People of the Book... Cf) w Recreational readers have shared fiction, non-fiction, and chapters of their lives throughout the decades. w RUTH =WARN STAFF WRITER CC F- w C:) LLJ 44 PROLOGUE... t was 1966. Each month, women of the Book Club un- knotted their aprons and congregated in each other's living rooms to dis- cuss a different paperback. Most were pregnant when they read The Auto- biography of Malcolm X. They discussed metaphor and racial tension. But sometimes they digressed to conversations about Dr. Spock, husbands and dia- pers. After 27 years, members of the Book Club have grown up. These days Annie Ginis and other members of the group read and discuss a great deal of feminist liter- ature. All have careers. Some, like Rene Lieberman and Sharon Schmidt, speak of grandchildren. The women of the Book Club, which meets in the northern suburbs, have long since shelved their mater- nity clothes...but shelve their books? Never.