SINAI HOSPITAL SINAI HOSPITAL GUILD SINAI HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY and Nelson Mandela: Committed to the future. and the separation between church and state. Mr. Mandela noted that the ANC has been com- mitted since 1955 to the rights of religious com- munities to establish and maintain their own places of worship, provided no racial discrimination is involved. "The suggestion that an ANC-led government could ever indulge in or connive at anti-Semitism is a scan- dalous slander inspired either by sheer ignorance or malice," he said. "As a movement we recog- nize the legitimacy of Pales- tinian nationalism just as we recognize the legitimacy of Zionism as Jewish nation- alism. We insist on the right of the State of Israel to exist within secure borders but, with equal vigor, (we) sup- port the Palestinian right to self-determination," he said. "We are gratified to see that new possibilities of resolving the issue through negotiation have arisen since the election of a new government in Israel. We wish to encourage the pro- cess and, if we have the op- portunity, to assist." But Mr. Mandela said the ANC was "extremely unhappy about military co- operation between the State of Israel and the apartheid regime in South Africa. "The refusal of Israel, over many years, to honor its international obligations to isolate the apartheid regime did influence our attitude toward that government," Mr. Mandela said. He urged the Jewish com- munity, in its relationship . with the ANC, to focus on shared goals in South Africa. He said that South Africans of Jewish descent have "historically been disproportionately repre- sented among our white compatriots in the liberation struggle," and read out the names of those, past and present, who were in the forefront of the country's struggle for human rights." ❑ THE JEWISH NEWS present TAY SACHS SCREENING MONTH August 1 - 31 Tay Sachs is a rare genetic disease that a baby inherits from both parents which causes progressive destruction of the central nervous system and death in early childhood. There is no cure for the disease. Most carriers are Jews of Eastern European descent. You should be tested if you are over age 17, of Ashkenazi (Eastern European) descent, considering marriage or pregnancy, or had been tested for the disease prior to 1980. Orthodox Dor Yeshorim approach to screening is available. For the month of August, Sinai Hospital will offer Tay Sachs screening for a reduced fee of $15. The normal charge for this test is $90. Call Sinai Hospital Genetics Counselor Robin Gold at 493-6060 to schedule your appointment today. Ij stinal ■ 11111111•111=111E vnLE- IE TAYLM FASHION RESALE 74 3 Exclusively Women's Clothing and Accessories Current Fashions Sizes 2-14 Welcome to: The Birmingham Temple Sunday, August 29, 10-1:00 p.m. Bagels....Children's Activities....Information! 1844 W. Woodward Birmingham block North of 14 Mile Rd HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 12-6 N-- F- C/D 540-9548 "We Pay Cash for Fine Clothing and Accessories" Co 0, Find Out About: OPEN HOUSE Call 313.477.1410 • Children's High Holiday Services (Free to Public) • School of Cultural Judaism Registration • Adult Education 28611 West 12 Mile Rd., Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Co 111