HE JEWISH NEWS Vol. CII No. 2 associate Publisher tIrthur M. Horwitz 'iditor Emeritus 3 1Thip Slomovitz *gaging Editor Jhil Jacobs i ssr- iate Editor Ilan Hitsky 7.3 istant Editor lizabeth Applebaum A. :m; Writers Kimberly Litton ....31ey Pearl Contributing Editor '''lle vViesel ' .-shington Correspondent , ames D. Besser ign Correspondent ouglas Davis A Correspondent a Friedman an, Dertner ical Columnists Any Raskin aria Jean Schwartz ''all Photographer Ienn Triest usiness Manager larinne Taylor oduction laid Cheshure thy Ciccone is DeLoye y Gardin ph Orme ayle Schmidt eli`_- :ie Schultz Mice Staff a Ferstenfeld lena Jacobs ,fie Kantor ercy Kaplan istina Laskey minda McCarthy ley,tiour Manello isa Marks _uline Max larlene Miller Iharlene Norris ail Zimmerman enior Account Executive !army Raskin count Executives -.)n Brooks irly Johnson ( isy Leeman even Levin , a Marshall cK Nessel i Shafer Jura Siegel itricia Zorlen September 18, 1992 DETROIT 14 Last Dance? Sinai Hospital cancels its Heritage Ball. 1 School Ties A strong new movie looks at anti-Semitism. CLOSE-UP 24 Escape Roots CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF GROWTH 1 9 4 2 - 1 9 9 2 Round Up/11 I Revisiting the Holocaust binds a family together. On the cover: The Weiss family (clockwise from right): Ted Weiss, Aaron Weiss, Jean Weiss, Dottie Wagner, Reli Gringlas, Trudy Weiss, Amy Wagner, Arthur Weiss, Ellen Weiss, Rachel Weiss, Eugene Weiss, Don Wagner and Leah Weiss. Page 1 Close-Up photo by Marsha Sundquist RPORATE STAFF blisher ides A. Buerger ecutive Editor .ry Rosenblatt 'siness Manager ivia Stafford Director Ian Michael Lawrence ditorial Deadline: All public and social an- n. ,ncemenls must be typewritten, double-spaced no received by Friday noon, seven days prior to lesired date of publication. Classified Ad Deadline: Tuesday, noon splay Ad Deadline: Monday, 4:30 pm ( flees: 52 BUSINESS ;bscriptIons: 1 year 2 years 15 per year out-of-slate 7 2 per year foreign ME DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (USPS 275-520) IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAy WITH ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS IN JANUARY, MARCH, MAY, AUGUST AND OCTOBER AT 27676 FRANKLIN ROAD, SOUTH- 'ELD, MICH IGANSECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT SOUTHFIELD, ;HIGAN AND ADDITIONAL MNUNG OFFICES. POSTMASTER: SEND !ANDES TO: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 27676 FRANKLIN ROAD, MTVIFIELD, MICHIGAN 48034. Background/31 Washington/34 Commentary/38 Synagogues/42 Community/51 For Seniors/62 Bargain Hunter A former Detroiter has made a name for herself in the cut-rate world. PROFILE Entertainment/67 Danny Raskin/72 Carla Schwartz/78 Food/82 54 Speaking In Tongues A black professor has an affinity for Hebrew. 676 Franklin Road tthfield, MI 48034 3-354-6060 General 3-354-5959 Classified - 154-7123 Display Advertising 3-354-6069 Fax The Jewish News For Women/96 Engagements/98 Births/102 Classified ads/104 nr KIDS 95 Singin' In The Train An 8-year-old finds her track on weekends. Obituaries/128 Candlelighting Friday, Sept. 18 7:20 p.m. Sabbath ends Saturday, Sept. 19 8:19 p.m.