VM11111 ■ 110 L., FOCUS 1'1' The Jewish Community Center with Nancy Gurwin Productions presents the musical YAD EZRA feeding the lew/h Hyhgry BUY A CASE OF FOOD! Use this coupon to help feed the Jewish hungry. YAD EZRA will use your donations to purchase cases of food and distribute them to our neighbors in need. SEMI MIN 1=11 MIN - ENE - - NMI MINN MUM - XI= MARK AN "X" NEXT TO THE FOODS YOU WISH TO BUY FOR THE HUNGRY ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 case 6.5 oz. chunk tuna in water 1 case peanut butter (creamy) 1 case Quaker oatmeal (18 oz.) 1 case thin spaghetti (16 oz.) 1 case Matzo Meal (12 oz.) 1 case Horowitz-Margaretan soup mix in tubes (6 oz.) ❑ 1 case raw rice (1 lb.) ❑ 1 case flour (20-56) $30.00 case $21.00 case $35.00 case $17.00 case $32.00 case $13.75 case $12.33 case $15.00 case Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ for case(s) of food as a tax deductible con- tribution to YAD EZRA to help feed the Jewish hungry. Name Directed and Choreographed by Kathi Bush Music Director: Priscilla Benson OPENS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 — 8:30 p.m Saturday, September 12 — 8:30 p.m., M/D Bldg. Sunday, September 13 — Matinee 2:00 p.m. Evening 7:00 p.m., M/D Bldg. Saturday, September 19 — 8:30 p.m., M/D Bldg. Sunday, September 20 — 7:00 p.m., MID Bldg. Thursday, September 24 —7:30 p.m., MAD Bldg. Saturday, September 26 — 8:30 p.m., MID Bldg. Saturday, October 3 — 8:30 p.m., M/D Bldg. Sunday, October 4 — Matinee 2:00 p.m. Evening 7:00 p.m., M/D Bldg. Saturday, October 10 — 8:30 p.m., MID Bldg. Sunday, October 11 — 7:00 p.m., M/D Bldg. General Admission $15, Seniors $12.50, Students $10 — Group Rates Available — For reservations call the Jewish Community Center at 661-1000 or Nancy Gurwin at 354-0545 Er te‘amaSTE' 77 - HUDSON'S, HARMONY HOUSE & SOUND WAREHOUSE CALL-FOR-TIX (313) 645-6666 Presented at THE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER 6600 West Maple Road, West Bloomfield SEPHARDIC COMMUNITY Address City/State/Zip Make checks payable to: YAD EZRA and mail to: 26641 Harding Oak Park, MI 48237 Tributes and Memorials Available For more information, call (313) 548-FOOD (3663). HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES Commemorating 500 Years Since the Expulsion Officiated by RABBI SOLOMON MAIMON and Hazan Bension Maimon SELICHOT SERVICES 10:00 p.m. Saturday, September 19 – Sephardic Refreshments — ROSH HASHANAH YOM KIPPUR Sunday, Sept. 27 6:45 pm Tuesday, Oct. 6 6:30 pm Monday, Sept. 28 9:00 am Wednesday, Oct. 7 9:00 am Tuesday, Sept. 29 9:00 am ZIONIST CULTURAL CENTER 18451 West Ten Mile, Southfield For reservations call, SHIRLEY BEHAR 557-8551 MARY PAPO 967-4414 wow THEM WITH A BASKET CALL: A TISKET A TASKIET k%,?z ,CUSTOM GIFT BASKETS & GOURMET TRAYS 661-4789 Barbara Kaplan Judi Shefman 7 Days a Week HOSPITALITY, NEW BABIES, GET WELL, SHIVA, ETC. Rabbi Continued on preceding page proclaimed messiah. The rabbi has now wrestl- ed with the Holocaust and genocides and massacres for three decades. Neither dour nor downbeat, he no longer believes in the moral pro- gress of mankind. "The best we can do," he said, "is elect people who create less of a chance of genocide on our planet." Since writing After Auschwitz, Rabbi Rubens- tein has written an average of one book every four years. Yet, that is the book for which he will always be re- membered, the one that drove the "renegade son," as Rabbi Berenbaum has called him, out of the Jewish community. A dime-store psychologist might say that, among the Moonies, Rabbi Rubenstein* found the accep- tance and, certainly, the fi- nancial resources that the Jewish community had de- nied him. Yet, the rabbi never con- sidered himself a "renegade": "I still belong to the Rab- binical Assembly of America [the umbrella group for Con- servative rabbis in the U.S.] and I belong to a Reform congregation in Tallahassee. I haven't had a fight with anyone in the Jewish com- munity in almost 20 years. I never turned my back on the Jewish community." ❑ . j N EWS Kessim Fail Recognition Jerusalem (JTA) — Hav- ing failed to win full- fledged recognition from Israel's two chief rabbis, the Ethiopian Jewish community's re- ligious leaders have resum- ed a sit-in demonstration at the Prime Minister's Office. The religious leaders, known as kessim, are seek- ing the authority granted rabbis in Israel to perform marriages and divorces. Their request has met with consistent refusal on the part of Israel's chief rab- binical council. Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi Avraham Shapiro told the kessim that they were not sufficiently knowledgeable to carry out these duties and at most would be permitted to act as religious guides, pending a review of the matter. The Ethiopian clerics re- jected his offer to set up a committee to study the issue and instead left Hechal Shlomo, the seat of the Chief Rabbinate, for the Rose Garden and the sit-in. 62 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1992