Serving It Up ("two to three years old") and small ("run by one or two people") and were %trying to place their products in gourmet food stores and upscale mar- kets. "The real growth — in numbers, if not in dollar sales — is coming from the smaller entrepreneurs," says Mr. ;Abbey who, echoing the opinion of oth- ers, views it as "part of a general \reawakening ofJewish identity. Jew- ish leaders are crying about inter- marriage/assimilation trends but there are countertrends and oppor- tunities." Mr. Abbey says these small com- panies are going to the trouble of get- ; dng kosher certification because it opens up a large, affluent market and because to many people, even those who don't keep kosher, it implies the food has been more carefully pre- pared. Leah David adds that for a small company, the key to success is . nationally recognized kosher certifi- cation. Kosher foods generally follow over- all food trends. In the corporate food world, convenience and gourmet are \ the order of the day. No surprise, then, that kosher products, from fla- vored coffees to organic cereals, are ' becoming more upscale and sophisti- cated. This past summer, Mon Cuisine made its debut in eight cities, in- ) eluding Detroit. It is the first line of frozen, kosher microwavable entrees, ;according to its manufacturer, Meal Mart, a New York City kosher food company. Norman Schwartz, Mon Cuisine's director of sales and mar- keting, says the line is intended for "Jewish families, which are changing both parents now work" as well as for Jewish travelers. This past summer also marked the debut of "Kosher Cornucopia," the first mail-order catalog devoted sole- ; ly to upscale kosher foods, from salsa to smoked salmon. `,- Launched after a year of research, the company initially mailed more than 100,000 catalogs. The response has been "great," says Phyllis Blu- ) menthal, president of the Jefferson- ville, N.Y., company. Although she expects to ship mostly in the United r States, Kosher Cornucopia already has sent a kosher salami to a soldier stationed on a U.S. Army base in Greenland (from his mother, who ) else?). ) The Book's The Food is not the only item aimed at the Jewish market. Jewish books, mu- sic and art — at upscale prices — are in big demand. REciPE YELLOW AKf ONC.744 '( Some companies go after the Jewish market aggressively, and become, by the kinds of advertising they place in the Jewish media, "Jewish brands," according to one ad executive. Sales of Jewish books have in- tributes this to "an increased Jew- creased in all categories, from Talmud ish awareness" — which might seem translations and Holocaust literature odd since the company specializes in to children's series, according to the books from an Orthodox perspective sales directors of two Jewish pub- and an estimated 90 percent of the lishers. buyers of its books are Orthodox. Still, Sheila Tennenbaum of Mesorah he explains, "we feel there's a much Publications, is herself amazed at how stronger awareness of, and more in- quickly business has grown. "I've been terest in, their Jewishness." in publishing 26 years and I've never As evidence, he cites the number of seen anything like it," says Ms. Ten- esoteric works once available only in nenbaum of the Brooklyn, N.Y., com- Hebrew and recently translated into pany which five years ago was English. "The Comprehensive Tal- publishing 10 to 12 books a year and mudic Directory, years in the making, just came out," he says. "For 50 years, is now up to 50 books a year. At Mesorah and its Artscroll divi- there was only one Talmudic dictio- sion, which specializes in English nary on the market. All of a sudden, translations of Hebrew texts, Ms. Ten- within the last year, you have two nenbaum singles out the Talmud, new ones." There are other reasons for the prayer books and children's books as sales increase. In recent years, a doing especially well. The company's growing number ofJewish bookstores translation of the Babylonian Tal- have sprung up through which Feld- mud, issued in 1990, "took off tremen- heim distributes its product. A more dously," she says. sophisticated Jewish publishing field She has hopes that the company's exists today, too. "So many new titles one-volume translation of the Pen- are coming out that (Jewish publish- tatuch, due out within the year, will ing) is more like the secular publish- be equally successful. "We've found ing market — some items sell, some that there is a tremendous amount of people returning to traditional Ju- don't," he says. "Used to be, there wasn't that much out there so what- daism where Hebrew is not their ever you published, it sold." mother tongue and the books being Feldheim has expanded its offer- translated are an easy way to learn ings and now publishes Holocaust lit- the texts." erature, self-help and parenting Sales are up for Artscroll's prayer books, and novels. But its mainstays, book, in which the company took an and strongest sellers, are translated approach similar to the Babylonian classics like The Chumash with Talmud. "We made an effort to make Rashi, along with works on the holi- it readable," Ms. Tennenbaum says. days and "serious" children's books, "To publish something in old English like an illustrated guide to the laws would be useless. It's been done be- of Shabbat. Two of its most popular fore." books deal with the ba'al teshuvah Eli Hollander, sales director of Feld- movement (return to Judaism), and heim Publishers, a 53-year old com- one of them, The Bamboo Cradle, is pany in Spring Valley, N.Y., also the company's single best seller. reports rising sales, especially for clas- In the music field, David Bogner, sics translated into English. He at- marketing director for Aderet Music Corporation, Brooklyn, N.Y., one of the larger distributors ofJewish and Israeli tapes, CDs and music videos in the world, sees several develop- ments related to ethnic target mar- keting — Jewish and upscale. "There are people who are reach- ing out to this audience," he says, from infusion jazz artists to what he calls an "American-Jewish phenom- enon." Mainstream jazz artists like Arkady Kofinan and Jon Simon have recorded music with Jewish and/or Chasidic backgrounds. They, and oth- ers, "could make their way anywhere in the music world but realize, as- tutely, that there's a need for a pro- fessional, polished musical product targeted at the Jewish market," Mr. Bogner says. Their music, selling quite well, is carried in major outlets like Tower Records as well as adver- tised in Jewish catalogs and periodi- cals. On the American-Jewish music scene, klezmer experienced a major revival. A few artists are creating this type of music, in particular the group Safam, which, Mr. Bogner says, "has broken all the rules and been very successful at it." Safam is one of the best selling Jewish groups in Amer- ica, outselling any individual Israeli or Chasidic singer. There's been a steadily increasing demand for cantorial music. All the major outlets now stock it. "You find it next to medieval and Gregorian chants in the classical music depart- ments," Mr. Bogner says, adding, "There's a sense that the old cantors are now classic recording artists." The World Of Video Eric Goldman, president of Ergo Media, a mail order video company in Teaneck, N.J., says the same thing is happening in his business. The de- mand for upscale products translates to "more of a desire to have a unique- ly Jewish video as opposed to a 'reg- ular' item." Two videos are particularly popu- lar. One is children's videos, especially those that entertainingly explain the holidays and traditions. "You're start- ing to see parents buying videos for the purpose ofJewish enrichment and Jewish education, particularly where the child does not have access to a for- mal. (Jewish) education — for exam- ple, small towns, rural areas, even urban areas where the parent doesn't identify publicly with the Jewish corn- munity," Mr. Goldman says. The other popular video is Jewish music, especially for teens. "For the