LOCAL NEWS 1Yr FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY OVER 200,000 BOOKS! Anti-Semitism Continued from Page 1 Republican think-tank, the Na- tional Jewish Coalition, "Unless there is an eyewitness to it, or you can validate it, you can not perpetuate it. Let's not forget the principle of this country that you are innocent until proven guilty." The alleged incident during the GOP convention was not the first rumbling of anti-Semi- tism within the party. Reports of anti-Semitic undertones within certain factions of the Republican Party began after Ms. Fischer announced she would enter the race for Re- publican State Committee- woman. Some Republican and Jew- ish leaders believe rumors sur- faced because the GOP never has elected a Jewish woman to the prestigious state commit- teewoman post. Others suggest the party noise is merely political. Mr. Carl is a candidate for the new 10th Congressional District and he is chairman of the Macomb County Republi- cans. The Macomb Coalition of Republicans is a group of peo- ple who left the county group after a leadership struggle. Brian Flood, spokesman for the Michigan Republican Par- ty, said he did not believe THE LARGEST BOOK EXTRAVAGANZA IN FARMINGTON HILLS HISTORY. charges against Mrs. Carl. Hoe said he did not witness any statements, but suspects th charges may be related to a power struggle in the Maconlb County GOP. "The Republican Party ab- hors any hateful speech against any ethnic or religious group," Mr. Flood said. "We are the - ty of tolerance." During the campaign, Rib- publicans who requested anonymity suggested that some party members were referrir to Ms. Fischer and Oakland County GOP Chairman J . Alexander as "the Jew crew" long before the convention. When Mr. Alexander heard about the comments, he wrote a letter to Ms. Romney, then the party committeewoman. Ire asked her if the talk was true and wrote that it must stop. Mr. Alexander said he is aa- gry about the discord within. the GOP, and hopes the Jewish community understands this is not indicative of Republica• . Party practices. "I don't know for sure what was said and what wasn't said," Mr. Alexander said. "My major concern is that too many peopl spend too much time denying something was said and no time deploring these kinds of tactics." Business Council Rebuffs Boycott 29321 ORCHARD LAKE RD. FARMINGTON HILLS DON'T DELAY SHOP TODAY CASH • PERSONAL CHECKS • HOURS: MON.-SAT. 10 AM-9 PM • SUN. NOON-6 PM FOR ALL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS AND NON•PRESCR1PTION NEEDS CAPITOL DRUGS Still Located At 29101 Northwestern Highway • (Corner of 12 Mile Road) Southfield, Michigan At CAPITOL DRUGS, the Pharmacist is always available to answer your questions about your medications. i THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL [GILLETTE ATRA PLUS BLADES Hours: MONDAY - FRIDAY 9 AM - 7 PM SATURDAY - 9 AM - 5 PM CLOSED SUNDAY 18 FRIDAY. JUNE 12. 1992 $6.95 1 Save $2.001 CALL FOR FREE DELIVERY 055-0775 Sydney, Australia (JTA) — The Arab League's trade boycott of Israel has been rebuffed by Australia's largest business association. The New South Wales Chamber of Commerce offered "categorical assurances" last week that it will no longer issue negative certificates of origin, which facilitate the boycott. The chamber was sharply criticized by Bob Carr, leader of the opposition Labor Party, for issuing a document recently which not only contained the com- pliance stamp of the Arab boycott office but listed "Palestine" as one of the destinations for which the boycott stamp is required. Mr. Carr, who is president of Labor Friends of Israel, blasted the chamber for listing Palestine and refus- ing to acknowledge the "moral obnoxiousness" of complying with the boycott. David Taylor, executive director of the chamber, said he "can only sincerely apologize" for the inclusion of the word "Palestine," which he attributed to "unacceptable behavior" by a "very junior clerical assis- tant." He told the Jewish Tele- graphic Agency that he "sincerely regretted the distress that the incident has obviously caused." Meanwhile, the Chamber of Commerce of Victoria. state also issued a boycott compliance certificate this week. No official response was received, however, following a meeting of the president of the chamber with representatives oi Australia/Israel Publica- tions. The Executive Council of Australian Jewry has called on Foreign Minister Gareth Evans to "take whatever ac- tion is necessary" to end compliance with the Arab" boycott. Leslie Caplan, president of the council, said in that con-. nection that the federal government has made clear that chambers of commerce have no authority from th ► state to comply with the boycott or give the impres- sion that the Australian government concurred with it.