Community Views Take Me To Your Leaders Soothing Anxieties Of Our Children The radio an- nouncer inter- rupted the music to inform listeners his Caryl that Chessman's ex- ecution had just been carried kit. I was playing in the kitchen where my mother was cooking. I was alarmed ooth by such unusual behav- ior on the always staid CBC, and by the content of the an- nouncement. My mother ex- Orlained to me that Mr. Chessman had murdered two women, was found guilty and Lherefore punished. It was Illy first awareness that harm could come to people in real life and not just in fairy tales. !Sensing my anxiety, my mother reassured me that this happened far away from ins, the person was caught and that my world was still !safe. I was less able to be reas- sured that my world was free from possible harm when I learned the reasons for the numbers tattooed on the arms of my friends' parents. I real- 1 4zed that there are times where there is nowhere to ,hide from evil and that the world can be a scary place. When my girlfriend's father /died suddenly when we were in grade school, I knew how vulnerable my own world >could be. Unlike my own experience and that of my contempo- raries, children today gener- /Oy go not gain progressive awareness of the dangers and uncertainties around them. By an early age, radio and television news, the tabloid "infotainment" shows, and the visual images on the front \ i-,' age of our newspapers in- undate our children with hor- rifying details of events and atrocities in our community and beyond. These become facts of their world which can cause anxiety and uncertain- /4. In the last few months our children have had to deal with images of the victims of \ Hurricane Andrew, stories of homeless families with chil- dren, pictures of the starving in Somalia, reports of abduc- /- --ions of children, stories of parents who leave their chil- dren unattended while they fly off to vacation, and fre- )quent headlines screaming the details of every variety of 1 child neglect and abuse. The \-tragic car accident that took the life of a Hillel School first l ' \ Janice Starkman Goldfein is a clinical social worker in pri- vate practice in Southfield. grader and her mother dis- tresed and frightened parents and children alike. For some of the children at Hillel who were already dealing with their feelings about the sud- den death of a classmate's father, it was especially over- whelming. Answering the questions generated by these stories is the responsibility of parent- ing that's more difficult than the physical and administra- tive demands. The first and most painful question for kids is, could this happen to me? Anything within our control is easy to reassure. We can guarantee that we will not leave them unattended in sit- uations which could make them anxious, or that we won't use drugs so they will not be left to deal with their own needs or potential emer- gencies. But what of situations that are not in our control? We cannot guarantee that bad things won't happen, but we can reassure them that we are taking every reasonable precaution to see that noth- ing bad happens either to us or to them. They should be aware that we carefully con- sider the implications of dif- ferent circumstances and experiences and plan accord- ingly. When we explain our thought processes and rea- soning, it not only teaches how to approach situations and think ahead, but it also reassures them of our ongo- ing efforts create a safe world. Ideally we have to reflect a balance between appropriate caution and thoughtfulness on the one hand, and exces- "There are times when there is nowhere to hide from evil and that the world can be a scary place." sive worry and fear leading to avoidance or withdrawal, on the other. Our behavior sends messages at least as powerful as the ones we express ver- bally. If we come home and set the alarm and then go about our business knowing we have done what we rea- sonably can to alert us of dan- ger, we send a message of trust. If we continue to worry and constantly check the alarm, the doors, and win- dows and remain anxious, we send a message of fear. The questions which follow immediate concern about their own world usually focus on what and how. Kids often want to know the details of an event and its aftermath. Knowledge makes the event less mysterious and frighten- ing and offers some possible clues for understanding. Questions should always be answered in as forthright a manner as possible, offering as much information as seems appropriate. If we can be matter of fact about prac- ticalities, the underlying mes- sage suggests that reality is possible to deal with. If we are evasive or afraid, we convey that the situation is too hor- rible to discuss. When a vac- uum is created by a lack of information or by the mes- sage that a subject cannot be talked about, the imagination may create frightening fan- tasies. Our verbal and non-verbal messages shape our children's views and fears. It is impor- tant to be aware of how our own experiences formed our attitudes. Were we taught that the world is an interest- ing place where new experi- ences and challenges were welcomed rather than avoid- ed? Did we have experiences which traumatized us in some way? Do we believe that we are capable of dealing with any circumstance which