Community Views Editor's Notebook Arab Concessions? The Kishke Quotient BERL FALBAUM SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS GARY ROSENBLATT EDITOR In most pro- tracted argu- ments, the is- sues sometimes become so con- fused and dis- torted that the basic principles are lost with some dema- gogues taking advantage of the distortions. That is exactly what has happened in the Arab-Israeli conflict. At times, when ana- lyzing media reports, Middle East watchers may feel like they are reading Alice in Wonderland. It's time to take an assess- ment of the gut issues in this conflict. First, Israel has never ini- tiated any conflict with any Arab nation. For 43 years, it has been prepared to live in eace with its neighbors but none has come forth with peaceful accommodation ex- cept Egypt. Second, Israel exists today only because of one reason: its military might. If it were .not militarily superior to Arab nations, "peace loving" Arab states would have long ago wiped Israel off the map. Third, the so-called Pales- tinian issue has nothing to do with peace in the region. Even if that very difficult problem were solved today, ,,:eace would not exist in the region. It will not exist until some 20 Arab nations emu- late the late Anwar Sadat who understood that the obligation for peace rests on Arab shoulders. He paid with his life for his courage. Fourth, the "land for peace" phrase is nothing more than a PR slogan. Arab nations , have stated there can be no peace unless Israel gives up land but they have not said would be peace. That is -.7 there ) a crucial distinction. Consid- er if Israel surrendered land before the Gulf War. The Th Scud missiles would have i been much more effective when fired from the Gaza strip or the West Bank. ' Fifth, Israel has had its survival threatened daily for some 43 years, and one can- not measure what that does to the psychology of a nation. Thus, if Israelis have be- come "hardened" and suspi- ,ious, who can blame them? It has suffered through five wars, daily terrorist attacks, thousands of lost lives and hundreds of thousands of war injuries. Yet the world points its fingers at Israel and Arab '-aggressors escape criticism. Sixth, in the entire discus- sion of the "peace process," no , Berl Falbaum is a West Bloomfield-based freelance columnist. one ever discusses conces- sions which need to be made by Arab nations. The only ones demanded are those sought from Israel. Professor Ruth Wisse, of McGill University, who has written extensively on the subject for Commentary, summarized it best: "... The Arab war against Israel, though hardly a play, is very much a moral strug- gle, not between equal claims and equal justices but be- tween a very powerful, com- plex and determined people that seeks to destroy the Jew- ish polity, or to cripple it as a prelude to its destruction, and the Jews who intend to protect that polity. "On the Jewish side there is democracy, tolerance of pluralism, implicit accep- tance of regional diplomacy. On the other side there is — at best — benevolent despo- tism, and propagation of Jew- hatred as a national and religious ideology. If one has any respect for the Arabs, one should certainly do them the courtesy of acknowledging their view of the world. "But to accept this view of the world as though it were morally unexceptional is to sacrifice every principle of democracy and international law." That about states the case bin. They voted for a change from a more conservative and less "flexible" government yet the loss of life continues — despite all the "liberal" pro- posals and "olive branches" of the Rabin government. They are wondering if ac- commodation is indeed the answer if Israel will continue to suffer under unrelenting attacks with a loss of inno- cent lives. The tragic events of recent months with the new gov- ernment in place only under- line that the obligation for peace rests with the Arabs. The formula for peace in the Middle East is, concisely stated, a very simple one: The Arabs only need to accept the existence of Israel, put down their arms and abandon their objective to destroy the Jew- ish state. This would require no con- cessions, no negotiations, no sacrifices. All it would require is a sincere desire for peace. If this were to occur, nego- tiations would be possible to settle the Palestinian prob- lem and a host of other polit- ical, economic and social issues which tear at the hearts of peace-loving Israelis and Arabs alike. Even the peace with Egypt is a fragile one with the Egyptian press practicing the most hostile and virulent Just how strong is the Jewish con- nection to Bill Clinton? On ' the first night of Rosh Hash- 4 anah, about 