Escape guns in the airport. In nine hours you are in a place where your grand- > -parents had to hide for their lives. And you see how they lived their lives and you compare that to how we live our lives here. "We met people there who still had pictures of the people they hid during the war," she added. "Here rihey were, still holding onto these H little pictures as if they were mem- hers of their own family." 1—, When the children spoke of their trip, the adults stayed silent, lis- tening to what the younger people > gained and retained. Reli Gringlas was a little girl ° when her mother died. She remem- bers how villagers dug a trench in the snow, placing her mother's body there until it could be buried by the Weiss family. Mrs. Gringlas came to find her mother's grave on the trip. Yet time and vandals and German soldiers destroyed so many headstones, the family was unable to locate her mother's grave. "This was a town where time stood completely still," she said of Porub- ka. So still, in fact, that she did find somebody who knew her, the woman Who took care of and hid her and her mother so many years ago. "It was unbelievable," she said. c- "She remembered me as a little girl. She was still there." For Arthur Weiss, the remnants the Holocaust were frightening. "There were some tzadikim in the gentile community, but by and large the people let the Holocaust hap- pen," he said. "Some say that it could happen here, and I can say that we've seen and felt the elements. That was important to me. I don't , think you can understand the Holo- caust by reading it in a text." Ellen Weiss said a highlight was r seeing the reaction of villagers when the Weiss' bus pulled into town. Women were fixing themselves up, combing their hair, just to see the visitors. "I'm glad I went," she said, "but when I came back to this country, I said, 'God Bless America." "You look at the people who sur- vived that time and from that part of the world," Donald Wagner said, "and you realize what success is and just how successful this family re- ally is. Could we survive the same way today? How about our kids? Roots This was a link with the past and the future. The children will appre- ciate what they have seen and felt. You don't realize how good you have it until you've seen what we've seen." Along the way, family members left money to villagers who had helped their relatives years ago. But for most of the Weiss family, money couldn't buy the feeling of together- ness gained from this trip. "How much money can you leave," said 11-year-old Leah, "for someone who saved the lives of your fami- ly?" ❑ Mrs. Weiss meets a classmate from her childhood and the two share a good cry and memories. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 27