I SINGLE LIFE SINGLE BY ROBIN SOSLOW Special to The Jewish News CHOIC E Convincing Mom and other worry-warts that two's not necessarily better than one. E l1:1 1 1 ut I just want you to be happy!'" Ironically, this innocent-at-first-glance phrase has triggered mother- daughter crossfire for ages. Es- pecially when it's issued by a mother who thinks "single" and "happy" are mutually exclusive. Few single women — or men, for that matter — have passed their 30th birthday without enduring pointed probes about their mar- ital plans and prospects. Such probes can be subtle: "I see your old college roommate just got engaged, and to a doctor! Have you met anybody special lately?" Other times, they can be shockingly insensitive: "You're not a bad looking girl; it must be something about the way you act," or to a son, "What's the mat- ter, aren't you interested in wom- en?!" Although most parents want the best for their children, they often unleash destructive criti- 44 ERIDAYAllataiitt1499 cism based on distorted perspec- tives. "Parents could be reacting from old stereotypes without be- ing aware of it," says Dr. Daiid Raznick, clinical director of Bal- timore-based Psychological Health Associates. Thirty years ago, society pro- vided no singles nightspots, cruis- es or support groups. Being single, especially for women, meant living with parents, scrap- ing by, being lonely. And while it's mothers who typically dredge up insecurities, fathers also stir the pot — worried that daughters need a protector in this risk-filled world. What's more, many over-anx- ious parents came of age at a time when marriage was a goal complete with life-defining roles. Says Dr. Raznick's partner, Dr. Samuel Berkowitz: "Marriage was once the standard, a need to satisfy, an achievement. Today, values have shifted." Times change, but it takes much longer for attitudes to catch up. Many parents today forget their adult children are single not by default, or character fault, but by choice. The trend to marry at later ages is endorsed by many thera- pists. "I see so many [dysfunc- tional] couples who have grown apart," says Dr. Raznick. "How can people choose a compatible partner before they gain a clear, healthy sense of who they are and what they need in life?" This is one good reason not to pressure anyone into the mar- riage track. But it's easy for well- intentioned family members and friends to press hot buttons of even the most self-reliant, self- confident sin- gles. Libera- tion aside, movies , continue to present a soul-mate, good or bad, as life's multi-pur- pose wonder . drug. Magazines bulge with articles about landing Mr. or Ms. Right. Even worse are those alarmist research studies, such as the in famous mid-'80s report warning that women who wait will be too late — and find themselves ban- ished to a statistical spinster- hood. The. report eventually came under fire for faulty research methods, but not until national, damage was done. Recalls Lau- rie, an unattached banking ex- ecutive: "My mother was so upset I — she sent me a copy of the arti- cle, and I was only 25!" So what are the chances of get- ting hitched if you choose to wait? According to the U.S. Census, those not married by age 30 have a 58-66 percent likelihood. For