The New, Improved Israel Israel has moved from being "stuck" to taking risks. INA FRIEDMAN Israel Correspondent A s a natural spinoff of Jewish tradition, taking stock between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, is a custom on the national as well as the in- dividual plane. What has made this Rosh Hashanah different from its immediate predecessors is that, for the first time in a while, it's possible to say that the past year, 5752, was extraordin- ary. Beginning with the Madrid Conference, the peace talks, electoral upset, reordering of national priorities, and first signs of progress toward reaching a settlement with Syria all gave 5752 a distinct sense of movement, if not yet of change. Yet, in many ways, move- ment alone was signal de- velopment, for what had preceded it was a long period of feeling "stuck." The New York Times journalist, Thomas L. Friedman, summed up that sensation in an anecdote in his bestseller, From Beirut to Jerusalem. On a visit to Israel in 1986, A. M. Rosenthal, then the Times' executive editor, asked Prime Minister Shamir what he would like people to say about him once his term of office was over. "Shamir leaned forward," Mr. Friedman relates, "clasped his hands together, looked Abe in the eye, and said, 'I want them to say that I kept things quiet.' " It was a strange statement for the leader of a country that had always prided itself on its dynamism. At any rate, Mr. Shamir failed at the mission he laid out for himself. Over a year later, the intifada broke out, vex- ing the country, draining its energy, and essentially becoming a national preoc- cupation. After the turn of the decade, that spasm of violence was superseded by a happier development: The influx of over 400,000 Jews from the Soviet Union. Yet here, too, a great impetus toward change seemed to get sucked into a black hole of national inertia. Rather than be galvanized by the opportunity to revamp the economy and re- juvenate the arts by drawing on eager new talent, Israel, by the start of 5752, seemed to be drained by its commit- ment to an ideology and mind set that had been forg- ed over a century ago. All around it, the world was in the throes of change. The Cold War had ended. Com- munism had collapsed. Europe was edging toward its vision of unity. And perceptions of interests and loyalties were changing in the Arab world, too. After all, Egypt, Saudi Arabia — and, even, Syria — had join- ed an American-led alliance against a sister Arab state. The Age of Ideology was long over, and "isms" of every sort had been or were active- ly being discredited. But in Jerusalem, the shibboleth remained "Eretz Yisrael," at all costs, as though Jew- ish sovereignty were still a distant dream. Commentators are divided on precisely what, in last June's election, helped Labor win or made Likud lose. But one thing seems pretty clear: Yitzhak Shamir's bottom-line mes- sage — "Eretz Yisrael is ac- quired through suffering" — did not resonate with the majority of his countrymen, while Mr. Rabin's message that Labor was going to alter national priorities and place greater emphasis on the security and welfare of Israel's citizens did. For the first time, perhaps, Israelis were thinking less of their votes' impact on "posterity" than how to eliminate the colossal traffic jam that chokes the center of the country each morning and how to ensure that their children would not languish on unemployment lines and Artwork hom the Los Angeles Tents by Barbers Cummings. Copynght. 1992. Barbara Cummings. Distributed by Los Angeles Taros 9yndiate. sink into lives of waste and despair. Essentially, at a time when many of Israel's metaphors suggested a static nation, Israelis were think- ing about how to get their country energized and mov- ing again. It is too early to speak of solid changes brought by the elections. But few will deny Israelis were thinking less of their vote's impact on "posterity" than how to eliminate the traffic jam that chokes the center of the country each morning. that the new government has introduced a sense of movement. On the domestic front, for example, energetic ministers of finance, hous- ing, health, and education have created the feeling that old systems and assumptions are being reviewed and modified or reversed. Some ministers are even being faulted for their zeal. Mr. Rabin expressed displeasure with the inten- tion of his justice minister, Professor David Liba'i, to rescind the controversial clause in the Anti-Terrorism Law that forbids contacts with the PLO. Labor Knesset member Avraham Burg got his wrist slapped for tabling draft laws meant to reform the relationship between religion and poli- tics. And last week, the prime minister described himself as a "fireman" who had to address statements by Education Minister Shulamit Aloni that so angered the Orthodox Shas Party that they threatened the integrity of the govern- ment's coalition. Still, less attention is be- ing paid to Mr. Rabin's efforts to keep the instincts of his dovish cabinet in check than to the movement he has inspired or permitted to take place. First and foremost is the change in the ground rules for the negotia- tions with Syria. How much progress has actually been made in these talks is debatable, yet it was the breaking of the deadlock and a sense of "getting somewhere" that strongly impressed Israel. Even For- eign Minister Farouk a- Shara's statement that Syria would be prepared for a total peace in return for a total Israeli withdrawal from occupied Arab land — which could be interpreted as meaning a full withdrawal not only from the Golan Heights, but also from the West Bank and Gaza Strip as well — was read in a positive light, with the emphasis placed on the peace rather than the price being asked for it. By the same token, lack of progress in the Israeli- Palestinian talks has been the chief disappointment with the Rabin government. The press has said that Mr. Rabin has offered Palestin- ians no more than did his predecessor. And, as might be expected, it is the Pales- tinians who have been send- ing out the strongest signals of impatience. The week before Rosh Hashanah was marked by a sharp upsurge in attacks by armed Palesti- nians. Even more telling than the renewal of in- dividual violence was the overwhelming response to a strike called by the Palestin- ian opposition to protest the continuation of the autonomy talks. Yassir Arafat's Fatah faction opposed the action and defended the efforts of the negotiators in Washington. But whether out of convic- tion or fear, the people in the West Bank and Gaza honored the strike, which is as good a barometer of their mood as any. The new year of 5753 thus began on something of an ambiguous note. The markets were jammed with shoppers, the roads with vacationers, and except for the unpleasant job of having to reign in Mrs. Aloni, all would seem pretty right with Mr. Rabin's new government — if not for the menacing signs coming out of the territories. What 5753 holds we do not know, except to say that expectations are high for the coming year, and that it's got a tough act to follow. ❑