Community Views AIPAC President Addresses Recent Criticisms Editor's Notebook When Jews Commit Acts Of Anti-Semitism STEVEN GROSSMAN SPECIAL TO THE JEW SH NEWS PHIL JACOBS EDITOR EPAC was created by the ship. This mobilization cam- The coming period is full of We learn from a American Jewish corn- cred and what is profane. For paign will continue and accel- new challenges and opportuni- West Bloomfield munity in 1953 — short- any family, not just Jews, the erate because we need more ties. The pursuit of peace in the Police Depart- ly after the founding of issue of what is offensive to community involvement in the region is intensifying and any the Jewish state. It was given ment report that others is critical. political process — it is a chal- agreements that are achieved a nature area is responsibility for one of the com- It's unacceptable for our lenging and rewarding experi- will require strong backing from vandalized by munity's deepest concerns: ence. children to draw swastikas to the United States at a time of the painting of a strengthening the U.S.-Israel be "cool." If we ask young We are immensely proud of scarce resources. Weapons pro- swastika. A relationship through pro-Israel modern Jews these days to our pluralism. Indeed, we could liferation and Islamic radical- prank by the advocacy before Congress and talk to us about drugs, they not be effective without it. We ism are changing Israel's in the national policy arena. For typical disgrun- can come back with the state- do not align ourselves with any strategic environment and new tled youth who have no other 40 years, AIPAC has had the ment, "Just Say No." If we're political party or faction. To do forms of American-Israeli coop- way to exert their "coolness?" privilege of participating in a talking about sexual promis- so would splinter our movement eration are needed. Vital Amer- When we arrest them, they'll be dramatic expansion of the U.S.- cuity and even the danger of and reduce our effectiveness. At ican assistance to Israel is under given hours of community ser- Israel relationship. One reason AIDS, they automatically AIPAC meetings, you will find growing pressure as the feder- vice to work, a quick lesson in for our success has been that we know to "wear a condom." people representing virtually al budget tightens and it is im- Holocaust history, a paper to learned to change to meet new But the messages of having every point of view on the peace portant to mobilize public write and an apology to deliv- challenges and opportunities. respect for our neighbors and process and on political issues. support to continue to achieve er. As president of AIPAC, I want sensitivity to one's own peo- We will continue to be the place successes like the recent vote in What do we do when the to share with you the principles ple aren't seen too often as where the community comes to- which 92 of the 115 new mem- prankster is a Jew? In this case, and priorities that will guide us the focus of a politically cor- gether when it is time for action bers of Congress confounded the the West Bloomfield police as we move forward to meet to- rect ad campaign. Wearing a charged two Jews and a gentile day's new challenges. with vandalism. That vandal- The core value that gave rise ism included the swastika. \ to - our movement, and the rea- son When an anti-Semitic act is son that tens of thousands of committed by a Jew, do we turn Americans in every city and our heads away and dismiss it state work so hard for AIPAC as a juvenile prank? Also, do we and our cause today, is the se- punish the Jewish youth any curity of Israel, a vital interest differently from the gentile one? of the United States of Ameri- Should he know better? Should ca. We believe that Israel must he operate under a different set have the means to defend itself of standards? so it can deter or defeat any Sharona Shapiro, executive combination of aggressors director of the Detroit chapter should a threat arise. This en- of the American Jewish Co m- courages the move toward mod- condom and saying no to mittee, remembers as a tee n- eration in the Arab world and drugs are measures of self- ager fellow Jewish studen ts I\ creates the conditions for Arab preservation. For Jews, sen- throwing coins her way as a / acceptance of Israel and sitivities to anti-Semitism derogatory statement about h er progress in the peace process. and, for that matter any hate Jewishness. She said that whe n - – These primary goals —securi- crimes or bigotry, are also ty recognition and peace — are a Jew commits even a pran k parts of self-preservation. , that is anti-Semitic, it is a cas e the foundation of AIPAC's mis- Any coward can be cool. It of an exaggerated form of car e- sion. Only with security, recog- takes strength not to-use an lessness. nition, and peace can the Jewish AIPAC President Steve Grossman with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. \ ethnic slur when our buddies -i state achieve its proper place "There's an educational la g do. If our kids hear us use I\ among the nations of the world. there," she said. "The suppo rt these slurs, it becomes OK for on our consensus issue — the pundits by voting for foreign aid system isn't strong around th e /--' To achieve these goals, we them as well. U.S.