BUSINESS so, HOW'S BUSINESS? Rima Parker and Rosalie Beck of Renoir Woman. For four businesses in suburban Detroit, the consensus of opinion was one of thank goodness 1992 is over; now let's move on and hope that its recession and doldrums never come around again. By Phil Jacobs, Managing Editor Dressing Down. The Recession Rima Parker and Rosalie Beck pilot Renoir Woman through the downturn with cautious optimism. R ima Parker and Rosalie Beck are beaming with pride. Well they should be. The co-owners of Renoir Woman, a clothing store for the full-figured woman, recently tripled its space to its current Main Street location in Royal Oak. Business seems to be going well. The owners say, though, with a laugh, that it also de- pends on what day of the week you ask them. "There is a difference now, compared to before 1992 and the recession," said Ms. Park- er. "The difference is that in the past, customers had the income to buy at any time. Now, many people wait longer than they used to. There's not a free sense of buying like before. Now, it's a well-thought out, 'Can I af- ford this now or should I wait?' type of thing. We're seeing that many people are choosing to wait instead." Ms. Parker added that the store's Royal Oak location is a real plus, because of the constant high level of activi- ty on the streets. 'We see that the economy is improving," she continued. "We can see from out of our window here in Royal Oak. It's a gradual improvement. We're seeing that people are having more hope about the economy in general. Presi- dent Clinton and Vice Presi- dent Gore offer a vigorous new direction. They seem so young and vital. They pump "A lot of it for its has been to go by instinct, `How does it feel?' " people up with their atti- tudes." Ms. Beck indicated that their five-year-old business actually got its feet wet dur- ing the recession. Even though the store has been successful, the partners ad- mit that they've had to de- velop almost a sixth sense of how to outwit the economic downturn by spending more time learning about their cus- tomers and how the business could meet their customers' needs. "The recession brought on a tremendous change for many retailers," said Ms. Beck. "Not just here in De- troit, but the effect was all over the country, with other people we know in the same type of business." 'We try to think like the customers would think," said Ms. Parker, so in many in- stances, we make decisions in inventory as if we were customers making the deci- sions. But you learn in this business how to fill a need for your customers. You have to find that need, and if you don't do that successfully, you can lose customers. A lot of it for us has been to go by in- stinct, 'How does it feel?' " Because the business is a specialty shop, the entrepre- neurs do get a repeat cus- tomer who does want skilled sales advice. So there is a loy- alty to the store. Both co-owners agreed that they were "cautiously opti- mistic" that the recession was in their past. "We don't want to be too excited," said Ms. Beck, "Clin- ton can't make an immediate change. But we do feel that the immediate future of re- tail is a bit safer."