Editor's Notebook Community Views We're Losing Jews To The 'Love Bombers' Helping Single, Jewish Mothem PHIL JACOBS EDITOR HARLEM W. APPELMAN SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS Two incidents this week brought back a comment made to me during Tisha B'Av sev- eral years ago. The first: A close friend and Jewish commu- nal professional said if we can learn anything from Christian missionary movements and cults, it's that they are winning the emotional ball game. Bothersome, scary and prob- ably true. How many of usknow Jews who say with bitterness: "I'm not going back to that syn- agogue because no one talked to me the entire time I was there." Or, "I dropped out of Judaism because the only reason people -- came to my bar mitzvah was to eat, not to hear me read from the Torah." Each year, groups such as \ Messianic Jews and Jews for Je- sus, and cults ranging from Sci- • entology to Insight, are bringing in a disproportionate number of Jews. They don't have to force anyone in because these Jews I are typically emotionally turned off by what they've seen at home or at synagogue. Very few of these "converts" , to the cults have taken an hon- est, learning approach to their • own Judaism: an approach ' where they want to find out what our sages have taught and why Torah is a beautiful tree of life for all Jews. That can be long forgotten when they walk into a synagogue and feel unwel- come. Many of us, unfortunately, graduated from the "let's cele- brate our bar or bat mitzvah and drop out of sight" school of Judaism. We were only prac- ticing what our parents had members. Another reason they are drawn to these groups is that they know so little about Judaism that even out-of-con- text religious doctrine becomes compelling. They are interested because they see, at first, a "family" liv- ing what appears to be a re- warding and fulfilling lifestyle. Or they hear a "religious leader" say what they believe will give them hope and strength. A woman called our office last week and unraveled a story about her son. He was raised in a "good Jewish home," she said. He was bar mitzvah and at- tended services on the holidays with his parents. He even came waVka, te.* -( , vo: kr erifi: O gn;itr- m fgek e ipuRe ry • 1.770,,,,, /- done. Judaism becomes re- newed when the children need to become educated. Yet, along the way, Judaism is less im- portant than watching televi- sion or hitting the mall on a Friday night. Those who join cults are at- tracted away from Judaism be- cause, at least on the surface, they are "love bombed" by cult up through a Jewish youth group. Then as a young adult and college graduate, he joined a leading multi-level business. In that business, he met many friends. They turned him on to Christianity, and he converted. His mother asked: "What can my husband and I do now?" Also last week, I met a young man who had seen a story I wrote years ago about Messianic Judaism. In as many words, he told me he wasn't able to glean the emotional support he need- ed from his traditional Jewish upbringing, and that Messian- ic Judaism spoke to him of love and support. Clearly, he needed to look closer at what he had available before leaving for something else. But maybe he had gone for help, and it wasn't there. There are many rabbis and Jews who don't have the exten- sive knowledge to debate the ar- guments of a cult. But the truth is, there's nothing to debate. It doesn't take a book to teach a child that Judaism is real and relevant. All children have to do is look around their home. If they see Judaism is a priority for their parents, if they know it as a backdrop for their lives, they won't need to go elsewhere. There are, of course, no guar- antees. But we have to do a much better job of learning. We're great at collecting pledges, at affixing plaques on our walls and decorating our buildings. Now we have to learn how to love and welcome one another: offer a handshake, a phone call, a support network. Many in this community are hurting. If we don't help them, they'll go elsewhere for support. And as long as they do, another segment of our community will continue to die. It will be a con- tinuation of Tisha B'Av, not just as a fast during the summer, but day by day. ❑ SJF, 25+, in pain, juggling job, mortgage and kids, perpetually dieting and fre- quently exhaust- ed, seeks com- munity. On Tuesday, August 3, 1993, at Oakland Community College, Orchard Ridge Campus an evening will be devoted to an- swering the above ad. The evening, "An Institute for Single Jewish Mothers," is designed as a catalyst to bring together women of all ages to address le- gal, financial and spiritual is- sues. Some have questioned the need for such an evening. Some have commented that it's long overdue. According to a mono- graph written by Dr. Lynda Giles titled, "What It's Like to Live as a Divorced Woman in the Jewish Community," "single Jewish mothers have no role models to guide them, to give them direction in terms of home and family. When we think of a Jewish grandmother or a Jew- ish mother, we do not think of a divorced woman ... Divorced women do not have role models to use to support self-esteem." It is the hope of Jewish Expe- riences for Families that by pro- viding an evening of important information, resources and ca- maraderie, we can address this issue. Women such as Dr. Joyce Brothers, Esther Shapiro, Judge Susan Borman, and Harriet Rot- ter will be on hand to offer in- formation and answer questions. Each of these areas was se- lected to offer a hands-on, down- to-earth approach to issues that continually sap the strength of women trying to go it alone.How many times have women sat in front of an attorney, a financial adviser or a job counselor and wanted to ask questions for which there seemed to be no time or, even worse, a lack of in- terest? These sessions are de- signed to be interactive so that participants can get those ques- tions answered. But, the evening is meant to be more than a "how to do it" night. It is designed to not only offer some ways of solving these problems, but also to identify is- sues for future meetings of this nature. The evening is an invi- tation and a statement. It is an outreach that says families take on all shapes and sizes and that we need to stick together and help each unit cope in the best way it can. It is a statement that says that every family is valu- able to each segment of the Jew- ish community whether it's the congregation, the Jewish Com- munity Center, or community camps, and that we need to be very sure that every family knows about the community re- sources available. That's why the evening is being launched with a community resource exhibit. This problem is not new to our community. It is an issue with which the Jewish Family Ser- vice, the Jewish Vocational Ser- vice and Space (National Council of Jewish Women) have been confronted on a daily basis. How- ever, with families in transition becoming a larger and larger number in our community, we need to do even more. This evening is the first in what we hope to be an ongoing outreach to reinforce the fact that there is an important place in the Jew- ish community for them. It is an evening designed for women to connect with one another along with getting some sound infor- mation. Nit is continuity that concerns us, then it is important to note that according to our demo- graphic study in the Detroit Jew- ish community, single Jewish mothers hold the destiny of as many as 1,500 children in their hands. The fact is that single Jewish mothers find it finan- cially difficult and socially awk- ward to remain attached to the Jewish community. We must help make the Jewish commu- nity as user friendly as possible for this population. However, it is also important that women, both divorced and widowed, facing these issues and women supporting women fac- ing these issues attend this event at Oakland Community College. In order to continue the outreach and plan additional meaningful programs and services, women need to respond to and validate Harlene Appleman is a com- the effort. It is too easy to say, munity educator and frequent "It's about time, or where were contributor to Community you when..." This is an evening SINGLE MOTHERS page 13 Views.