750 Celebrating 50 years of growth with the Detroit Jewish Community THE JE SH 2 6 ADAR 5753/MARCH 19,1993 The Home Heals Amid Funding Debate Optimism abounds and non-institutional care for the aging is discussed as the community grapples with the fate of the Jewish Home for Aged. KIMBERLY LIFTON STAFF WRITER espite the past problems at the Jewish Home for Aged – serious health code viola- tions, exorbitant clean-up fees, con- tinually high oper- ating costs and poor management – the Jewish Fed- eration of Metropolitan Detroit agrees it must remain in the busi- ness of caring for the Jewish elder- ly. But questions remain over meth- ods and high cost of care. Does the system work? Was it necessary for the Federation to spend $4.5 mil- lion this year (about $15,000 a res- ident) to bail out JHA's 312 beds at Borman Hall and Prentis Manor nursing homes? their dues, and they supported the Jewish community all of their lives. Now it is their turn." Like other agency directors, Alan Goodman, executive director for Detroit's Jewish Family Service, agrees there is a need for a Jewish nursing home. But he is not sure resources were judiciously allocat- ed. "Sometimes the wrong decisions are made under stress during cri- sis situations," he says. "Perhaps if there had been no crisis, more mon- ey would have been spent in com- munity services." "There are always people who will say we are spending too much on Jewish homes and housing for the aged," said Herb Shore, president of the National Assoc- iation of Jewish Homes for the Aged, which oversees the 105 not-for-profit Jewish nursing homes throughout the country. "You should have home health care, you should have ser- Is the Home taking more than Its share of Jewish community funds? vices, you should have a hospital and you should have a home for aged. Agency for Jewish Education ex- "These are the people who are ecutive director Howard Gelberd most at risk," Mr. Shore says. said he isn't sure if the injection of "These are the most frail, and they monies into the Home will have any cannot be abandoned. They paid HOME FOR AGED page 26 Inside BUSINESS Westernizing Local businessmen take risks for profits in Russia. Page 43 BACKGROUND Totomania! The national lotto has got Israel pumped. Page 59 Jewish Perspective College fair will focus on campus biases and realities. LESLEY PEARL STAFF WRITER C rossing the bridge near Wells Hall at Michigan State University, a stu- dent is handed every- thing from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals pamphlets to pocket-sized Bibles to anti-Israel propaganda. The encounter is hardly a uniquely Spartan experience. Each day at colleges and univer- sities around the country, political and religious groups try to get across their messages. Many groups are innocuous, but increasing num- bers are spreading words of hate. Often, the average college stu- - dent has neither the information nor the gumption to respond. Jewish Community Council hopes to alter that by sponsoring a college fair for Jewish high school students. It will be held, at the Agency for Jewish Education build- ing 10 a.m. March 28. JCCouncil began identifying the problems of Jewish students on campus about four years ago when Louis Farrakhan appeared at MSU. Howard Wallach, chairman of JCCouncil's college fair task force, said the JCCouncil decided the or- ganization needed to help high school and college students deal with racism, anti-Semitism and pro-Arab propaganda. The task force was formed — act- ing as a resource for campuses, dis- tributing leaflets and fact sheets on Israel. "We wanted to give students the ammunition to respond to attacks," Mr. Wallach said. However, the task force also re- alized the difficulty of functioning on a continuous basis with limited JEWISH PERSPECTIVE page 12 ENTERTAINMENT Jewish Shtick An Orthodox comedian brings his act to the Comedy Castle. Page 73 Contents on page 5