Editor's Notebook Opinion Catching Sabbath n Cable Television Remembering Palestina PHIL JACOBS EDITOR When the Sab- bath ended af- ter 10 Saturday night, the Hav- dalah candle was lit with the children long \,= At asleep; and the house had a great deal of peaceful warmth. My wife and I curled up with something good to read, \ and it felt especially good ' knowing that we had an ex- tended weekend ahead of us 'with the July 4th holiday coming up. It was during this time that I broke the silence in the ;house by turning on the tele- vision. A so-called infomani- ( ac, I just wanted to check in with CNN, as if the world couldn't move an inch with- out me. On the way to CNN on the cable dial, I had to do /)a. double-take. There on the cable access station were peo- ple that I know. They were the members of the Michigan Miracle Mission I and this was a video of the i / April 18-28 trip. Much has been said and written about r the success of this mission of 11 1 , 300 Detroit area Jews, a ")n on-soliciting mission. In /truth, the soliciting started , weeks after the mission end- ed with good overall results. There was, however, a scene in time captured by that video that also deserves a follow-up. On the Friday night we were all in Jerusalem, the Detroiters marched en masse from the outhern entrance to the Wall. It was a time of high emotion. Men and women ap- proached the Western Wall, some with tears welling up. Women covered their eyes nd said prayers. Some weren't sure what they should say or pray, but that was okay; they closed their eyes and felt a difference. A difference is one of the acts that makes the Sabbath so 'Important. It's not doing what We do the other six days of the week; it's different. Certainly, there were some who might not have felt any- (' thing that evening. For them, '\ it was important that they ''saw what others were expe- riencing. There was a troubling feel- \ ing, one that still stays with 'me. Several people quite ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM ASSISTANT EDITOR openly said this was the first time they had lit candles in years, since their children cel- ebrated bar or bat mitzvah. Some said they remember their bubbie covering her eyes, and that's all they re- membered. Why is it only the memories of our grandpar- ents should apply to Friday night rituals? Why isn't it something we can know for ourselves? At the rate we are going, our children aren't go- ing to know from our bubbies and zaydes. Maybe they'll know from a frame or two in a videotape. For the past several weeks, the waning of spirituality. For the first time, at last year's Council of Jewish Federations General Assembly, break-out groups were held covering is- sues of spirituality. Many said these were among the best conversations of the entire conference. But these just can't be con- versations. Lighting candles, learning Bible, Jewish histo- ry, Hebrew, those are all part of our long-term mission. And that's where all of us could stand a little more follow-up and follow-through. Judaism is not a religion that ends at age 13, starts up again when Wm Among the most troubling stories I have heard in recent years was the 4 1989 case in- volving Palesti- na Isa of St. Louis, Mo. She was 16 years old when she was murdered by her father, Zein. "Die quickly, my daughter. Die!" Zein Isa said as he stabbed Tina six times, then muffled her screams by plac- ing his foot over her mouth. Tina's mother, Maria, held her daughter while Mr. Isa killed her. Tina begged her for help. Initially, it was reported that Mr. Isa had murdered Palestina because she be- trayed Muslim tradition. She had a boyfriend, was popular at her high school and want- ed to be like any other Amer- ican teen. But now reports just re- also knew which of his friends belonged to the group. There are those who tell us to take pity on the likes of Zein Isa. They tell us they deplore terrorist acts, of course. But at the same time they insist it is not the terrorists them- selves we should hate. Instead, they say, we should be encouraged to un- derstand the roots of their suffering. Perhaps they were forced out of their homes in their youth. Per- haps they have been unable to fmd work for years. Per- It's a horrible but unmistakable les- son we learn from the tragedy of Palestina Isa. Michigan contingent enters through southern gate to approach the Western Wall. buses of Miracle Mission peo- ple have held "reunions" usu- ally in a social way to keep the continuity going. At the same time, some of those bus- loads have been reached by the Allied Jewish Campaign for a contribution. We'd like to suggest that Without the faith, growth won't happen. something else not be forgot- ten and that's the spirituali- ty of Judaism that many experienced for the first time in Israel. That too needs to be followed up. When Shoshana Cardin, the president of CLAL, was in town recently she told us that the sense of urgency for fund raising in the Jewish community will lessen with we have children, ends after they celebrate bar or bat mitz- vah and then starts up again in our old age. The continuity Federation is seeking from this commu- nity cannot be measured only in dollars. It's also a matter of faith. Without the faith, growth won't happen. Hit the pause button on the VCR, and let's take a long look at the prayer at the Wall. It's more than a photo opportu- nity; it's the flame that burns within. Sorry about the soapbox here. Next time, the TV stays off on Saturday night. A TV shouldn't be turned on as rit- ualistically as a Havdalah candle. Still, it was interest- ing to see a video of the Sab- bath beginning in Israel, as ours just ended. Realize that the Sabbath doesn't end for us when a tape fades into another scene. It continues from generation to generation; it continues. ❑ leased by federal authorities say this may not be the case. Instead, they suggest Tina was murdered so she wouldn't talk. Zein Isa is allegedly a member of a new Abu Nidal outpost in Missouri. In 1989, the State Depart- ment labeled Abu Nidal the most dangerous terrorist or- ganization in the world. Abu Nidal's group is said to have committed more than 90 ter- rorist acts, including the 1985 attacks at the Rome and Vi- enna airports, which left 18 dead and 100 wounded, and a 1986 attack on Istanbul's Neve Shalom synagogue, where 21 were murdered. An FBI report says that Tina was not interested in her Palestinian heritage and did not approve of her father's as- sociation with Abu Nidal. She haps they lead a difficult and dismal life. Enough with the excus- es. As the case of Palestina Isa teaches us, these men are murderers, plain and simple. And nothing they have experienced or suf- fered or endured will ever justify their murder of in- nocent civilians. Nothing. It's a horrible but unmis- takable lesson we learn from the tragedy of Palesti- na Isa: If this is what Pales- tinian terrorists do to their own family members, to their own children, imagine how they must feel about "the enemy" — Israelis and Jews and Zionists. What, one wonders, are they capable of doing to us? ❑