"If You 113on 1 1- PLO page 12 Subscribe... You Don't Know." THE JEWISH NEWS 93.00 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (Out of State, add S12.00) - Send in the coupon, or ifyou'd like call Stephani Miller at 354-6620. Please send payment and coupon to: 7hefewish News, 27676 Franklin Rd SoutlIfield MI 48034 State Zip as $175 million. But none of that assuaged the increas- ingly grim mood in the terri- tories. And then there's the prob- lem of the deportees. Though ostensibly solved by last February's Christopher- Rabin agreement, and sub- sequently removed from the agenda of the Security N Council, the plight of the N 396 Hamas deportees stranded in south Lebanon remains a very sore issue in the territories. A recent poll, in fact, showed a full 80 per- cent of the Palestinian pop- ulation opposed to resuming negotiations until tangible progress was made toward repatriating at least a por- tion of the deportees. Yet beyond the specific issues they've raised, what the Palestinians wanted to =) convey by postponing the talks is the sense that they must be taken seriously. "We're really hurting, but our people are proud," explained one PLO activist in the West Bank. "We can- not afford to return to the talks looking like wretched, powerless beggars who should be grateful."0 White House Upset With Palestinians Wan, to know about happenings in your community, your neighborhood? About local Jewish events and issues that impact you and your children? Want to know who's getting married? Or promoted. How about where to dine, shop? The latest sales. The money-saving coupons. And so much more. There's only one place you can get all this and more. All for as little as 63e a week! The Detroit Jewish News. Where else? Money-Saving 12 Month Subscription Mr. Husseini, who stands to make his debut as a nego- tiator in the coming round of talks, can feel the politi- cal ground crumbling beneath his feet. And Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, with an angry and insecure public at his own back, has done little to help him out. Not only did the prime min- ister refuse to make any gesture to "woo" the Palestinians back to the bargaining table but — con- trary to the advice of the IDF and Civil Admin- istration — he pledged to continue the punishing clo- sure of the territories until further notice. Last week steps were finally taken to help many of the Palestinians legally employed in Israel to receive their March wages. And on Sunday the ceiling on the number of workers granted permits to cross the Green Line was raised to 9,300. In addition, Finance Minister Avraham Shochat announced the tripling of this year's job development budget for the West Bank and Gaza Strip to as much C Linton administration officials quietly fumed this week over the latest delay in the Mideast peace talks. That delay, according to the private assessments of the Clinton-Christopher foreign policy team, was the result of confusion and dissension within the Palestinian delegation over the U.S.-brokered compro- mise on the Islamic depor- tees issue. The latest postponement in the talks represents one more step in the deteriora- tion of relations between Washington and the Palestinian leadership that began during Secretary of State Warren Christopher's trip to the region earlier this year. Top foreign-policy offi- cials were also miffed by the reluctance of Arab gov- ernments to come to Washington without a go- ahead from PLO Chairman Yassir Arafat. "There was a feeling that we had walked the extra mile in trying to work out an arrangement that would satisfy all parties to the negotiations," said one administration source. "The Palestinians appear to be the hangup now, and there doesn't appear to be any good reason for the delay besides internal poli- tics." Arab delegations urged the administration to press Israel for additional con- cessions. But administra- tion sources indicated that the president and secretary of state were satisfied that Israel had responded ade- quately to the American compromise package — and that the ball was now in the Palestinians' court. "There's been a degree of irritation in the adminis- tration response to the Palestinians for months," said William Quandt, a Mideast expert with the Brookings Institution. "This may not be a factor at all if the talks do resume next week. But if they don't, it may convince some people in the admin- istration that this is not a very promising track." 0 — James Besser