anion Spread The Message Of Hoshana Rabbah -ARTHUR WASKOW Special to The Jewish News ) I magine that on a bright fall Sunday, bands of Na- tive Americans gather on the banks of rivers and creeks all across this conti- nent, praying to the Creator pirit that the earth be healed from what uncon- trolled human technology is doing to destroy it. Imagine that they are dan- cing seven times in a sacred circle, carrying a sacred ob- ject, all the while beating willow branches on the ear- th, trying to awaken corn- passion for the earth in the hearts of us all. Imagine the respectful press coverage about their sacred efforts to preserve the earth. Imagine the admiring young people from the cities and the suburbs who would be clamoring to learn more about Native spirituality. Imagine the cagey politi- cians who would decide to do more to prevent global war- ming and protect the ozone '-- layer. Now imagine that the bands are not Indians — but Jews. Imagine that it is a Torah scroll they are carry- i- ing; the prayers for the Ear- th are in Hebrew and Eng- lish; the willow branches are indeed willow branches, beaten to indicate our dependence on rain. Impossible, you say? Jews would be embarrassed. Rabbis would think it was undignified. Beat willow branches on the earth? Irra- tional. Pagan. Primitive. But this ceremony is part of our tradition and takes place on Hoshana Rabbah (Save Us), and its prayers - plead for healing "the world, our earth, suspended in space" — as the fourth Hoshana puts it. Hoshana Rabbah comes on the seventh day of Sukkot — this year, Sunday, Oct. 18. Few Reform or Reconstruc- tionist synagogues observe it, and in most Conservative or Orthodox congregations it is far from the best attended service in the sanctuary. But it belongs outside, under the sky. It belongs to every Jew who is worried - i Arthur Waskow is director of the Shalom Center in Philadelphia, a Jewish organ- ization committed to preven- ting environmental disaster. about the growing rates of environmentally caused cancer and immune-system diseases, about famines that are caused by environmental destruction, about rising in- fertility caused by rising pollution, about acid rain and oil spills. And it belongs to every Jew who is concerned about the next generation of Jews. Every Jew who realizes that many young people are at- tracted by exactly the kind of passionate spirituality When we move from the harvest booth of Sukkot to the election booth of November, we must take the smells and tastes of Sukkot with us. that they see in Native dances and Buddhist chan- ting and Sufi whirling and Hindu yoga. Attracted for good reasons, not bad — at- tracted because these offer ways of connecting with the sacred Breath of Life. Young people who are repelled by a Judaism that is embarrassed by the spirit, ashamed of willow branches. What would happen if in our generation we were to draw on this ceremony as a framework to affirm protec- tion of the earth from envi- ronmental destruction? What would happen if we were to embroider the tradi- tional rituals of Hoshana Rabbah in the language of our generation? Between the seven Hoshana processions, could people speak about seven different aspects of the pro- tection we humans need to offer the earth — teaching what we need to know if we are to act wisely? Could we add the planting of a willow tree, so that we ourselves would help reforest the earth, join the moment of action to the mo- ment of celebration? Could we add the pouring of water to invoke the corn- ing of the rain, as was done on the first day of Sukkot, when the Holy Temple stood? Could we reaffirm our commitment to make the rain, the lakes, and the oceans pure once more? Could we light a solar- powered lamp as the syn- agogue's ner tamid eternal light) — a fire that would not burn fossil fuels, would not pour more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to worsen global warming? Armont ha...ay by Guy vrwr. Cop,cont OsanIxnal by lc.. Ape* nems S,Scstra. Could there be a brief, impassioned sermon — one that says voting for the ear- th is a mitzvah? That says — when we move from the harvest booth of Sukkot to the election booth of November, we must take the smells and tastes of Sukkot with us, the leaves and wind and water that remind us: we are part of the earth, the earth is part of us? Can we insist that politicians re- member that truth? If Judaism were like this — not just an October 18 but on every holiday and every Shabbat and every evening meeting at the synagogue — then we could stop worrying about the boredom of our young. We would be renewing Judaism and protecting the earth — And miracle of miracles, we would be enjoy- ing ourselves. Making the new year not only good, but also sweet. Not a bad thing for any community that wants to survive. 0 My Zayde's Sukkah HAROLD M. SCHULWEIS Special to The Jewish News I t was incongruous even in imagination. Though I never witnessed the ac- tual construction with my own eyes, I did see it and everyone testified that Zayde (grandfather) had built it. But how? On the tar- pitched roof of a two-story building on South Ninth Street in Brooklyn was a sukkah with three sides leaning against a brick wall. Incredible to think of that old man with gray-white beard and black derby haul- ing boards and palm bran- ches up to the roof from the street. Where did he find the ma- terials, and who could imag- ine Reb Avraham pounding nails into the wood, he whose commitment to study led him to look down on working with one's hands? He could never understand my playing with the interior workings of an old clock. It was bittul zeman, a waste of time taken away from the study of Torah. Who could imagine the wasted time Zayde had to have spent con- structing the sukkah? Zayde sitting in a hut, out- side the home, eating at a table surrounded by the aroma of leaves and fruits, a sight as strange as imagin ing Zayde at a camping jam- boree. There he was out- doors, sitting hunched up with his suit collar raised, eating and drinking while it rained through the thatched roof. In the sukkah, Bubbie never ran short of soup. The law, of course, exempted Zayde from dwelling in the suk k ah if it rained. "If one suffers discomfort in a sukkah, he is exempt from the obligation of dwelling in it" (T. Sukkah 25b). If there is no joy, the mitzvah is suspended. But protected by his derby and his sense of mitzvah, Zayde felt no discomfort. Jewish codes state that if guests are invited to the sukkah on the first night and rain begins to fall, one On Sukkot one turns away from transgression by means of laughter and rejoicing. should wait until midnight to eat in the sukkah. Perhaps the rain will stop by that time. But if the invited guests are poor, one should not wait for the rain to stop. Being poor the guests have most likely not eaten anything all day. For them to wait is discomfort enough. Let them eat with you in the dining room and forgo the mitzvah of dwelling in the sukkah. So my Zayde taught. The sukkah brought out an unsuspected side of Zayde even as the holiday revealed an unexpected side of Jewish piety. Sukkot is different, especially when contrasted with the days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur which precede it. Rosh Hashanah is cerebral, a matter of the head; Yom Kippur is affec- tive, a matter of the heart. But Sukkot is physical, a mitzvah of the entire body with which one enters the sukkah, even in one's boots. As if to compensate for the fast and solemnity of the Day of Atonement, Sukkot is insistent upon rejoicing the body and the spirit, celebrating the taste and aroma of nature and reading the almost not canonized biblical text of Ecclesiastes. The wisdom of Ecclesiastes CC LU CO i- C_D 1