rofessors And Lawyers Dispute Assisted Suicide RUTH UTTMANN A" WR . > Geoffrey Fieger: Blames "zealots." must hold that there is a force that dictates the act is intrinsically bad, or that the act would have disas- trous consequences over a long period of time and among many people." Though Dr. Cohen did not object to state regula- tions on assisted suicide, he said that an all-out ban on it implies that people are the property of govern- ment. "I submit that viewing my life as the property of a state or higher being is flawed," he said. "If any- one owns me, I do." Dr. David Velleman, a U-M philosophy professor, disagreed with the argu- ments presented by Mr. Fieger and Dr. Cohen. He said the issue is not about rights, but rather about harm and benefits. "People can be harmed by being given options, by putting them in the posi- tion where they want to exercise an option when they previously didn't have it," he said. "If you are the night clerk at a convenience store, man- agement might have denied you the option of opening the safe — and you might not want that option." eoffrey Fieger, attor- ney for "medicide" doctor Jack Kevor- kian, was one of four •- I who locked horns during a public debate on K assisted suicide April 22 at the University of Mich- igan. In a sometimes fiery (- tirade against "religious , zealots," Mr. Fieger j denounced the recent ban > on assisted suicide in Michigan. "We're talking about \Andividual rights, civil rights, the rights of an individual versus the right of the state to make deci- sions for you," Mr. Fieger said. "The reason this l \ issue is debated is because /- this society was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics (which blur the distinction \ between church and state)." Dr. Carl Cohen, philoso- phy professor and director Geoffrey Fieger of Human Values in Medicine at the U-M Med- ical Center, also supported What if a thief came in ) the right to assisted sui- and demanded your keys cide. He stressed, however, that before society deter- • to the safe? Dr. Velleman asked. mines its stance on assist- "You would be sorry you ed suicide, it must decide had the option because it I its position on suicide. made you the target of "Are we categorically • coercion. • forbidden from taking our "The question (about lives?" he asked. "My assisted suicide) is belief is no. If suicide is whether, in giving people always wrong, then (one) - /) "...they (religious zealots) believe it's. God's will that you suffer until the end." the right to die, I might not be undermining (their welfare) by putting them in the position of taking an option they might other- wise not have been given," Dr. Velleman said. Edward Goldman, attor- ney for U-M's Medical Center, said suicide is legal in Michigan. He also said he does not believe "state prohibition of assist- ed suicide is necessary. "The current status is that hospitals and doctors make decisions on how and when a patient's life should end," he said. Mr. Goldman empha- sized the importance of a strong doctor/patient rela- tionship. He said a person requesting medicide must be unwavering in his desire to die. Doctors must have complete knowledge of a patient's condition and medical treatment options, Mr. Goldman said, adding that a strong peer review system should be set up. The debate was the first of a year-long series on medicide, sponsored by the Detroit Chapter of the American Jewish Commit- tee. The AJC has no for- mal position on the issue but hopes to take a stance after studying it during the next year. Last week's program, held at the law school, was co-sponsored by the Jewish Law Students Union. Judge Helene White of the Michigan Court of Appeals moderat- ed. "We think assisted sui- cide is the civil rights issue of the 1990s," said Sharona Shapiro, Michigan area director for AJC. "We want to examine the constitutionality and the ethics of it. We want to look at the issue from the perspective of medical ramifications and look at our own Jewish teachings and Jewish legal responsa — traditional and contem- porary." ❑ Pro-Israel Christian To Speak Here May 4 LESLEY PEARL STAFF WRITER Pastor. Rawson: "Don't convert." L ike any religious leader, Pastor Ken- neth Rawson would like to see his congre- gation flourish — not with Jews, though. The spiritual leader of Bible Students Congrega- tion of New Brunswick, N.J., is against Christian missionizing to Jews. "Our message is: 'Do not convert; do not assimilate; cherish your heritage; sup- port Israel.' The journey has been too long and too difficult to turn back,' " Pastor Rawson said. Pastor Rawson will speak about his beliefs and present a video titled Israel: Appointment With Destiny, at 8 p.m. May 4 at Young Israel of Southfield. The video, a 45-minute presentation filmed in Israel, has been shown at synagogues and Jewish federations across the United States and in Israel for three years. Pastor Rawson is continu- ally updating the film with new material. "This endeavor is a nat- ural for me. Bible Stu- dents Congregation has been historically docu- mented as pro-Zionist, non-proselytizing," Pastor Rawson said. "I am con- cerned about the high level of assimilation and anti- Semitism and I feel this message is urgent." Bible Students Congre- gation is non-denomina- tional and worldwide. Its distinguishing features are a belief in non-proselytiz- ing and the idea of one God as opposed to the Christian divinity of "Father, Son and Holy Spirit." In addition to traveling the country with his video and message, Pastor Rawson has waged an active editorial campaign against anti-Semitism, anti-Israel propaganda and Holocaust revisionism. His congregation places ads refuting such informa- tion, and Pastor Rawson often writes opinion pieces for publications. Israel: Appointment With Destiny has been translated into Russian and is being shown in the former Soviet Union with the assistance of SHAMIR — the Association of Jewish Professionals from the former Soviet Union in Israel. Bible Students Congregation has been documented as pro-Zionist. "The Jews in the former Soviet republics are espe- cially vulnerable. We have to help establish Jewish roots there," Pastor Rawson said. Pastor Rawson and the Bible Students Congrega- tion now receive the sup- port of Reform, Conser- vative and Orthodox con- gregations. However, he met with resistance when he first approached Jews with his video and presen- tation three years ago. "There was a great deal of skepticism at first — an attitude of 'this is our problem.' The reception is good now." The program May 4 is open to the community. ❑ co cr, cp cc (a_ 15