Happily Ever After in the 1980s when she took a look at several books in the Dell and Silhouette romance lines. She started reading; she couldn't stop. "I absolutely loved them," she says. "So I went back and got all the rest." What Ms. Shapiro liked was the happy end- ings. "And I don't buy that line that romances are not like real life. That's baloney," she says. "Real life is not so grim. Life has a lot of happy endings, too." Like Mrs. Greenberg, Ms. Shapiro's career started when she read several romances and realized, "I can write better than that." She began in 1983 and completed a book that was quickly rejected, "as well it should have been," she says. "It was terrible." Soon after, she attend- ed Oakland U,niversity seminars on romance writing, which lead her to the Romance Writers of America (RWA) associ- ation (today, she is head of the local chapter). She began meeting other writers who supported her in good times and bad; when she received her first rejection notice, she was at an RWA con- vention. "One writer put her hand on my shoulder; another took my hand. They told me, 'Now you've arrived.'" Then she began what would become Hello, Love, found herself a top agent and was a finalist in an RWA contest. The rejection letters still came, but they were of the "We like your book but think you should work on these areas" variety, not the "This material is not for us" form letter that most writers take to really mean, "Your book is the worst piece of garbage I have ever read." After Zebra accepted Hello, Love, Ms. Shapiro was as elated as one of her characters who has just discovered true love. Editors did want revi- sions, a few more chap- ters, a new title. The publisher wanted "love" in every title. "It could have been worse," Ms. Shapiro says. "It could have been something like Love's Passionate Em- brace." Hello, Love tells the story of Barbara, a pro- fessional, elegant woman from Grosse Pointe, and Sam, a rugged Montana rancher. Neither is a spring chicken. "It got to the point where I was tired of reading about younger adults with whom I could no longer identify," Ms. Shapiro says. "Life doesn't end when you hit 45." She describes writing as a process of "what ifs" and making connec- tions. Recently, her publisher requested :.:a short story for a 1 holiday anthology, for which Ms. Shapiro offers a glimpse of the creative process: "My starting point is, `What -do I associate with Chanukah?' Candles, of course, but I had already written one short story about Chanukah, `Rachel's Candle,' and I didn't want the same focus. So what else do you associate with Chanukah? Latkes. "I start thinking, she (the heroine) will be making latkes, which smell great, and that will attract him (her roman- tic interest). Maybe it will remind him of his childhood. "And where will she be when she's doing this? How about making them for her grandchildren. But why? Maybe because she's watching them for their parents. The par- ents are not very tradi- tional, and she wants to give the chil- dren a taste of the old-fash- ioned. "Now, how can he come on the scene? He'll walk by and smell them..." Ideas, she says, come from every- where: her own past, the doc- tor's waiting room, the newspaper, sto- ries friends tell. Dialogue, however, is not likely to reflect conversations one would over- hear in a cafe. "It can't be exactly the way people really talk," she says. "Imagine read- ing, 'Would you like some tea? Will you have some sugar in your tea? How about some milk?' How bor- ing." Hello, Love has been on the shelves at bookstores throughout the country for sev- eral months now, but Ms. Shapiro says the thrill of seeing it for sale hasn't diminished. "I still go to stores and I'll look at it and say, `That's me!' " she says. "But you wouldn't believe what my husband does. He'll actually go into malls and say, 'My wife just wrote a book, it's called...' and then he'll ask, `So, do you carry it?' " Montague set the paper down and rose from his LIVED page 40 Jan Greenberg