IN THE NAME Of T C/) LLJ Cf) LLJ CC F- LU he man who would change the face of the world and establish what is now the world's fastest-growing religion was born with little fan- fare. His name was Muham- mad, and he was born in 570 C.E. in Mecca. He was raised by his uncle, Abu Talib. At 25, he married Khadija, a widow 15 years his senior. When he was 40, Muhammad announced that God had directed him to serve as his prophet and deliver the message of monotheism to Arabic-speaking peo- ples. He would be the last of God's prophets, following in the path of Abraham, Moses and Jesus. More than 1,300 years later, the Muslim popu- lation of the world is 950 million. Followers live in more than 150 countries, everywhere from the United States to Spain to Iran. Islam also has been the source of repeated calls for violence against Jews and Israel. "It is the fate of the Jews to be slaughtered by our hands," reads the covenant of Hamas, a "resistance" movement which, like other funda- mentalist Islamic groups, is finding greater and greater support in 11 BY ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM the Middle East. "No Jew is innocent. All Jews must be killed. Israel will exist until it is destroyed by Islam." uhammad's rela- tionship with the Jews was often cor- dial, but basically strained from the start. After declaring himself God's prophet, Muham- mad settled with the Jewish community of Yathrib in Medina, Arabia (about 270 miles north of Mecca). He already had amassed a large following, and he believed the Jews would be quick to join him. In an effort to court the Jews to Islam, Muhammad at first took on Jewish religious ritu- als like daily prayer, and established a fast, based on Yom Kippur, called Ashura. He placed restrictions on what one could eat (pork is forbid- den to Muslims) and directed followers to face toward Jerusalem while reciting certain prayers. But the Jews showed little interest in convert- ing. Instead of becoming Muhammad's followers, they turned into "his bit- terest enemies," says Alford Welch, Michigan State University profes- sor of religious studies, "Being anti-Zionist doesn't mean you are anti-Jewish." — Imam Elahi who teaches courses on both Judaism and Islam. Muhammad was engaged in constant mili- tary battle with the citi- zens of Medina. Jews sided against Muham- Mad, reportedly even becoming involved in a plot to assassinate him. Muhammad, as his power increased, took vengeance. First, he expelled Jews from Medina. Then a Muhammad-appointed judge ordered that all Jewish women and chil- dren be sold as slaves. As he abandoned hope of converting the Jews, Muhammad dropped the religious traditions he had borrowed from Judaism, "reorienting Islam to ancient Arabian rituals," Professor Welch says. For example, rather than facing Jerusalem during certain parts of prayer, Muslims were directed to turn toward Mecca. Abraham was described as a true Muslim, not a Jew, as was Moses. Ashura was replaced by the month- long Fast of Ramadan. Followers continued to spread Muhammad's message after his death. Non-believers often were presented with the choice: convert or get out. Jews opted for the latter, moving from the Arabian peninsula to Syria, Mesopotamia and Palestine. But soon, the Muslims were there, too. By the 9th century, the majority of Jews were living under Arab rule. Because they were monotheists, the Jews held the dubious privi- lege of being dhimmi, lit- erally "client" — which means they weren't com- pletely stripped of their wealth, but still obligat- ed to pay heavy taxes for "protection" from the larger group, the Muslims. This "Golden Age of Muslim Civilization" lasted through the 15th century, when both Muslims and Jews were expelled from Spain, England, France and Portugal. Islam would find a stronghold in the Middle East, while most What does Wain reallyy about ai 48 LLJ