YOUTH Adat Shalom Plans , Preschool Program '1 The Adat Shalom Nurser School and the synagogue's,, Jewish Experiences For Families Committee will offer; "Shalom Bayit" — Welcome to Our House, a creative Mishpachah happening for preschoolers and theiri families, 6:30-8 p.m. Sept. 23 at the synagogue. The optional supper may bp, purchased if pre-paid by Sept. 16. There is no charge for the craft activities and the sun- daes, but reservations for thy: evening are required by Sept. 16. To make reservations, ca1,1_, the synagogue nursery school office, 851-5105. NCSY Makes Fall Plans A TRISCUIT'MO ENT It's the end of a tough, tiring day. Now it's your time to relax. Unwind. It's a Triscuit moment. Crunchy Triscuit whole wheat wafers really satisfy. They're low saturated fat, low sodium and have no cholesterol. And Triscuit is® kosher. Funny how something so simple can taste so grand. TRISCUIT THE SIMPLY GRAND KOSHER SNACK r MANUFACTURER COUPON RETAILER: One coupon per purchase of product indicat- ed. Consumer to pay sales tax. Cash value 1/20C. NABISCO FOODS, INC. reim- burses you for the face value plus handling, if submitted in compliance with NABIS- CO'S Coupon Redemption Policy. For free copy and/or coupon redemption, send to: NABISCO FOODS, INC., CMS DEPT. 13130, 1 FAWCETT DRIVE, DEL RIO, TEXAS 78840. EXPIRES NOVEMBER 15, 1992 © 1992 NABISCO FOODS. INC. EXPIRES: NOVEMBER 15, 1992 SAVE 400 On any variety, 91/2 oz. or larger 219528 •.. 44000 2 140 NSP/TRIS-JW/SP92 AO% OFF PITTED PRUNES ON ANY PURCHASE Excluding Sale Items Expires 9/18/92 L Reg. $1.49 lb. Now $1.09 lb. ' Orchard-12 Plaza • 27885 Orchard Lake Road at 12 Mile • 553-2165 Hours: Monday-Saturday 9 to 9; Sunday 11-6 Advertising in The Jewish News Gets Results Place Your Ad Today. Call 354-6060 98 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1992 Enrollment for NCSY's new Mount Clemens chapter will be 9-10 a.m. September 13 at K Temple Beth Tephilath Moses, 146 South Ave. The NCSY Leadership Training Seminar, an inten--' sive three-day seminar, discussing leadership skills and programming techniques will be Sept. 11-13 starting at 8:30 a.m. at Young Israel of Southfield. For NCSY information, cam the NCSY office, 557-6279. SZ USY Holds Oneg Shaarey Zedek USY will hold their first Oneg Shabby: of the year 8 p.m. Sept. 11 at the home of Michael and Bet-' sy Wolf. The theme of the Oneg is "Clinton or Bush: You Decide." USYers will discuss the candidates' positions and how they relate to the students. For information, call Rob Bloomberg, 357-5544. USY Group Elects Board Beth Abraham Hillel Mos USY elected a new executive board: president, Mat - Levine; vice presidents, Jeremy Burnstein, Rebecca Katzman, Scott Nigoff Rachel Ruskin, Debbie Schwartz; treasury will be co chaired by David Lanxner and Michelle Berris. Th USY adviser is Cheryl Bashara. An Oneg Shabbat will be held tonight, Sept. 11, at Matt Levine's house. Plan are laid for an October trip to Toledo for Kinnus. For information, call Matt Levine, 626-0803; or Cheryl,/ Bashara, 855-1713.