( Pardon Me With his Christmas Eve pardon of Caspar Weinberger and five other officials in the Rea- gan administration for their role in the arms- for-hostages scandal, George Bush became the first president of the U.S. to, in effect, par- don himself. Now that there will be no trial of Mr. Wein- berger, the former secretary of defense, we may never know whether Mr. Bush, then vice pres- ident, was involved in the two covert actions (selling arms to Iran for the return of hostages from Lebanon, and using the money to aid Nicaraguan rebels), or whether he was aware they were taking place, or, whether, as he maintains, he was "out of the loop" and un- aware. And we may never find out if President Reagan knew that his aides were involved in illegal activities. Independent counsel Lawrence Walsh, in condemning the pardon, suggested strongly that Mr. Bush had good reason to seek an end to the investigations. "In light of President Bush's own misconduct," he said, "we are gravely concerned about his decision to par- don others who lied to Congress and obstructed official investigations." Mr. Bush exercised — and abused — his most authoritative right as president in grant- ing the pardons. In his written statement, he described other presidential pardons in his- tory — including Andrew Johnson's pardon of soldiers who fought in the Confederacy and Jimmy Carter's pardon of men who refused to fight in Vietnam — as part of the "healing tra- dition." But Mr. Bush did not mention the pres- idential pardon most similar to his, the purely political act of Gerald Ford pardoning Richard Nixon for Watergate illegalities. The major difference between those two po- litical acts was that Mr. Ford's pardon came as he assumed the presidency, while Mr. Bush's took place as he leaves office. Mr. Ford realized that his action could cost him the pres- idency (and many say it did) while Mr. Bush is beyond the reach of the voters, having wait- ed until after his defeat before issuing this par- don. Politically, Mr. Bush's action was well timed; ethically it was a travesty. The lesson he leaves the American public is that some men are, in- deed, above the law, and that it is permissible to lie to Congress to protect top officials. Mr. Bush may be correct in assessing that most Americans are no longer interested in the byzantine Iran-contra affair of six years ago. He says it is time to move on. But he has de- prived his fellow citizens of their right to know how power in the highest offices — including his own — may have been abused. Without such knowledge we can move on, but not forward. Forming Policy The winds of change continue to blow in Washington. As government prepares to make a democratic, and relatively smooth, transi- tion from a Republican to a Democratic ad- ministration, it seems clear that foreign affairs will take up more of the new president's agen- da than perhaps he had hoped. American troops are in Somalia on a mis- - sion of mercy, but no one seems to know how long they will stay. There are humanitarian motives for America to intervene more direct- ly in Bosnia, as well, where civilians are being murdered and raped in a systematic fashion. The Middle East peace talks are in danger of unraveling. Boris Yeltsin's hold on the gov- ernment in Russia is tentative and the whole region could be thrown into chaos. Not to men- tion Saddam Hussein rebuilding his nuclear arsenal. Who will decide America's role as the sole superpower? Who will determine when we act as moral policeman and when we do not? Judg- ing from Bill Clinton's proposed appointments last week of Warren Christopher as secretary of state and Anthony Lake as national securi- ty adviser, the answer is Mr. Clinton. Mr. Christopher is the consummate diplo- mat and pragmatist who is far more adept at carrying out a proposal than creating one. Some pro-Israel activists are less than enthu- siastic about him because of his involvement in the Carter administration's Mideast poli- cy and because he does not appear to have any instinctual empathy for the Jewish state. The same could be said for Mr. Lake. Judging from Mr. Clinton's statements on foreign policy during the campaign (and there weren't many), he intends to play the major role in shaping a coherent foreign policy for a world that lacks coherence. We hope that Al Gore, his vice president, will play a vital role as well, having proved himself ably in the Sen- ate on foreign affairs. The players in Mr. Clinton's new drama will soon be in place. What they need is for him to play the role of director. 400 PAL6S1INIAw% • nril FA DA AC1 VI SI'S IMPoRiet) BY ISRAEL ilill(111(111 If (111 1 Learn Your Bingo Rules Apparently Elizabeth Apple- baum is not a bingo player, for in her article (12-11-92) "Vaad Says No Dice On Gam- bling Debate" she made an awful blunder! Anyone who plays the game knows that the B is from 1 to 15; I -16 to 30; N - 31 to 45; G - 46 to 60; and 0 - 61 to 75. You had one number correctly matched with its letter: 1-23. I'm sure you won't let it happen again. Cindy Katanick Davie, Fla. No Thanks, Lone Ranger Gary Rosenblatt's column on the role of Rabbi Avi Weiss,_ "In Search of the Real Weiss" (12-18-92), fails to note that there are other, and more professional, ways of dealing with Jewish community re- lations issues than the ego- centered approach taken by the rabbi. To confront these issues there are a consider- able number of agencies maintained and supported by American Jewry. A self-appointed guardian of Jewish rights throughout the world, Rabbi Weiss, like Don Quixote, charges out to conquer the foe single-hand- edly. He chooses not to notice that New York City is the headquarters of organiza- tions with history, experience and judgement in dealing with pressing issues facing the Jewish community. Rab- bi Weiss might accomplish more if he saw fit to find ways to join with these agencies, devising and implementing suitable strategies. The Lone Ranger approach of Rabbi Weiss is not appro- priate to our times. Alan D. Kandel West Bloomfield Dry Bones r-Tuc ritoRe --n4At.)- 11111 Letters Cartoonists & Writers Syndicate li-IAV6 RECEIVED A GOT MORE SqmPA- n-lee AND A1- 1- 6Kst t v..) 114AN TA& -MoRE - -rvkAw- Soo PAESIIN t ANS MURDERED ace %NM FADA ACTIVISTS. Pr Some PA ARE MORE MORE estuAL rvkAna olvAER PALEST' MANS - Jewish Remains Deserve Respect Either the early remains of dead Jews have sanctity and deserve respectful treatment or they do not. If they have sanctity, there is no "statute of limitations" on grave des- ecration. On the other hand, if Jew- ish remains have no special sanctity, then recent or an- cient, a dead body deserves no better treatment than any other solid waste — or at maximum only deserves re- spect as long as there are liv- ing relatives who would be emotionally upset. If that is the case, the ashes of the Holocaust belong in the dust- bin, and crowded cemeteries should be emptied as soon as relatives expire. The author of "Rabbi Rules on Old Bones," (12-25-92) ig- nores the basic and impor- tant philosophical issues and settles for a cheap shot at ob- servant Jews and their Torah sages. He clearly shows bias in favor of highway construc- tion over graves or desecrat- ing graves by moving them. The Jewish News seems all in favor of preservation of Jewish cemeteries in Europe when gentiles are doing the desecration, but when secu- lar Israelis want to destroy the graves of our forefathers, you flail instead at the rabbi who prevents it. Sol Lachman Oak Park Don't Compare Stella, Judenrat Although I found 'The Blonde Poison" (12-11-92) very in- teresting, I was angered by the comparison of Stella Goldschlag to the Judenrat. Unlike Miss Goldschlag, who of her own volition turned in hundreds of fellow Jews, the heads of the Ju- denrat were forced into coop- eration with the Nazis. Had council members not worked with the Nazis, the Nazis would have destroyed the kehilah (community) imme- diately. My grandfather, Sholom Reinitz, was the head of the Preshov (Czechoslovakia) ke- hilah when the Slovak Nazis came. By working with the Slovaks and keeping the kehilah organized, he had hoped to save at least some members of his doomed corn- LETTERS page 8