Facing The Challenges, Rewards Of College Life . Continued from Page L-1 At Farrakhan appearances at Michigan State, Jews were called racist by Farrakhan supporters, for objecting to the anti-Semitism. Jewish students had to threaten the adminis- tration with a lawsuit for violating University policy before the adminis- tration acknowledged culpability in remaining silent in the face of Farrak- han's anti-Semitism. While perhaps not the most dis- tressing, property damage is identi- fied by Jewish students as another issue of concern for them: vandalism of Hillels, "Jewish" fraternities and sororities, dormitory rooms, etc., are reported across the country. In a 1992 conference of Jewish college students, panelists reported the following issues of paramount concern: vandalism and graffiti; intim- idation and harassment; organized bigotry; universities being used as platforms for extremist speakers (most frequently cited are Prof. Leonard Jeffries, Louis Farrakhan, Steve Cokeley, Prof. Griff, Kwame Ture); "JAP" baiting; anti-Israel activi- ties; incidental one-on-one anti- Semitism; exclusion; (MSU's "people of color and culture caucus" changed its name to "people of color caucus" primarily to exclude Jews who claim- ed that they, too, were a discriminat- ed minority); and with accepted ad- ministrative policies (registration or first day of classes on High Holy Days); and the emergence of Holo- caust denial strategies. Some conference participants indi- cated they felt their physical security to be in jeopardy. While a position not affirmed by the majority of conference participants, it is noteworthy to in- clude and monitor these sentiments in this discussion. Jewish students also report feeling excluded from some of the religious activities which crept into official school activities that appeared to have the sanction of the college or university, such as Fundamentalist Christian student groups sponsoring prayer at half-time at an athletic event. Occasionally professors are insensitive or downright hostile to Jews or Jewish practices, or to the Jewish community, or to Jewish sup- THE JEWISH NEWS 27676 Franklin Road Southfield, Michigan 48034 February 12, 1993 Associate Publisher: Arthur M. Horwitz Adviser: Harlene W. Appelman port of Israel. (One University of Michigan professor referred to the "Judaizing of Nazism" when talking about Israel.) One must realize that the range of unpleasant experiences addressed to Jews or Jewish concerns is quite broad. While all of these issues are not universally felt, regularly experi- enced, or comprise the entire range of experiences available to Jews, the listing is to alert you to a growing rise in campus anti-Semitism. Jews are often quite active con- fronting these issues, based on col- lective decisions about which are important. When Holocaust Revisionists offered ads to student newspapers, many papers refused the ad. Where it was printed, the Jewish students received outpourings of support from the non-Jewish corn- munity. At the University of Michigan several years ago, outraged Jewish students protested the Michigan Daily's distorted Israel-bashing, and ultimately were successful in getting the editors ousted when they ran for reelection. In Adrian, Fellowship of Christian Christian Athletes united with Jews to protest a PLO speaker. Elsewhere, Jewish programs and concerns are active parts of campus life. Indeed, the anti-Semitic activities described by students represent acts committed by only a small fraction of the campus Correction The Chanukah puzzle contained in the December 11, 1992, L'Chayim section was created by Flo Ziffer. We apologize for the omission. population. Most students seem to be neither supportive of the extremist behaviors the Jewish students de- scribed or are passive because of their apathy. Nonetheless, negative experi- ences confronting Jewish college stu- dents are on the increase. This mir- rors a national trend. In the recently released FBI report on hate-crimes in the U.S. for 1991, nearly 17 percent of ALL hate crimes in the country tar- geted Jews. African-Americans were targets of about 35 percent of the hate crimes. Perhaps the most insidious aspect of anti-Semitism on college campus- es is that it exacts a "tax" on Jews: it's harder to be Jewish than not to be Jewish. The consequence is that it makes assimilation more attractive for Jews and causes some Jewish students to withdraw from the Jewish community. It is consequence of experiencing anti-Semitism that every Jewish young person must examine. The old maxim that "it's not easy being Jewish" was never more true than it is today on the college cam- pus. As we see an increase of bigotry aimed at Jews on the campus, even as we see a (slight) decline of such incidents in the community at large, the need for commitment, prepara- tion, and resolve in college students is greater than ever. Thus affiliation with some Jewish group on campus: Hillel, Jewish Students Organization; interest groups, Israel oriented groups, some group, is crucial not only for support and to combat isola- tion, but to offer that same support to others who feel threatened. Mr. Lobenthal is regional director of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. Program For College-Bound ADL has recently initiated a train- ing program geared for high school seniors. To be conducted in the spring, this program will address the issues brought to us by college stu- dents. Featuring techniques, analy- sis, and resources, it is predicated on several critical assumption: (1) that the issues CAN be positively responded to, (2) that these nega- tive incidents represent a small frac- tion of the sentiment on the campus and the rest of the campus popula- tion can be appealed to successful- ly; (3) that there are myriad resources available to Jewish stu- dents, (4) that the college experi- ence, however intruded upon by anti-Semitism, is still one to antici- pate, and (5) that corrective mecha- nisms are present within every col- lege campus. Look for the announcement on the Pre College Preparation Program in The Jewish News in the spring, if you'd like to attend.