PROFILE ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM wo men are in the white room. One of them is dying. The dying man i is named Ed. He has gray hair and deep-set eyes and wears black pants that are too tight. His hand trembles. He rarely smiles. He has cancer [ throughout his body and pro- - bly won't live through the end of the year. The other man is Dr. Jef- frey Forman. He wears a ' clean white jacket and a brightly colored tie dec- orated with an apple and eiarious body parts. "This old thing?" he says when pa- tients compliment him on it. He calls it his "doctor tie." Ed is here today because of excessive coughing. He's having trouble sleeping, too. e tells the doctor: "My at- orney is trying to get my ( estate in order." 1 "That's always a good r `'idea," -- Dr. Forman says, put- ting his stethoscope to Ed's chest. "I've got mine in order." "Yes, it is a good idea," Ed says. "But it's difficult, too." It is 10:40 a.m. Monday, four hours into Dr. Jeffrey Forman's day. He already has seen two patients who will die within a few years nd two in the midst of treatment. Clinical chief of Harper Hospital's Gershen- on Radiation Oncology Center of the Wayne State University Detroit Medical Center, Dr. Forman, 35, pends his day battling the ultimate enemy: cancer. A native of New York, Dr. Forman graduated from the New York University School of Medicine and trained at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. Photos by Marsha Sundqu ist Assistant Editor A Matter of Life and Death Dr. Jeffrey Forman of Harper Hospital makes fighting cancer his life's work. Four years ago, he came to Detroit. His first positions were as associate chairman of the University of Mich- igan department of radiology and oncology, and head of Providence Hospital's radiation on- cology department, which under his leadership doubled in size. When he found he had too little time for research, Dr. Forman took the job at Harper's Radiation On- cology Center (ROC). He was enticed, he says, by the fact that the ROC was "relative- ly underdeveloped, which made my job more exciting" and that it is "better equipped than any other such department in the country." Besides, he says, "My wife was tired of moving." At the ROC, one of 24 alp- proved cancer centers nationwide, Dr. Forman spe- cializes in prostate cancer, though he treats other forms of the disease and works with patients of all ages. More than 1,200 patients come each year to the ROC for cancer treatment; about 30 percent of all Americans are struck by the disease. Dr. Forman's consulta- tions begin around 10 a.m. His first patient this day is Lydia, an elderly woman who recently conquered lung cancer. Though she com- plains of harsh coughing, Dr. Forman is pleased with her progress. Her tumor, he says, is shrinking. His second patient, Mr. B., had prostate cancer and just completed the 11th of 37 treatments. "You look pretty good," Dr. Forman tells him. Prostate cancer is the leading cancer among men. Like other cancers, it can be eradicated if it's caught soon enough and treatment begins early. This knowl- edge is comforting to pa- tients, though it doesn't make living with side effects of the disease any easier. "This is a fate worse than death," Mr. B. says of the medication he must take every day. Because of it, he is urinating several times every hour, both day and night. Consultations often in- clude as much talk about non-medical subjects as about patients' heath con- cerns. "How many more treatments?" asks Dave, Dr. Forman's 11 a.m. appoint- ment. He's just had a kidney removed. "I want to get back to playing baseball." "You know," Dr. Forman says, examining Dave's stomach, "I should get into a baseball league myself." H is office is ready for the white-glove test. There's no dust, no clutter of papers. Photos of his wife and three children hang on the wall; bookshelves are filled with medical journals. On his desk is a brown-bag lunch. If he doesn't have time for it this afternoon, Dr. For- man will eat it for dinner while watching his son play Little League. The center of his office is a computer, with a sophisti- cated 3-D program that