel Defense Forces?' he asked. If we're not willing to believe in a changed David Duke (the former KKK leader and presidential candidate), we shouldn't be willing to believe a cunning Jew-killer like Arafat." Michael Dallen is somewhat more restrained, but he also has harsh words for the peace proposal, which he calls "the dismemberment plan" and "criminally stupid mishegas (craziness)." Why, asks the director of the Michigan office of Americans for a Safe Israel, is Israel bending over back- ward "trying to make peace with those determined to destroy it?" Instead of resulting in a sound settlement, this plan "will only exacerbate the problem by raising false hopes among the Arabs and gentiles," he said. "It also will de- moralize the Jews, particularly the Torah-observant settlers who will lose faith in their own government." In the Middle East, too, the proposal — the first ma- jor breakthrough in the two-year-long peace talks — has brought anything but a feeble response. Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Yassir Arafat labeled it "a historic turning point," while 53 per- cent of the Israeli public expressed approval. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine opt- ed to "remind" Mr. Arafat of the fate of Anwar Sadat, the Egyptian president murdered after making peace with Israel. Israeli settlers have been demonstrating and branding Prime Minister Rabin a traitor. The Gaza Strip and the West Bank were both, ac- cording to the United Nations Partition Plan of 1947, to be under Arab control. Jerusalem, located in the West Bank, was designated an international city. The Arabs immediately rejected the proposal. The moment the British withdrew, Arab forces attacked lands the United Nations had appointed for Jewish con- trol. Egyptian troops moved up through Gaza, while Syrian and Iraqi troops advanced from the east. Related stories on pimps, see page 27 Battling For Bucks Businesses help you win the policy fight. Page 36 A personal voyage to Jewish education. Center Critics Choice These guys can make or break new films. Page 73 Contents on page 3 AGREEMENT page 26