Jury Duty Is Not A Choice; It's The Law Ml V. 1 pā€¢41' .// Flo you think politicians today spend too much time bickering over ending legislation? Try envision the arguments at took place in 1791, e year of the passage of e Bill of Rights. Political personalities at he time were strong, mong them President eorge Washington, Vice resident John Adams, ecretary of State Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison (fourth presi- tent) and Alexander amilton, the duo who rote The Federalist to id the campaign to ratify he Constitution. Though they debated any of these amend- ents, the forefathers greed they needed to pprove the Sixth Amend- ent, which provides ccused criminals the 'ght to a speedy trial by a ury of peers. These forefathers laid he groundwork for the ne avenue of public ser- ice many Americans take for granted: jury duty. And it is likely that each egistered driver and oter in Michigan at some oint will be summoned to serve on a jury in district, circuit or federal court. Though many of those who receive notice try to get out of jury duty, excuses rarely hold up. By writing a letter to the court, you may be able to defer service. But chances are that once your name is pulled from the pool, you will be called again within the next few months. You may prolong service, but you can't get out of it without a good excuse ā€” handicap, living in a nursing home, bed- ridden. "It's a state law. It is a federal law," says 48th District Judge Ed Avadenka. "You must serve. I got called for jury duty. I went. But no attor- ney wanted a judge on the jury." . Adam Baker, a Birming- ham attorney, has given much thought to the role of a jury in the United States. "What if you were on trial whether you were rightly or wrongly accused of a crime? Who would you want to serve on your jury?" Mr. Baker asks. "I'm sure you wouldn't want people trying to get out of it because it was an imposition or because tim- ing was bad." Judges and trial attor- neys are inundated with excuses from people who do not want to serve on a jury. Some worry about missing work, others fear they will lose sales corn- missions, some caregivers wonder who will watch their young children. "They protest all the time," says Federal Judge Bernard Friedman of the Eastern District of Mich- Bernard A. Friedman igan. "I explain to them that not only do they have a civic duty, but also that it is very interesting. "On the first day, they are kvetching like crazy," Judge Friedman said. "But after they get over the initial shock of miss- ing work, they love it." Oakland Circuit Court Judge Edward Sosnick's sister once asked him how to get thrown off a jury. He gave her some advice. She served; and she enjoyed it. "It is a privilege to live in a place that has juries. Otherwise, the con- sequences for a society without this system would be grim," he said. "We make it clear when we call in our prospective jurors that during peace- time, this country doesn't ask much. The only thing asked is to pay taxes and do jury duty." Jurors for district and circuit courts are drawn through a lottery system based on driver's license records. For federal court, juries are selected through a combined system ā€” based on voter and dri- ver's license registration lists. In criminal cases, juries comprise 12 men and women. Some civil cases are made up of six jurors. As a juror, your job is to listen to all of the facts of the case and render a decision of innocent or guilty. Judges will further instruct the jurors. Jurors are advised not to discuss a case with any- one until the trial is over and the verdict is ren- dered. Otherwise, they could be held in contempt of court, which could result in a fine or jail time. Oakland County Assis- tant Prosecutor Lisa Ribo has selected several juries. She wants you to serve if you want to. "Some have attitudes and some don't," Ms. Ribo said. "Some come into the jury room thinking they really don't want to be there and leave feeling rewarded. I hear a lot of that. "But if someone is giv- ing me signals that he does not want to serve, I am likely to use one of my peremptory challenges (lawyers can remove a cer- tain number of jurors with no reason) to get that per- son off the jury. He or she may not listen to the testi- mony." Ms. Ribo added that the fi juror with a poor attitude is a rarity. Jury duty, she said, is the only area of govern- ment in which the lay per- son can make a contribu- tion that makes an imme- diate difference. Southfield attorney Jay Schreier hasn't selected many juries during his career. But he did serve on a jury in 1990. He also was selected the jury fore- man. Edward Sosnick The case came before a judge in Oakland Circuit Court. The subject: crimi- nal prosecution of a man who allegedly broke into a newspaper box and took a paper ā€” a felony charge. "He was acquitted," Mr. Schreier said. "I think the guy did it, but based on the instructions of the judge and the facts of the case, the prosecutor did not meet the burden of proof. "I felt like I was doing a service, and also some- thing that was of benefit to me," Mr. Schreier said. "I would do it again." What if you fail to appear for jury duty? First, you will receive a show cause notice. So you still need to go to court to ask the judge not to hold you in contempt, a misde- meanor which can result in a fine and/or 90 days in jail. Failure to respond to a show cause surely will bring a bench warrant, also a misde- meanor charge. Judge Avadenka said he has never thrown someone in jail for failing to show up for jury duty. Jury Coordinator Carol Doddard of the 48th District Court said the numbers of no-shows has increased over the past few years. Many have moved; others act like jury duty is a large imposition. "I just tell them it is an obligation," Ms. Doddard said. "They can defer it, but sooner or later, they will have to come in." Michigan law states that residents must serve on jury duty in the state court system no more than once a year. The federal system works a little dif- ferently. You can be excused from federal jury duty if you are called more than once over a two-year period. From the same lists from which federal juries are selected, a few will be called to serve on a feder- al grand jury, which meets periodically over a six- month period. The special grand jury decides whether a crime was committed, and whether probable cause exists to charge a person with a crime. This four- person group, selected by a federal judge, also has subpoena powers. In most cases, you needn't worry about time. In Oakland County Circuit Court, trials rarely last more than two days. District court is the same. And 95 percent of the cases filed are settled out of court. Federal trials could be lengthier. "They can go a long time," Judge Friedman said. "I've had trials go as long as three months, but the norm is five to seven trial days." 0