85 of his 300 campaign staffers in Little Rock at- tended synagogue. And the following week, a memo was issued from campaign headquarters telling Jew- ish staffers not to use cam- paign work as an excuse not to attend Yom Kippur ser- vices. That's involvement. But how will that trans- late into a Clinton admin- istration supportive of Israel and sensitive to American Jewish concerns? Morris Amitay says the proof will become evident through key appointments in the next few weeks and through policies of the Clin- ton administration in its first three months in office. Mr. Amitay, a Jewish ac- tivist in Washington and former executive director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), was a key figure in the cam- paign's effort to win Jewish votes. (It has been estimat- ed that Mr. Clinton won as much as 85 percent of the Jewish vote.) "If you didn't like Bush and Baker's treatment of Is- rael, these guys have to be better," Mr. Amitay said of Bill Clinton and Al Gore. He said to look for the key people who will be named to national security posts and check their pro-Israel You can tell a lot about a president by how he feels in his gut toward Israel. „ Israeli Defense Forces working within the West Bank. as accurately as possible. President-elect Bill Clinton seems to recognize the "un- balanced" nature of the debate when he stated in the pre-election campaign speeches that it was time for Arab nations to make con- cessions. The hope is that he will use the presidency to place the pressure where it belongs. Israelis also are beginning to feel even more frustrations under the administration of Prime Minister Yitzhak Ra- anti-Semitism. Yet, this too escapes any censure of critics of Israel. The Palestinian problem, admittedly, needs to be solved. But one should note it was created by the Arab nations — not Israel — who exploited the issue and have taken advantage of it for years, not because they want a Palestinian state, but be- cause it puts pressure on Israel. CONCESSIONS page 10 records, and to look for statements from the new administration regarding the peace process, the Arab economic boycott, arms sales and other important Mideast issues. "This administration will want to be inclusive" when it comes to involving Amer- ican Jewish leaders, Mr. Amitay added. But as we prepare to scrutinize and analyze a new administration, we need to reassess our own standards for determining who is a friend. First, look- ing for Jewish names when it comes to appointments in the administration is not necessarily an accurate gauge of support for Israel. Certainly it's a change of pace to see names like Man- delbaum, Reich, Segal, Berger and Kantor men- tioned regularly as key ad- visers, particularly after Pat Buchanan had pledged that a re-elected Geroge Bush would wage "a reli- gious war" from the White House. If nothing else, this indi- cates that Bill Clinton and Al Gore include Jews among their advisers and friends. But that doesn't mean that all of these Jews share a common view about resolving the Mideast con- flict, or any other key issue, for that matter. There are Congressional Jews — War- ren Rudman of New Hamp- shire comes to mind — whose voting records on the Mideast and issues of Jew- ish concern have been less than sterling, and of course there are non-Jews, elected and appointed, who have been among Israel's most effective advocates. In addition, the Israeli government equation has changed dramatically as well. Whether or not we are aware of it, our mindset has been affected by 15 years of Likud dominance, to the point that American Jews might consider some state- ments by Israel's prime minister — on the territo- ries or accommodations for peace — as too soft on Is- rael if they were spoken by a leader in this country. As a reflection of the change in thinking among Israeli leaders, American Jews supportive of a land- for-peace outlook, who were to the left of the main- stream here for many years, are now finding favor in the eyes of both the Rabin and Clinton policy makers. Sara Ehrman, for example, a for- mer AIPAC staffer and leader of American Friends for Peace Now, is in the Clinton inner circle and played a key role in the campaign. The reaction one has to the name Jimmy Carter is another factor to consider. Some Jewish activists have responded negatively to just about anyone connected with Mr. Carter's foreign policy team, including An- thony Lake and Warren Christopher, top advisers to Mr. Clinton who served in the Carter administration. Didn't Mr. Carter bring about the peace accord be- tween Israel and Egypt? Don't we think of the 1979 agreement as the high point of Arab-Israel relations and KISHKE page 10