Broken eart ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM ASSISTANT EDITOR ne afternoon 26 years ago, Loren Willey began teach- ing what he would later describe as "the world's worst history class." It was a hot 90 degrees outside, and the students in his class at Clio High were miserable. The subject that day was the Holocaust. The school text- book devoted sever- al paragraphs to the topic. Mr. Willey finished by showing the French film Night and Fog. The window shades were up, to allow cool air in, so it was impossible to read the subtitles. This was not the way Mr. Willey believed the Holocaust should be taught. And at the end of the day he despaired. Then he took action. Today, Mr. Willey is one Teaching American adults what the words "the Holocaust" mean. of a handful of instructors war (see adjacent story, who teach the Holocaust at "What They Don't Know"). Michigan schools. They The survey also found have virtually nothing in that "sizable minorities of common: not age, not reli- Americans, both adults and gion, not background, not high-school students, are teaching methods or cur- open to the idea that the riculum, not even their rea- Holocaust did not happen." son for wanting students to Though a number of those know about the murder of interviewed were 60 and the Six Million. older, and thus lived What they do share is a through World War II, age commitment to teaching a was not a factor when it complicated, painful subject came to knowledge of the that many consider Holocaust. In fact, the unteachable. AJCommittee concluded, The importance of their only one issue proved key in work is reflected in a recent combatting ignorance of the study, "What do Americans Holocaust: education. know about the Holocaust?" At first glance, Loren Conducted by the American Willey hardly appears the Jewish Committee, the sur- _ best candidate for teaching — vey showed that about half one of the greatest tragedies of all American adults have in Jewish history. no idea what the words "the Until he joined the Army, Holocaust" refer to, while 65 he had never even met any- c-D percent could not identify 6 one Jewish. million as the number of He grew up in Adrian, a Jews murdered during the small town about 90 miles . =CI) 51