The Aguda Fights Back I She was scalded with a toxic chemical. She was forced to ingest deadly poison. She writhed in agony for hours before she died. She was thrown in a bucket and dumped out with the garbage. ?ro-life groups, like the Heritage House of Arizona, regularly disseminate pamphlets showing aborted fetuses. opted for abortion was be- cause having a baby would interfere with their career. One percent of the abortions were the result of rape or in- cest. Like Mr. Feder, Washing- - ton Post and Village Voice columnist Nat Hentoff is op- posed to abortion. But it has nothing to do with religion. "I reject the notion that cer- ain lives are not worth liv- ing," Mr. Hentoff says. A distinct genetic code ex- ists from the moment of con- ception, Mr. Hentoff says. To Nat Hentoff end the life of a "developing human being" simply for the sake of "a woman's conve- nience" is unethical, immoral and a violation of equal pro- tection under the law. Mr. Hentoff hardly fits the image of the typical pro-lif- er — that Bible-toting church- goer who would rather boil in hot oil than vote in favor of abortion rights. He is an atheist and self- defined liberal. His primary reputation is as an authority on the First Amendment. He has written extensively on the subject, both in his columns and in books like The First Freedom: The Tumul- tuous Histo- ry of Free Speech in America and The Day They Came To Arrest the Book. A for- mer associ- ate editor of Down Beat magazine, he is on the steering committee of the Re- porters' Committee for Freedom of the Press. Mr. Hen- toff s in- volvement in the pro-life movement began nine years ago, when a New York couple fought to end the life of their newborn. The child had been born with spina bifida, a congenital dis- ease resulting in incomplete closure of the spine. A number of Jewish and other groups rallied around the parents, some even la- beling their plan to let the baby the comparable to "a late abortion," Mr. Hentoff says. "I had been pro-choice without even thinking about it," before the incident, he says. "Then I began to won- der,`If that's what these peo- ple think abortion is all about, maybe there's more to it than I thought.' "How could anyone be so quick to let a human being die?" Sharon Long and Paula Ross understand. Ms. Long is secretary for a national group, Feminists for Life. Miss Ross works at the Legal Center for the Defense of Life, which coordinates free legal counsel for individuals in the pro-life movement. Both women are products of Conservative Jewish homes. Both are New York- ers. Both are pro-life. Ms. Long reached her po- sition on abortion when she was still in her teens and working as a nurse. That's when she realized that "all human life has to have infi- nite value and worth." She's confused by those who regard the fetus dispos- able one day, but a full hu- man being the moment it emerges from the womb. "There's simply no place to draw the line at which the fe- tus becomes a person." A caseworker in child sup- port enforcement at the Queens, N.Y., Family Court, Ms. Long calls herself an ar- dent feminist. She believes that women "have an abor- tion not because they have a choice, but because they don't." She advocates greater funding and increased op- tions for pregnant women and mothers. "I identify with the fetus because that's how I started out myself," adds Miss Ross, a native of Connecticut. "This is not a religious is- sue at all. It's a human rights issue," she says. She resents assertions that the fetus is somehow "disposable tissue simply because its organs haven't developed." One of the key influences in shaping her view was watching friends and ac- quaintances who chose abor- tion. "To them, it's nine months of inconvenience," she says. "To the baby, it's a lifetime." R abbi Yehuda Levin wants to know if Phil Donahue has a Cath- olic problem. When the head of the Jew- ish Anti-Abortion League was a guest on the talk show — the subject was abortion — he was amazed to hear Mr. Donahue question Catholic leaders' adamant stance on the issue. "What's your problem with Catholic priests?" he asked. "What have you got against your own religion?" Historically, the Catholic Church — seconded closely by Evangelical Christians — has he Aguda does not mince words. "Hys- terical hyperbole" is the way the Agudath Is- rael of America, a New York-based Orthodox or- ganization founded in 1922, reacted to Jewish groups' protest of the Supreme Court's Webster vs. Reproductive Health Services ruling, Issued in 1989, the rul- ing upheld certain sec- tions of Missouri's abortion law, such as a finding that human life begins at conception and requiring physicians to determine fetal viability before performing an abortion. The Aguda is the sole Jewish organization out- spoken in its anti-abor- tion position. It supports overturning Roe vs. Wade, and in 1992 filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the Supreme Court, opposing abortion on de- mand. The Aguda does sup- port one kind of abortion — when the life of the mother is threatened, which is demanded by Halachah. Its stance is drawn from a religious, but at the same time con- stitutional, understand ing, the Aglaia says, because it upholds the First Amendment right to religious freedom. Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, the Aguda's director of government affairs and general counsel, has written extensively on the issue. He says that opposition to abortion is fundamental to Judaism. "Jewish law flatly pro- hibith abortions in all but exceptional cases," he writes. The Gemarah estab- lishes that for b'nei Noach (literally, "the sons of Noah," but un- derstood to mean "hu manity") "destruction of fetal life is a capital of- fense, derived from the proscription against mur- der," Mr. Zwiebel says. "Indeed, based on the question of whether such prohibition extends even to cases involving danger to the mother's life, a number of poskirn (ha- lachic authorities) would prohibit b'nei Noach from performing abor- tions even for therapeu- tic purposes." And while Jewish law does not prescribe capi- tal punishment for abor- tion, "as a general rule it is, nonetheless, prohibit- ed — either because it is murder or a form of mur- der." 0