Stretching Pluralism At first glance, the United States Supreme Court's decision last week to strike down a set of laws in Hialeah, Fla., that outlawed animal sacrifices would seem to have little relationship to the world as most of us know it. But look deep- er; it's really an example of religious pluralism in action. The High Court's ruling came in the case of the Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye, a group that traces its beliefs back some 4,000 years and which has African and, more recently, West In- dian roots. The religion is also known as San- teria, and is followed by some Cuban-Americans, among others. When the church decided to open a branch in Hialeah, horrified city officials hurriedly sought to block that action by passing laws that have now been ruled unconstitutional. 'The laws were enacted by officials who did not understand, failed to perceive, or those to ignore the fact that their official actions violate the nation's essen- tial commitment to religious freedom," the court said. Cruelty to animals is one thing, the court de- termined, but writing laws that specifically tar- get the unpopular ritual practices of a minority religious group are not acceptable. If a jurisdic- tion wishes to protect animals, the laws must be written so as to apply equally to all, and with- out stepping on anyone's religious beliefs. Letters It may be difficult for the rational Western mind to accept the belief that God smiles fa- vorably on the ritual sacrifice of animals. Yet there are sincere religious people today in ad- dition to Santerians who still engage in ritual sacrifice, and there are also some Jews who look forward to the restoration of such rites should the Temple be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Moreover, there are those who argue that rit- ual circumcision and the process by which an- imals are slaughtered to render them kosher are both cruel and archaic practices that should be outlawed. If the courts were to uphold bans on these essential rites, observant Jews would virtually be prohibited from practicing Judaism. This nation is filled with unpopular and un- usual religious minorities that are difficult for the mainstream to comprehend. But as Jewish groups who supported the Santerians in this case understood, passing laws against practices that the majority disagrees with is a slippery slope. Given recent widespread immigration from the Third World, it appears that this nation's future will be one of even greater diversity than we have known in the past. There will be many more instances of having to accept the beliefs of others that we may personally reject, least our own beliefs someday be rejected. Moving The Court Toward The Middle By nominating Ruth Bader Ginsburg for the Supreme Court, Bill Clinton did not meet his own high standard for a nominee: Will people say, "Wow! That's an inspired choice for the Supreme Court."? Judge Ginsburg is too sedate, too centrist, too schoolmarmish to elicit whoops and hollers. But that is not necessarily to her disadvantage. In fact, she may be just the right person at this time for the Court — and for the badly battered Clin- ton administration. Ms. Ginsburg, who has sat on the D.C. Court of Appeals since 1980, is right for the court be- cause she may help steer it to a middle-of-the- road course that it has lacked for several decades. The high courts presided over by chief justices Earl Warren and Warren Burger were surprisingly moderate-to-liberal; the court now presided over by William H. Rehnquist is de- cidedly conservative, although three justices — Sandra Day O'Connor, David H. Souter and An- thony M. Kennedy — often veer toward the mid- dle. Judge Ginsburg, who will be the first Jew to join the court since Abe Fortas resigned in 1969, is expected to join this trio. By doing so, she will severely weaken the conservative juggernaut that has compromised civil rights and liber- ties and begun to let the mischievous genie of religion out of the bag so it taints the once-im- permeable separation of church and state. A return to the middle is essential as a psy- chic counterbalance to the rightist policies of the Reagan-Bush years and the quasi-liberal poli- cies of the Clinton years. ("Quasi-" because Mr. Clinton seems to be defining himself anew al- most everyday; "-liberal" because this is where his political instincts reside.) But most importantly for Bill Clinton, espe- cially as he struggles to maintain his adminis- tration's dedication to "inclusion, not exclusion," is that Ms. Ginsburg's nomination sends a mes- sage to the women and the Jews and everyone in this country who believes in a justice rooted in fairness and equality and an ideology that can embrace both. And that is something worth exclaiming "Wow!" about. Dialogue Is First Step Rabbi Goldman's seemingly prolific knowledge of the Catho- lic Bible is certainly admirable (June 11). It is, however, most disturbing to see a God-fearing, scholarly, Orthodox rabbi spew- ing so much hatred. Instead of encouraging tolerance and co- operation between two reli- gions, he preaches vengeance. Rather than acknowledging the progressive efforts of those Christians who are brave enough to stand up and admit the fallacy of the teachings of those Christian theologians who encourage anti-Semitism; rather than appreciating those Christians who come forward in friendship and brotherhood and are willing to foster good will in their own circles toward Jews, who condemn the past mistakes of the church, and want to build bridges of good will between Christians and Jews, Rabbi Goldman dwells on the wrongdoings of the past, ad- vocates division and discour- ages reconciliation. It would behoove someone who professes to be a clerical leader to preach brotherhood and understanding instead of estrangement .. . Yes, the Church has taught anti-Semitism, but reaffirming and focusing on past errors is counter-productive. The most effective way of overcoming big- otry hatred is by teaching tol- erance, and that seems to me is the role of clergy on both sides. No, dialogue is not all that's needed to bring about better un- derstanding between Christians and Jews. That is, however, the first constructive step. We need to recognize our differences and respect them and we need to want to live in harmony with each other. Dialogue is the way to achieve that goal. Alex Ehrmann West Bloomfield Interpreting Unity, Diversity I found Rabbi Irwin Groner's ar- ticle May 21, "From Multipli- city Emerges A Unity," to be very disturbing and misleading. In his commentary on the Torah portion of the week, Par- shat Bamidbar, Rabbi Groner discusses the arrangement in which the Israelites encamped and journeyed from Egypt to Canaan. The 12 tribes, each marching under its own banner and each distinguished from the other, surrounded the ohel moed, the sanctuary containing the Ark of the Covenant. Rabbi Groner maintains that this structure reflected the dif- ference that existed between the tribes, the reason being be- cause "Judaism acknowledges the wide variety of interests, the differences of the soul of people, the latitude in the courses of life one may choose. Yet, within this multiplicity, there emerges a unity." Rabbi Groner deduces from the distinct banners that sepa- rated each tribe, that the Jew- ish people exhibited diversity yet remained united under the "common attachment to the central sanctuary." Rabbi, Groner then goes on to make correlation between the division among the tribes in the desert and the "divergent programs and ideologies of the Reform, Conservative and Orthodox movements" today. This is an erroneous com- parison. According to Torah teaching, the tribes were unit- ed by one belief in the God- given Torah, and they adhered to all of its precepts .. . While the tribes may have displayed different banners, they were unified in adhering to the Torah, which requires us as Jews to follow its command- ments in totality. We may not add nor may we detract from its teachings. The Orthodox, Con- servative and Reform branch- es of Judaism, however, do not adhere to the same Torah nor do they share the same beliefs. Orthodox Jews believe in and accept the Torah from Sinai in its entirety. We may have dif- ferent views in interpreting the commandments, some more le- niently and some more strictly, as was the case with the ancient Rabbi Hillel and Rabbi Shamai. We have the Chasidic move- ments, the Agudah, the Mod- ern Orthodox, etc., but we all march under the same barmen( Bracha Stein Oak Park LETTERS page 10