Opinion Editor's Notebook The Passover Challenge IOW KIMBERLY UFTON STAFF WRITER GARY ROSEIGLATT EDITOR One of the curi- ous aspects of Passover is that its observance, or lack of it, re- veals so much tti. about who we are as American 'Jews. I once had a professor at Yeshiva University who il- lustrated some of the differ- ences in denominational approaches to religious ob- servance by bringing in the Passover editions of two Jew- ish children's magazines, one Orthodox and one Reform. The Reform magazine talked of the excitement of Passover, of eating exotic foods at the seder, appreciat- ing the drama of the biblical passages leading up to the tenth plague and the exodus from Egypt, and the holiday's overall message of freedom. The theme, reinforced throughout the magazine, was that Passover is a won- drous holiday of miracles and celebration, of food and ritu- al. The Orthodox magazine's Passover issue, by contrast, consisted of a lengthy list of , ,Mood ingredients that were forbidden to be eaten because they were chametz, or leav- ened. No mention of Moses or miracles or meanings. The ; bottom line was that there j are an awful lot of forbidden foods that can't be eaten on Pesach so let's get to it. Admittedly, this example goes back a number of years and may be an extreme case. But there's a lesson to be learned here, and that it is we can obsess on the details and minutiae of Jewish law to the point that we fail to see the grand picture. And on the other hand, some of us are so enthralled with the joys of Judaism that we don't deal with the com- mandments unless they are pleasurable to perform. So drinking four cups of wine at the seder is fine, but con- cerning ourselves with which wines are kosher is a waste of time. Obviously, there's a happy ) medium here for all of us to ,, work toward, an appreciation of both the mitzvot and the message. One message of Passover ; r We Must Not Forget: Silence Is Dangerous that is all too often neglected in the mad-dash effort to clean our homes and rid them of certain foods is that chametz is more than food in- gredients. Our rabbis taught that cleaning out the chametz has a spiritual dimension as well, that each of us has the opportunity before this ma- jor festival to rid ourselves of that leavening component within us that causes our egos to rise like flour. The source of matzah or bread is the same: flour, wheat and grains. The dif- ference is that if these ingre- dients are mixed with water and allowed to remain, the result is bread. If, however, we speed up the baking process and recite, L'shaym matzos mitzvah, this act is being performed for the mitz- vah of baking matzahs; then the product is kosher to be eaten on Passover. Similarly, each of us has the ability to do good or evil, to act kindly or with anger. Our ingredients are the same. It's what we do with them that counts. If we allow our notions and feelings to control us, or to re- main stagnant, the result is the stuff of everyday life, the bread of thoughtlessness. If, however, we consciously de- vote ourselves to doing a mitzvah, to sanctifying our everyday acts, we transform that ordinary bread into a matzah of morality. This coming week, we have the opportunity to strength- en our Jewish lives. We, who as a community are obsessed with assimilation and a fu- ture of diminishing Jewish involvement, have the chance to connect with our families during this most celebrated of annual Jewish rituals — by preparing the content of the seder as carefully as we prepare the meal. The seder can be an ad- venture or a bore, a tired rite or a stimulating encounter. It's up to us to make it more than a brief prelude to the ever-present Fifth Question: when do we eat? The genius of the seder, and the reason why it has survived these thousands of years, is that in reenacting the first Passover, we inter- nalize and personalize our forefathers' experiences by actually tasting the matzah, the bread of affliction, and the maror, the bitterness of slavery. We are instructed by our rabbis to "Go and tell the sto- ry, to your children and grandchildren." In so doing, we create a new history. And if we do our task with atten- tion and commitment, that history will live anew in fu- ture generations. The story is there for all of us. The challenge is in our telling. El Only once in my lifetime have I seen such a large group of Jew- ish people re- main silent. Picture the scene. Nearly 1,000 women were seated in a large con- vention room last week at the Chicago Hilton Towers, where delegates from each state were voting on reso- lutions of the National Council of Jewish Women. On the floor: Should NCJW keep its resolution to preserve the separation of church and state by maintaining its position against teaching religion in public school? A delegate from Alaba- ma stood up and suggest- ed the oldest Jewish women's organization get rid of this resolution. If a debate arises, she said, and NCJW has a resolution against religion in schools, it can be damaging to the Jewish children who at- tend these schools. The idea of being visible, and of insisting on keeping religion out of the schools, points a finger at Jews re- siding in these Christian communities, she said. No one clapped. No one responded. Few even ac- knowledged this woman's point. Perhaps, I thought, the women were tired from the day's long program. Surely, we will fight for the separation of church and state — the one issue in this country that is paramount to the survival of the Jewish people and other religious minorities. I wanted to go to the podium to share my views with this woman. Instead, I just looked around at blank faces. At this point, I wondered if I had invent- ed the woman from Alaba- ma. Yet the woman seated next to me confirmed the suggestion had been to do away with the resolution about religion in the schools. A few more people walked to the microphone, each suggesting NCJW keep the resolution. Yet no one acknowledged the Al- abama point. Shortly af- terward, delegates voted to support the resolution. The rest of the week, I wondered about the con- tinuing silence. These are the most interesting peo- ple I know, and no one — except my roommate, an- other Detroiter — brought up the issue. She said most of us in cities with large Jewish populations are raised to think of being Jewish in a certain way. In Detroit, we can be vocal, she explained. We can work in coalitions with other groups. We can ask for things. We are part of the larger community. Remember construction of 1-696? Some lobbying helped the observant com- munities in Oak Park and Southfield get parks over the highway for easy ac- cess to the synagogues on Shabbat. Never before had I looked at living in Detroit as a luxury for a Jew. But we are safe here. And we can not take this for grant- ed. I wonder if Alabama would put up parks and sidewalks at the advice of the Jewish community? Maybe not. This woman scared me. And she scared my friend. We both believe silence is dangerous. Silence didn't save the lives of the Jews killed in Nazi Europe dur- ing the Holocaust. Now I pose a challenge to all organizations of the Jewish community. If those Jews living in Al- abama or rural areas are afraid to speak out for fear of persecution, can we find other ways to speak for them? CI