k7T4's ta.SMVA, Following Orders I t was an order and I simply did what I was told." These 12 words that recently came from the mouth of a Serbian soldier are an echo from a past that we had all hoped would never be repeated. They were heard at Nurem- burg. They were heard in the Gulag. They were heard in Vietnam. And now, we hear them from young Serbian soldiers who rape 10-year-olds, slit the throats of civilians as if they were slaugh- tering pigs, and mow down innocents — 30, 40, 50 at a time — with machine guns, then dump their bodies into furnaces for incineration. "It was an order and I simply did what I was told." These words are an affront to decency. And yet, how many of us have complied with orders that have made us feel squeamish, that we sense are morally compromised. And how many excuses have we made for ourselves in the name of expediency and clearing our gutted con- science? "It was an order and I simply did what I was told." Remembering the Holocaust, we say "Never again." Pointing fingers at the "ethnic cleans- ing" of the Serbs, we say, "Never again." But how many "revers" can there be? And when will the spark of conscience allow soldiers to respond to immoral orders with these words: "It was an order but I told my superior officer no." Five Years Later I t has been five years now since a new word entered our vocabulary: intifada. The spon- taneous Palestinian uprising that began De- cember 9, 1987, sparked by a traffic accident in Gaza, has undergone many changes, most significantly from a popular protest against Is- raeli rule to a bloody intra-Palestinian battle- ground. And as Foreign Correspondent Douglas Davis reports on page 108, what seemed to be a triumph for the Palestine Liberation Orga- nization has become, instead, a victory of sorts for Hamas, the Islamic radical group. In the early months of the intifada, the me- dia's coverage of Palestinian youths hurling rocks and invectives at Israeli soldiers strength- ened the perception of the Palestinian struggle as a simple one between oppressed, stateless people and the armed forces that sought to quell them. Many have forgotten now how, in part as a result of a greater sympathy for the Palestin- ian cause, a special United Nations session was convened in Geneva to deal with the issue, and PLO leader Yassir Arafat held a late-night press conference to read a carefully-worded statement in which he renounced terrorism and ac- knowledged UN resolutions 242 and 338, in ef- fed recognizing Israel's right to exist. This, in turn, led to the intifada's sweetest fruit — an official dialogue with Washington. But it soon turned sour when Arafat refused to disavow a terrorist attack on Israel by a PLO affiliate. And since then Arafat has been iso- lated by former allies for misreading the polit- ical cards and supporting losers, from the leaders of the attempted coup in Moscow to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. During this time, Hamas has emerged as a powerful political force whose militant position is to oppose any form of political compromise with Israel. And the intifada has become an ex- cuse for Palestinians to kill each other for po- litical, religious or personal reasons while claiming that these brutal executions are pun- ishment for collaborating with the Israeli ene- my. In effect, the intifada has come to symbolize the frustration and weakness of the Palestin- ian cause: an initial rage against the "outsider" that has turned inward and, at least until now, a dream of statehood and dominance that has overshadowed the need for political compro- mise. ; Dry Bones IN 114E GAME of At)-E-AST -TA bk'S TuRO! .. .ISRAEL GCs Tp MAkE ALL '4ouR - TNAG MOVES Letters Rising Bias In The U.S. Your (Nov. 20) front page response to the latest ADL survey was very much to the point. Florence and I were part of Frank Sklarsky's AJC dialogue effort, the most frustrating social effort of my life. Dr. Schoem's comment that we need to emphasize shared concerns is appropriate. The most important obser- vation, in my opinion — that we have more to fear from right-wing fundamentalists — is most astute. We need to do more reaching out dialogue, communicate — with this huge community and really work at it. History has already warned us that this is the imminent and long-range danger. We need to aggressively support the work of the Rev. James Lyons and the Ecumenical In- stitute for Jewish and Chris- tian Studies with strong ef- forts to communicate, build bridges, educate Christians and Jews about each other. We must teach that anti- Semitism is a Christian pro- blem. We must overcome millenia of suspicion, fear and hate. Once we know each other, we can learn to be brothers — and sisters — finally fulfilling the American Dream for all. Arnold Michlin President, Ecumenical Institute for Jewish & Christian Studies We're To Blame For Borman Hall I was appalled after reading the Close-Up article Nov. 27, "Code Blue for Borman Hall." How could an affluent com- munity like ours allow this to happen to our parents and our elderly? I feel shame both individually and collectively for our community. How was this allowed to happen? Sure- ly when we give to charitable organizations we never expect to read an article like this. I understand there is never enough money to do everything, but surely there are priorities. Shouldn't our very own parents and children take top priority with these organizations 9,--< • 1 This community built an edifice, the Jewish Communi- ty Center in West Bloomfield, with the best of everything R and we let our elderly go down the tube. Surely the people that allocate where our contributions are to be spent and the people that ad- minister the Home must share in the responsibility for ,2 allowing this condition to develop. The ultimate respon- sibility is ours. If there is not enough money, the community must be made aware of the situa- tion. It is our responsibility — yours and mine — not to let something like this happen. I think our community should get its priorities straight. Alvin Ribiat Southfield Converts And Homosexuals r j Although it has been many"' weeks since your paper printed favorable articles on Christians attempting to con- vert Jews and then following -J that with a favorable article on homosexuals, I find myself still upset that you would' print such disgraceful articles. Even your paper knows that the Torah punishes homosex- uality by the death penalty. 1 , The title "Jewish" should be dropped from your paper'sc= name. Leo I. Stein Oak Park , Ms. Zimmerman To Be Missed H The art community of the Detroit metropolitan area owes a debt of gratitude to Ms. Sharon Zimmerman, curator of the beautiful Janice Charach Epstein _ Museum-Gallery, who is plan-' ning to leave the gallery in the near future. The exhibitions that she has curated have been '- outstanding. She has set a ZIMMERMAN page 8