UP FRONT COMMUNITY TAY SACHS SCREENING PROGRAM Democrats Continued from page 11 July 19 10 a.m. TO 1 p.m. Sinai Hospital's Berry Health Center 28500 Orchard Lake Road Farmington Hills Tay Sachs is a rare genetic disease that a baby inherits from both parents which causes progressive destruction of the central nervous system and death by age five. There is no cure for the disease. Most carriers are Jews of Eastern European descent. You should be tested if you are over age 17, considering marriage or pregnancy, or had been tested for the disease prior to 1980. No appointments are necessary for the screening. The cost is $10. This event is sponsored by the Sinai Hospital Guild, the Sinai department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Jolson AZA Chapter of the Michigan Region B'nai B'rith Youth Organization. now recognizes that those in control of this convention are the nominees. We want him to be a player, he should be a player. His reach out to the Jewish community over the last few months is very helpful and very significant, and we want it to continue." The fact that Mr. _Clinton refused to bargain with the Rev. Jackson to win his en- dorsement was seen by Dem- ocratic pollster Peter Hart as "terribly important" be- cause it demonstrates to voters that Mr. Clinton "is a person who knows himself, knows what he's about and feels that he doesn't have to adopt a certain stature for each group." In addition to positive re- views of the party platform, Jewish delegates offered KIMBERLY LIFTON ?Ntinai Staff Writer UP TO 60% Off SPORTS WEAR! Now through August 1, 1992. Men's furnishings and accessories MIX XT 3I 19011 West Ten Mile Road Southfield, Michigan 48075 (Between Southfield & Evergreen) 313 352 1080 - - Monday-Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Everything always 20%-35% off retail PARKING AND ENTRANCE IN REAR 4■ 11•1111•1, can sell jewelry. • • ICE. and DISCOUNTS Anybody NO prov ides SERV IS A DIFFERENCE. ► but like Weintraub. THERE. HwY., Southfield "Sunset Strip" 18 FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1992 29536 Northwestern 515 - F 10 - 10 - 5 Hours: M Sat rave reviews of Sen. Gore. Malcolm Hoenlein, ex- ecutive director of the Con- c ference of Presidents of Major American Jewish LI Organizations, termed Mr. Gore a "longtime friend of -2 the community" and a "great addition" to the ! ticket. The executive director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Tom Dine, pointed out that Mr. Gore even "took a planeload of Christian Zionists to Israel." "He's got the president on the defensive, as far as the Jewish community is con- cerned," said Rabbi Hier. ❑ c_;-: This article appears through an arrangement with the Jew- ish Week of New York, where Mr. Ain is a reporter. Israel-Friendly Platform Pleases Local Delegates For more information, call Robin Gold at 493-6060. elect Group Of Shirts & Ties I ill Clinton delegate Zina Kramer was a little weary during Tuesday night's platform committee meeting at the Democratic National Con- vention in New York. It was long and laborious, and she really wanted to be at the women's program — a fund-raiser for the first wo- men's political action com- mittee, Emily's List, which attracted 3,000 men and women and netted $750,000. Despite the lackluster ses- sion, Ms. Kramer, one of two Jewish Clinton delegates from Michigan, was feeling energized during her first trip to the Democratic Na- tional Convention. "Last night's session was just not the most stimulating," she said of Tuesday's platform meeting. "The highlight was Aretha Franklin singing 'The Star Spangled Banner' and Jesse Jackson's speech. His speech was alive, and he tried hard to bring the party together. "He talked about peace in Israel and he got great ap- plause for that," Ms. Kramer said. Ms. Kramer said the Clin- ton-Gore ticket is the "most pro-Israel ticket ever." On Monday, she attended an American Israel Public Af- fairs Committee briefing for Jewish delegates. "This ticket (Clinton-Gore) presents an interesting mes- sage to the Jewish commun- ity," she said. "Each has always been really suppor- tive of Israel. Al Gore af- firmed his support. There was a sense of energy and great satisfaction because Sen. Gore had been nominated and had such a strong pro-Israel record. The total package is very positive and favorable. Yitzhak Rabin will mean a lot to the peace process." The other Jewish Clinton delegate from Michigan, Marvin "Mickey" Meltzer of Birmingham, is a longtime- Democratic Party activist who has handled public rela- tions for Mr. Clinton in Michigan. "It is a great convention," Mr. Meltzer said. "The most important thing is we are- <-7 The Clinton-Gore ticket is "the most pro-Israel ticket ever." Zina Kramer adopting a great platform that is attractive for middle c= America. It is tremendous from the Jewish perspective. The platform includes ,_ building bridges among peo- ple, and it is strong for the Middle East." State Rep. Maxine Ber- man, D-Southfield, was in New Yoork as a delegate for former Sen. Paul Tsongas. And state Sen. Lana Pollack, ci) . D-Ann Arbor, went to the convention as a Tsongas alternate. Once Ms. Pollack arrived in New York, she became a Continued on page 20