Peres' Miracle Message: A Fist Pounding A Hand When Israel's Foreign Minister Shimon Peres addressed the assembled 1,300 Miracle Mis- sion participants, his message was like a fist hitting the palm of a hand. As part of his official greetings, Mr. Peres told the assembly Israel wanted green lands, not only for itself but for the entire Middle East. He said Israel wanted fresh water, not just for itself but for the entire region. Finally, he said Israel was against violence, no matter where it is. Then Mr. Peres raised his voice to say Jews cannot control anti-Semitism, but Jews and Israel can control weakness. He said for a last- ing peace to happen, Israel's strength must be mighty enough to be a factor at the peace table. It was not the recent terrorist acts causing the closure of the West Bank and Gaza into Israel for Palestinian workers that he was talking about. For that, while difficult, is still only a nuisance, a harassment. The real picture involves peace in a region of enemies who won't throw stones or knife individuals here or there. It's the spread of aggression that concerns Israel. Mr. Peres was saying to get to green lands and fresh water and non-violence, strength is an imperative peace-table tool. That's what the region needs to understand and respect, before the peace process can carry on in good faith. Celebrating Israel Jewish life, and death, is receiving an extraor- dinary amount of attention this week in the me- dia. The 50th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising inspired somber ceremonies in War- saw, attended by Vice President Al Gore and other dignitaries. The occasion was also marked by large observances in New York and many other cities around the world. In addition, Holo- caust Remembrance Day was marked through- out the nation, and this year there has been special attention paid to the dedication and open- ing of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Also in Washington, the status of the on- again, off-again Middle East peace talks have received wide coverage. The kind of event that does not make the headlines, but bears mentioning here, is Israel's celebration of its 45th anniversary of statehood on Monday, corresponding to the 5th of Iyar on the Hebrew calendar. The correlation of the Holocaust observances, the peace talks and Israeli Independence Day are clear. Had there been a strong Jewish state 60 years ago, perhaps the tragedy would have been averted or lessened. Yet 41/2 decades after statehood, Israel is still seeking to make peace with her Arab neighbors. What Israel, and all Jews, celebrate most on Independence Day is the normalcy of the Jew- ish state. We rejoice in the very ordinariness of that nation's daily life, its schools and theaters and parks and picnics. And we are reminded of one Israeli youngster's reaction to his first vis- it to Yad Vashem, the national Holocaust mu- seum in Jerusalem. On learning of the death of six million European Jews, the little boy asked, "But where was Tzahal (the Israeli army)?" The message of course, is that Israel must re- ma;ri strong, morally and militarily, as a haven for Jews anywhere in the world. Reality Check Israel's decision to negotiate directly with Faisal lamic fundamentalists ready to push aside the al-Husseini, the east Jerusalem Palestinian PLO. leader, is a major step by the Rabin government Should Likud and/or the Islamic fundamen- toward acknowledging reality. But it is also talists be successful, peace for Israel can be all u) fraught with danger. but forgotten for now. Mr. Husseini has been the unofficial inter- At the same time, because Mr. Husseini lives locutor between the Palestinian delegation and in east Jerusalem his presence at the table rais- c.) Yassir Arafat's Tunis-based PLO — Israel's real es questions about the status of Jerusalem. (Dis- negotiating partner for the Palestinian track of regard the fiction of his "official" residence being the talks. It makes sense to openly sit at a table the West Bank town of Ramallah; some unre- 1– with . . Mr. Husseini, particularly since Foreign ality will always be part of these proceedings.) c) Minister Shimon Peres has been meeting unof- The Rabin government has chosen to ignore ficrally with him in recent weeks. this problem for now, preferring instead to take cz, Moreover, in the context of Palestinian poll- the chance that dealing with Mr. Husseini will = tics, Mr. Husseini is a moderate with whom Is- advance the peace process. rael can negotiate seriously. And if there is to be We hope so. But Israel is fast coming to the a Middle East peace treaty, no additional time point where it can ill afford to keep compromis- can be lost — not with the Likud poised to oust ing without obtaining concessions of equal im- Prime Minister Rabin's Labor coalition and Is- portance from the Arabs. 4 Letters A Thanks And Correction Thank you for the very nice article about WAND and me in the April 16 Jewish News. As usual, Kim Lifton's re- porting was accurate and graceful. The omission of a comma left the impression that Phyl- lis Schwartz is president of WAND, Metro Detroit. Phyl- lis was one of the founders, but Joyce Kaplan, along with Joanne Underwood, are the current co-chairs. In addition, other Jewish board members are Claire Bronson, who was also a founding member, and Mari- lyn Schechter. Arlene Victor Bloomfield Hills Gay-Bashing Was Offensive We were outraged erev Shabbat and just before our sacred Yom Hashoah to read your article (April 16) titled "First J. Edgar Hoover — Now Hitler." We know most of you, and have respected your professionalism in pub- lishing a high-quality paper. It is for this reason that our disappointment is so pro- found. We are at a complete loss as too how this piece of trash made its way into your paper. There is no byline. If we had had anything to do with it, we wouldn't want our names on it either. Since when is anything printed in the supermarket rag called The Sun considered, news? Your reprinting of ex- cerpts gives it credence. You disclaim that credence in your article — all the more reason for it not to have appeared at all. You are guilty of propa- gating Holocaust revisionist history. Was your intent to malign Hitler by calling him gay, or are you bashing gays by as- sociation with the most heinous person who ever lived? The gay community is under enough attack these days' by bigots without any additional help from The Jew- ish News. You raise many of the false titillating stereotypes of gays in outlandish fashion. It is as if the fundamentalist right has taken over your paper. Pinning the entire Holocaust on Hitler's mythical homo- sexuality, as you do in the first sentence, is egregious ho- mophobia at its worst. To print the offensive word (which we will not repeat -\ here) coined after the pieces of wood used to burn homo- sexuals to death — a practice Hitler used on gays as well as Jews, is unconscionable. You end your article with the quote that "Allied leaders L kept Hitler's homosexuality from the public because they wanted the people to hate Hitler, not laugh at him and treat him like a joke." By printing this are we, there- fore, to assume that your po- sition is: (A) that being homosexual makes one a '\ laughing stock and a joke? or (B) that 50 years later we can and should laugh at Hitler and treat him like a joke? Survivors and children of sur- r vivors are appalled. L'shon ha-ra, gossip, is one ,\ of the worst of sins because (,) once uttered or printed, the maligning words can never be retrieved. As the leadership of MO- SAIC, an organization up- holding the value of diversity and advocating for the vic- tims of bigotry, we are corn- mitted to demanding that you address your mistake in the hope that some of your slan- derous words can be retract- / ed and that The Jewish News C be an agent in the battle () against prejudice of any kind. Richard Lobenthal Dr. John Telford Rabbi Arnie Sleutelberg MOSAIC Editor's note: The item ap- peared in Arthur Magida's Me- dia Monitor column and was intended to inform the public of spurious material available in a supermarket tabloid. Our in- tent was to inform, not offend. Letters Policy Letters must be typewritten, dou- ble-spaced, and include the name, home address, daytime phone number and signature of the writer.