• Iran Looms Large On Clinton's Horizon DOUGLAS DAVIS FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT T it's your wor Marvel at the magic of creativity on... A front-wheel-drive bicycle. A "video-toaster". A folding suitcase. It's everything you didn't know you needed — and the inventors hope you can't do without. Tuesdays at 9 p.m. Channel 33 Continental Cablevision® MON.-SAT. 10-6 25% OFF Entire Stock of Fall and Winter Shoes For 3 Days Only! Friday November 13, Saturday November 14, Monday, November 16 (Previous Sales and Evening Shoes Excluded) SHOE GALLERY 15 Mile and Orchard Lake Road — West Bloomfield 851.5470 he Iranian ayatollahs have blighted the ca- reers of the last three presidents. Jimmy Carter was humiliated by the Teheran embassy hostage crisis, while both Ronald Reagan and George Bush were embroiled in the Irangate arms-for-hostages deal. As President-elect Bill Clinton prepares to move from Little Rock to Wash- ington, there are signs that, sooner rather than later, he will face the greatest challenge of all from a res- urgent Iran, which Western sources believe is galloping toward nuclear capability. The mullahs of Teheran are now engaged in a cam- paign to extend their in- fluence in the Middle East, to export their message of radical Islam throughout the Muslim world and to acquire the doomsday weapons that will underpin their claim to be a regional, if not interna- tional, power. Like it or not, these ambi- tions could set a large part of the agenda for the incoming Clinton administration and could undo the resolve of a new president who is anx- ious to focus on seeking remedies for domestic econ- omic ills. Iran also leads the crusade against the Middle East peace process and hosted a noisy anti-peace rally in Teheran, drawing on Islamic fundamentalists and Pales- tinian radicals, at the time of the Madrid conference just one year ago. Its uncompromising mes- sage was underscored late last week when President Hashemi Rafsanjani, the supposedly moderate Ira- nian leader, delivered an impassioned address to par- ticipants attending Friday prayers at Teheran Univer- sity. "The weak and miserable Arab governments have agreed to negotiations with Israel, thinking their prob- lems are finished," he said. "But will the Muslim people accept their signature in the future? These signatures have not the least value. Will the people accept Palestine remaining forever Jewish?" Should Mr. Clinton allow a brief slackening in the peace process as his new ad- ministration shakes down, Iran is likely to take advan- tage. "If the United States becomes entangled in do- mestic problems," President Rafsanjani declared bluntly, "the people here will finish Israel." So far, Iran has used its Lebanese Hezbollah sur- rogates to spearhead a bid to derail the talks through at- tacks on targets both inside the security zone and across Israel's northern border. Earlier this month, Hez- bollah claimed responsibili- ty for detonating a roadside bomb that killed five Israeli servicemen on patrol in south Lebanon and then Iran exports the cash and ideology fueling Arab opposition to the Middle East peace talks. unleashed a cross-border rocket attack that killed a 14-year-old boy in the Israeli border town of Kiryat Shmona. Last weekend, another salvo of Hezbollah rockets pounded northern Israel, sending Hezbollah guer- rillas into their bunkers to await the anticipated Israeli retaliatory strikes. Evidence has also emerged that Iran is throwing its con- siderable financial and military clout behind Hamas, a radical Islamic movement that was born in the Gaza Strip in the mid- 1980s and has grown into a significant force among Pa- lestinians throughout the territories. After meeting Hamas representatives in Teheran, Iranian leaders announced plans to organize, train and equip the Hamas extremists, open a Hamas "embassy" in Teheran and create a formal structure to coordinate Hamas activities with Hiz- bollah under the command of Iranian Revolutionary Guards. Not least, according to Western intelligence sources in London, Iran has poured 1-1