pre- sents itself, or do we believe that there are situations that might be impossible to deal with so we avoid risk and change? Being aware of these issues helps us understand our own behavior and con- tributes to conscious choices in dealing with our children. As children get older, their questions about events be- come more complex and so- phisticated. Questions about good and evil arise. How can people behave in so brutal a way towards one another? How can a loving God allow such pain and sadness to oc- cur? These questions provide us wonderful opportunities to share our thoughts and val- ues in positive ways. Most of us struggle with trying to un- derstand both the reasons and lessons of situations. Our Tradition and teachings pro- vide rich sources for dealing with these issues. Having our children see the struggle and dilemmas we experience en- courages their own thinking and stimulates discussion. It is through these conversa- tions that we have a chance to transmit the values we have and to encourage iden- tification with these. No matter how we under- ANXIETIES page 8 Jewish lead- ers are a driven bunch. What other group would meet for several days in winter in sunny Arizona by hud- dling in endless committees inside a hotel from early morning until late evening, with suits and ties the standard attire for men? But then, the 150 or so pro- fessional and volunteer lead- ers of the Council of Jewish Federations who came to Phoenix last week for their annual leadership board in- stitute had some serious is- sues to deal with. Most notably, they felt the need to jump-start a special commis- sion on Jewish identity, an- nounced at the General Assembly in New York last November as an effort to counter the increasing trend of assimilation in American Jewish life. This is new ground for fed- erations, which have been ex- tremely successful in raising large sums of money to pro- vide for social service needs for Jews in Israel and here at home but have not been in the business of trying to make Jews more Jewish. I was honored, and a bit unnerved, when asked to ad- dress last week's board insti- tute at a session called, "The State of Federations: A Dia- logue." I was asked, no doubt, because I had written sever- al columns in the last few months dealing with prob- lems facing federation. To their credit, the leaders of the CJF, the umbrella group of some 200 federations throughout the U.S. and Canada, were willing to in- vite an "outsider" to critique them, and the resultant two- hour session was, I think, not only liVely but productive. In my remarks, I sought to explain that though I am an outsider in the sense that I do not work for federation or sit on its board, I consider myself an "insider" in the sense that I am a caring Jew, struggling to transmit my proud Jewish heritage to my own three children. And I care deeply about the success of the enterprise we know as federation. I suggested that if the main goal of federation is to raise money, then the current system, an oligarchy, where power is in the hands of a few, should not be changed. But if the primary goal is tru- ly to build and strengthen and ensure the survival of the Jewish people and the Jew- ish community, then major changes are in order. Today, the language of federation is of consensus and committee and process. But to move from the world of social work to the world of Judaism, the vocabulary should include words like Torah and mitzvot and covenant. Because the role of federation has changed. For decades it took care of the financially poor and needy, but today we have a community that is Jewish- ly and spiritually impover- ished, and federation needs to not only raise money but raise Jews. I submitted that federa- tion can no longer, in an ef- fort to maintain community consensus, avoid contro- versial issues dealing with religion (like assimilation and intermarriage). In- stead, it must be more bold and take the path that is most effective rather than the path of least resistance. My premise was that there is a hungering out there among American Jews for authenticity, for more Jewish knowledge and a deeper understand- ing of our history and her- itage — as long as it is presented in a thoughtful, caring, non-threatening way. In practical terms, I sug- gested that Jewish textual study become a part of every CJF function, from the General Assembly, which successfully intro- duced such a study session last November, to CJF quarterlies and board in- stitutes. And textual study should become part of mis- sions to Israel as well, per- haps devoting time for participants to learn about the religious significance of the land of Israel. High school graduates should be encouraged to spend a year before college studying in Israel, as has become the norm in the Or- thodox community, provid- ing young people with a commitment to Israel and Jewish values that will last them their whole lives. Here at home, federation needs to forge a new rela- tionship with what should be its strongest ally: the synagogue. Historically, synagogues and federations have seen each other as competitors rather than al- lies, going after potential leaders and donors. Feder- RELIGIOUS PEOPLE page 8 FEBRU AR Y GARY ROSENBLATT EDITOR STARKMAN GOLDFEIN SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS