Synagogue Membership for $100! TOrah P0111 Become a Member of Congregation B'nai Moshe for 1994 and you will receive membership for the remainder of 1993 for only $100, including High Holiday tickets for both 1993 and 1994! B'nal Moshe is Religious... Rabbi Elliot Pachter, Cantor Louis Klein and Sexton Shalom Ralph combine the everience, youth and warmth to serve Detroit's fastest growing Conservative congregation. B'nai Moshe is Social... We offer a full range of activities for all age groups including Sisterhood, Men's Club, USY, Couples Clubs, Family Retreats B'nai Moshe is Educational... Our acclaimed LIFE pro gram is at the forefront of exciting Jewish educational programming and is expanding to K-8th grade in the Fall of 1993. We are celebrating 1 year since we opened the doors of our beautiful West Bloomfield Synagogue. We have welcomed over 150 new families to our mishpacha in that time and we look forward to welcoming you as well. fp% For more information on this anniversary opportunity call us before September 10, 1993. 788-0600 B'nai Moshe Congregation B'nai Moshe • 6800 Drake Road • West Bloomfield, MI 48322 '" a WE'VE MOVED !! Please join the families of Young Israel of West Bloomfield in celebrating the dedication of our new home, located at 6473 Farmington Road. August 1, 1993 TH E D E TRO Please join us for all or part of the program. * For reservations call: Anne Kovsky 661-4537 or Richard Luger 661-4182 36 Advertising in The Jewish News Gets Results Place Your Ad Today. Call 354-6060 Words Are Blocks For Building Lives DR. RICHARD C. HERTZ SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS 0 ur sedrah begins the Book of Deuteronomy with, "These are the words which Moses spoke unto all Israel." It is rather odd to recall that Moses needed help when he approached Pharaoh. Think of Moses pleading with the Almighty not to designate him as a spokesman for the Jews, claiming that he was slow of speech. Suddenly this very same Moses, this hesi- tant speaker, thick of speech with a lisp, now speaks: "Now these are the words which Moses spoke unto all Israel." Moses addresses all of Israel and explains the Torah to his people. His words form sentences; his sentences form paragraphs; his paragraphs turn into pages; pages into chapters, and chapters into a Book of complete Deuteronomy. What's in a word? Some things are too deep, too wonderful for. words. Yet often we use words in cruel and careless ways that leave hear- tache in their wake. For ex- ample, the feeling of inferiori- ty expresses itself in odd ways. Persons with inferiori- ty complexes may compensate with an insecure ego by say- ing things that are destruc- tive and harmful to others. Feelings of jealousy can become a green-eyed monster that poisons words and shoots them from a bow strung with bitterness. Feelings of guilt can shrivel up the human heart and wreck lives with horrors, frustrations and anxieties. The world needs much love, more understanding and still more human kindness. We can bring these healing powers to the world about us through the wonder of words. They can be winged angels of beauty, truth and goodness. The Midrash tells a quaint tale about words to illustrate that "life and death are in the power of the tongue." This is the tale. A man invited some friends to dine with him and sent his servant to the market to buy the best things he could find. When dinner was served, every course con- sisted of tongue, richly prepared with different kinds of sauces. After dinner the master angrily said to the ser- Richard C. Hertz is rabbi emeritus of Temple Beth El. vant, "What do you mean by bringing tongue for every course? Didn't I tell you to buy the best food you could find in the market?" The servant replied, "Have I not obeyed your orders? There is nothing better than a good tongue. It is the organ we use to speak words of kind- ness, offer words of prayer to God and through words of the tongue spread love and friendship among people" The next day the master /\ sent the servant to market to get some food to feed his dogs. "Get the worst and the cheapest stuff you can find," he ordered. When the servant brought tongues again, the master was dumb-founded. "What, you dare to bring tongues again after yester- day?" "Master," replied the ser- vant, "there is nothing worse than a bad tongue. It is the organ we use to speak lies, Shabbat Davarim: Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22. Isaiah 11:1-27. spread gossip, make people angry at one another, break up the peace. There is nothing as good with words as a kind tongue. There is nothing as good with words as a kind tongue. There is nothing as cruel with words as a bad one." The Talmud, in the tractate Pirke Avot, uses a wise injunc- tion, "Ye sages, be careful with your words." Our sedrah has a wonderful name, Davarim, which means simply words, just words. With that honored designa- tion the people of Israel were told that words are powerful instruments: Words can save; words can help; words can soothe, and words can rob and hurt and draw blood. With words we can arrive at the truth. Words can teach; words can inspire; words can con- vince, but words can also destroy. Our prayerbook has a most ‘1 beautiful and moving prayer. "May the word of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to Thee, 0 Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer." ❑