OPINION L Just Leave Us Aloni Ir GARY ROSENBLATT Editor Shulamit Aloni in the post of Minister of Edu- cation and Cul- ture in Israel is, to many obser- \,, want Jews, roughly analo- gous to the Rev. Louis Far- rakhan being named Secre- tary of State of the United States. Last week, a charedi, Or- thodox, newspaper in • Jerusalem compared the ed- ucation of children under O0 Ms. Aloni to "the spiritual destruction of the children of Israel" in the Holocaust, and a respected Orthodox rabbi 111 in Israel questioned whether .* it was appropriate to con- tinue to offer the prayer for on the State of Israel at Sabbath services now that Ms. Aloni holds such a key position of power. Why does this 63-year-old grandmother inspire such anger? Throughout her long Knesset career, Ms. Aloni, who heads the left-wing Citizens Rights Movement, has been an outspoken ad- vocate for separating re- ligion from politics in the Jewish state. And even Ms. . Aloni's most - fervent sup- porters acknowledge that 11. she is anti-Orthodox. They maintain that she is a knowledgeable, caring Jew, a woman of integrity IP who will fulfill her „mandate O to improve the declining ed- ucational system in Israel. Her first priority is to head off a teachers' strike scheduled for September 1, increase pay for teachers ▪ and lengthen the school day, which has in recent years shrunk to four hours in many schools. In practical terms, an Or- thodox deputy will oversee funding to the religious • schools. The real issue here is not Ms. Aloni, though she, as a I woman and a political firebrand, is a natural target. What's at stake, rather, is one of the most long-standing and divisive issues facing Israeli society: determining what role, if any, religion should play in Israeli life. Or, more precise- . ly, how can one reconcile imposing Jewish law on a democratic society? On the one hand, religious Jews maintain that the very raison d'etre of the state of • Or Israel is to be a Jewish state, a fulfillment of the biblical dream and commandment. If you separate the Jewish state from the Jewish re- ligion, they say, Israel is no different than any other state. Secular Jews say that's precisely the point. What they bitterly resent is the imposition of Jewish law on their personal lives. For ex- ample, when public transportation, and beaches, are closed on the Sabbath, their only day off of the week, their reaction is not to go to synagogue but to ad- vocate ridding themselves of "religious" legislation. In truth, Israel has no offi- cial state religion. It is a secular state that grants jurisdiction over personal status (marriage, divorce) to The resentment is building among the majority of Israelis who see not the beauty, but only the tyranny, of Judaism. "recognized" religions (which translates as Or- thodox Judaism). But the re- ligious flavor to public life — kosher food in public institu- tions, suspension of bus ser- vice on Shabbat and holi- days, etc. — is the result of a policy instituted by an avowed agnostic before the state was formed. It was David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, who created what is now known as "the status quo" in a letter, written in 1947, to the Agudath Israel party. In return for the Orthodox party's support of the United Nations partition_ plan, Mr. Ben-Gurion pledged that the future state would make Shabbat the official day of rest, that matters of per- sonal status would be over- seen by religious officials, and that religious education would be supported. But the letter provided few details, and over the years, the rift between the re- ligious and secular in Israel has grown so wide and so bitter that virtually the only reason the religious parties participate in the govern- ment is to assure funding for yeshivas and other religious institutions. One reason for the widen- ing gap is that the flavor of Orthodoxy in Israel has become increasingly separatist and non-Zionist. The religious Zionist ele- ment of Orthodoxy, which advocates active in- volvement in the political process and service in the military, has been eclipsed by the non- and anti-Zionist charedi segment, who seek to remove themselves from society as much as possible. As a result, religious Jews are perceived by the majority of Israelis as in- tolerant, yeshiva-centered draft dodgers. (An estimated 20,000 yeshiva students receive draft deferments.) Some mavericks, like Avi Burg, the 36-year-old son of former Minister of Religion Yosef Burg, have advocated separating religion and state. The younger Burg, who is Orthodox and a leader in the Labor party, maintains that religious pol- itics has become "the main barrier between Jews and Judaism in Israel, the reason so many young peo- ple hate everything which smells of Judaism or re- ligion. "We have to save religion from the hands of the re- ligious establishment," he told the Jerusalem Report. Avi Burg succeeded in having a resolution Shulamit Aloni: A woman "who hates religion?" separating religion and poli- tics passed at a party con- vention last winter, only to have it amended a month later by party officials who feared that Labor would lose religious party support. To bridge the gap, move- ment is needed on both sides. Secularists should acknowl- edge the importance of stu- dying Jewish history, tradi- tions and values in their schools, even if they resist following Jewish law. And religious Jews would do well to reconsider their policy of religion through coercion. They may have the votes in city councils to ban pork, or buses, or Friday night movies, but the resentment is building among the majority of Israelis who see not the beauty, but only the tyranny, of Judaism. If the goal of religious Jews is to spread the mes- sage of Judaism, they would do better to invite a secular Jew to a Shabbat celebration than to stone his car. And if the goal of Shulamit Aloni is to provide a quality education to every Israeli youngster, she would do better to promote Jewish morals and ethics in the classroom than to denounce traditional Judaism. In that way, she may silence her critics and bring a much- needed spirit of respect and toleratidn to Israeli socie- ty. ❑ Honor Your Son And Daughter HAROLD M. SCHULWEIS Special to The Jewish News dd another com- mandment to the Ten Commandments: Honor your son and your daughter. Respect them, their ideal- ism, their moral sense of justice, their courage, their Jewishness. I have seen the goodness in our youth. I have witnessed the response from many young people who brought (after the Los Angeles riots) packages of food, clothing, diapers, baby formulas to the synagogue and into the devastated inner city. Our parent generation has expected too little from their young. Around graduation time we say that they are our future. That is patroniz- Rabbi Schulweis is spiritual leader of Cong. Valley Beth Shalom in Encino, Calif ing and procrastinating. Our youth is our present. I can testify to their hunger for Jewish grandeur, their desire to act out the preachments and the teachings they have heard from teachers in schools and rabbis from the pulpit. They want to live out the pro- phetic tradition. One of Alan Patton's characters in his African novels confesses his fears and cowardice. "When I go to heaven the Big Judge will look at me and ask 'Where are your wounds?' And I will answer 'I have none.' And the Big Judge will ask 'Why is that? Was there nothing to fight for?' " Our children are taught in the classroom that there is much to fight for and that we have been in battles all our lives. It is in our text and in our history. We were born in slavery; we know its lashes and it has left indelible scars which we should carry with pride. There is meaning to Jewish struggle and suffer- ing. It shapes our character . and has something impor- tant to say to the world. One verse more than any other in the Bible, resonates in our tradition. Found no less than 36 times in the Torah, it reiterates "You shall remember the stranger for you were strangers in the land of Egypt." It is used as the major rationale for our concern with others. The stranger is every man and woman alienated in our society. We Jews know the heart of the stranger. Our youth must under- stand that while we are a small people, we own a large vision. We care about God's world and the strangers within it. We are not man- dated to convert the world to Judaism but to raise the Continued on Page 10 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 7