- Israel relationship. and against isolationism. family that's causing the chit d have assembled an outstanding David Gad-Harf, executive We passionately support the To meet these new chal- to have a link to his Jewishnes ) team of volunteer and profes- director of the Jewish Com- peace process and the active role lenges, we plan to enhance our missing somehow." sional leaders, united by our munity Council, says that the of the United States in the work with the Congress and the One of the Jewish teen-age rs shared sense of mission. We con- Jewish kids involved here search for peace. We take this Clinton administration. We will accused in the crime told th e ,- stantly seek to involve new should be treated with puni- position because there is a con- concentrate on leadership de- West Bloomfield police tha t grass-roots activists. The door tive action such as commu- sensus in the community that velopment among our lay ac- painting a swastika was not an /=-- is open, and we offer almost un- nity service. direct negotiations are essential tivists and at the professional anti-Semitic act, but merely a limited opportunities to partic- "Perhaps only a direct in- level. One of our top priorities is prank. > ipate. volvement in a place like the to continue to build grass-roots For Richard Lobenthal, ex AIPAC brings together, un- Holocaust Memorial Center political activism, including a ecutive director of the area' s der one umbrella, all elements will impress upon them their caucus in every congressional Anti-Defamation office, the is \ ? of the pro-Israel community in actions," he said. district. We will continue work- sue of a Jew painting a swasti America: Democrats and Re- Being part of the crowd ing to ensure Jewish continuity ka carries with it its own set o f ,` =, publicans, liberals and conser- m eans being assimilated. by recruiting the next genera- serious concerns. Sometimes vatives, hawks and doves, And sometimes assimilation tion to our cause, stressing in- to fit in with the other kids, a religious and secular citizens. for Jews means even com- creased outreach to college Jewish youth will do something Indeed, we are proud to count mitting crimes of hate students and young profession- like this, he said. And the Jew- as AIPAC supporters people against Jews. als. We will continue to exam- ish kid might think it funny. who represent the richness and These two Jews should re- ine and improve our diversity of the American Jew- "Would it be just as funny to ceive an education in the to the long-term security of Is- organizational structures and • ish community, united by their paint, `Kill the Jews' or 'Hitler Holocaust with their parents rael and its people. Converse- practices to fulfill our responsi- didn't kill enough'? Because this unwavering commitment to ad-. and their families. That ly, we do not take positions on bilities to the community. is what these kids did. The vance the U.S.-Israel relation- should be the extent of any issues where the community These are the values, princi- swastika stands for the genoci- so-called "punitive" action. has not arrived at a consensus, ples and priorities that will Steven Grossman was until dal murder of Jews. There's These kids can join the oth- like the territorial issue. For guide AIPAC during this peri- 1\ recently chairman of the Demo- nothing funny about it," said ers who have committed this reason, we believe that the od of enormous political and so- • cratic Party of Massachusetts Mr. Lobenthal. similar crimes and pay per- specific contours of policy in the cietal change. We look to the • and played a national role in the Every family has as an oblig- haps a bigger price. They'll peace negotiations are to be es- future with confidence and op- 'D ukakis and Clinton presiden- ation to teach its children right have to live with their ac- tablished by the elected gov- timism, as we continue to from wrong. Children learn tial campaigns. He is president tions. Hopefully they'll learn ernment of Israel and that it is strengthen and nurture the of AIPAC. from their parents what is sa- from them. D not our role. U.S.-Israel relationship. D j A "Being part of the crowd means being assimilated... even committing crimes of hate against Jews." Security, recognition and peace are the foundation of AIPAC's mission. Cr) -7