I UNDERSTAND 111E TALKS ARE AiLit4G. , ,, BiLt. twat) ibvE -ro HELP, Bur. Res Busy, is -*RE ANYT14iNe MY 14EAMIcARE coAvAirree CAM Do? Surveys And New Business Two new, ongoing parts of The Jewish News kick off with today's edition. Today we announce a partnership with the Jew- ish Community Council and Wayne State Uni- versity. To better understand the opinions and trends of our community, The Jewish News has enlisted the help of the Jewish Community Coun- cil and Wayne to begin random surveys. Calls will go out to our community, beginning this week. The subject of the survey will involve how Jews relate to other minorities. Other topics such as opinions on Israel, affiliation and community involvement will come in the future. We'll be able to take the information, write about it, but more importantly, learn from it. Also, we're happy to introduce the beginning of an expanded and revamped business section. Weekly, we'll take a look at local Jewish involve- ment in area business with a glance at what is happening in Israel as well. We invite your com- ments. Hearing What Shoshana Said She called it checkbook Judaism. And she has been telling the entire Jewish world that the days of writing a check and calling that one's full in- volvement with things Jewish doesn't make it any- more. Instead, Shoshana Cardin, the chairman of CLAL, the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, said this week in Detroit that Jew- ish knowledge has to be more of a priority than ever. Without Jewish knowledge, there will be nothing to write a check for, she contends. We seem so focused on bickering sometimes. The divisions among us are counted with equal strength as the unifying forces. A shared culture, a faith based on belief in one God, a love for Israel isn't enough. But it's enough for Ms. Cardin to sound an alarm for Jewish communal profession- als, active lay leadership and even the unaffiliat- ed, that it's time to emphasize the Jewish education of our families and ourselves. Jewish education need not be rote learning of the aleph-bet. Instead, it's programs that teach us why it is important to be Jewish and why we need to be together to focus on that importance. At last November's Council of Jewish Federa- tions General Assembly in New York, Ms. Cardin spoke on a similar topic. Following her speech, the GA did something it had never done before. It broke down into workshop groups that did not focus on fund raising or Jewish professional priorities. In- stead, the workshops talked about religion, about God. The groups brought together Jews of all de- nominations in frank, but wonderful discussion. It was the highlight of the week's work for many. This is what Ms. Cardin is pointing to. We are a family that needs to be reined back into our Ju- daism. We do a great job of fund raising. But what are we fund raising for, if there's no central iden- tity, no core. Let's get back to that nucleus called Judaism. Let's heed Ms. Cardin's word. Let's do it now. THE DE TRO I T J EWIS H NEWS U.S. Is Key To Peace Talks 4 Tithe Arab-Israeli peace talks are to succeed, the United States will have to take a far more active role in the upcoming tenth round, scheduled to re- sume in Washington next week. Otherwise, the whole process may be doomed to failure. Recent history indicates that no major Arab-Is- rael accord has been achieved without aggressive U.S. involvement, from ceasefires ending hostili- ties to the Israeli-Egyptian peace agreement of 1979. Both sides need American pressure to make concessions and to provide political cover for the folks at home. In effect, the Israelis and Arabs are asking Washington to twist their arms and, so far, Washington has refused. It's not difficult to see why the Clinton admin- istration has not focused its attention on the Mideast peace talks. The White House has always stressed the domestic agenda, which is not going well. And judging from the administration's han- dling of the war in Bosnia, there is much uncer- tainty over how involved the U.S. should be in foreign affairs. The administration may be unwilling or unable to turn its attention to the Mideast talks and com- mit Secretary of State Warren Christopher to spending much of his time on the negotiations, but that's what is required if the next round is to make any progress. Israel believes the Palestinian delegation is weak and needs U.S. intervention and that President Assad of Syria must be forced to show his hand and explain what a "full peace" means. The Arabs no doubt want the U.S. to prod Israel to connect Palestinian self-rule to the final disposition of the territories. If the next round is productive, it would be a positive step for the peace talks to shift from Wash- ington to the Mideast— specifically Amman, Dam- ascus, Beirut and Jerusalem — so that the peoples of the region would come to appreciate that these talks represent a political reality. In the meantime, the Clinton administration will have to determine whether it is willing to com- mit more actively to the Washington talks. It may be tempted not to take another risk when the do- mestic front is fragile and a coherent policy on Bosnia has yet to be formulated. But the oppor- tunity to make progress on the Mideast crisis is there, and it won't come again soon. What's clear is that if there is going to be any progress, it's only going to come through the full participation of the U.S. Letters Darchei Torah Needs Support On behalf of the Yeshivas Darchei Torah PTA, I would like to commend you on the May 14 article and editorial re- garding funding from the Fed- eration for Yeshivas Darchei Torah. A walk through the halls would certainly convince one of the vitality of this school! The children's artwork, and compo- sitions in English and Hebrew abound. Darchei Torah has applied to the Federation for funding for the past three years. Each time our appeal has been deferred. Darchei Torah is an asset to the community adding to the Jew- ish community and attracting new families to town. Darchei Torah is doing its share to educate our children,, but it cannot be done without the community's support. Let's not continue to shelve this im- portant decision. Darchei Torah, an institution of which we can all be proud, de- serves and needs the commu- nity's support. Mrs. Breindy Weiss President, Darchei Torah PTA A Proposal For Yom Hashoah I propose the following idea to enhance the observance of Holo- caust Remembrance Day. Armbands with a yellow Star of David or a similar button should be worn conspicuously during the day by all individu- als throughout the world desir- ing to show their solidarity with the victims and their opposition to Nazism and the revisionist movement. Perhaps instead of, or in ad- dition to the Jude that appeared on the bands, a name of a vic- tim can be displayed. The sale and distribution of the bands should be controlled through one organization (with a com- puterized list of the victims), with the proceeds being used to further education about, and re- membrance of, the Holocaust. Let's see how many righteous individuals will wear the star, like those voluntarily doing so during the Nazi era: the king of Denmark, who actually wore one, or Raoul Wallenberg, who spiritually wore one. After all, the price will be cheap, unlike for the victims who were forced to wear it. Martin Leaf West Bloomfield Jewish Youth Volunteers I recently had the privilege of presiding at the eighth annual Youth Recognition Breakfast sponsored by the Farmington Youth Assistance. The break- fast honored students in the Farmington/Farmington Hills area in the 7th-12th grades who volunteer their time and ener- gy to various agencies both pub- lic and private. I was disheartened at the fact that this year, as in the past, less than 10 percent of the en- tries were Jewish students:( Therefore, I can only conclude the following regarding today's Jewish youth: 1. There are no Jewish stu- dents who do meaningful vol- unteer work that live in the Farmington/Farmington Hill area. 2. Our educators, communi- ty leaders, youth advisers, and rabbis feel it is not worth them time to fill out the necessary one-page form. 3. Jewish leaders are not in, touch with what's happening in our communities, or worse yet, with our youth. Hopefully next year if the problem revolves around #2 or #3, our leaders will extend themselves to seek out the Jew t, ish students in their organiza-\ tions who have given generously of their time and submit their names when they are called (I upon next February. - If, however, the problem re- volves around #1 (and I'm sure this is not the case), then oui( Jewish community is in a sad state. Helping one another has always been part of our heritage and it adds immeasurably to the personal growth of each in- dividual. Our young Jewish volunteer be recognized for their conscientious work every day and should be allowed the "glory" of community recognition as well. Jean Alspector Chairman, Farmington Youth Assistance