INSIDE WASHINGTON COMMUNITY TAY SACHS SCREENING PROGRAM I' June 7 10 a.m. TO 1 p.m. Sinai Hospital's Berry Health Center 28500 Orchard Lake Road Farmington Hills Tay Sdcl1S k a rare genetic clkede that d bd parent ,, which Cdl_le‘, prOp,rei\ de‘, 1111( inherik from both the central nervou s system and death by age five. There k no cure lor the clkede. 1\1° ,4 carrier', are RA\ ol Ea ,,tern European cle ,,cent. You hould be tested it von are over age 1 7, conidering maniage or pregnonc\ , had been te ,,ted tor the clkea,e prior to 1980. No appointmenk are nec - ear\ tor the 11 The (0 ,4 k S1 0. This event k pon ,,orecl IA the inat 1 lopital Guild, the Sinai department of 01)tetric ,, and Gynecolog\ and the Jokon ,\ZA Chapter 01 the Michigan Region B'nai B'rith Youth Organi/ation. For more information, call Robin Gold at 493-6060. MON.-SAT. 10-6 Pro-Israel Braun Subject Of Whispers Chicago Senate candidate Carol Moseley Braun — who unseated incumbent Alan Dixon in the March Dem- ocratic primary — is the ob- ject of a whispering cam- paign seeking to link her to anti-Israel forces. What's curious about the anti-Braun whispering cam- paign is that the candidate, who is black, is running on an unusually strong pro- Israel platform. In a recent interview, Ms. Braun was blunt in criticiz- ing the Bush administration for the recent slide in U.S.-Israel relations. "If anything, the Bush administration has turned its back on a friend," she said. "That's lamentable. There are those who contend that there are problems on both sides of the equation. But frankly, my view is that when you have a democracy in the Middle East, as vola- tile as that area is, you have to support it." Ms. Braun indicated strong support for $10 billion in loan guarantees for Israel — and said that conditioning the guarantees on changes in Israeli policy would undermine the peace process. She flatly rejected the no- tion of an independent Pa- lestinian state. "I feel compassion for displaced people," she said. I think that on one CC 25E50% OFF Spring and Summer Shoes 25.50% OFF Leather Handbags (Previous Sales Excluded) SALE STARTS FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1992 SHOE GALLERY 15 Mile and Orchard Lake Road — West Bloomfield 851-5470 38 FRIDAY. MAY 29. 1992 . . . hand, the Palestinians in- , side of Israel should have some form of autonomy. But that certainly does not in- clude the creation of a state within the confines of Israel — and that means thel, borders today. Israel is a tiny country. Quite frankly, to-' talk about creating a (Pales- tinian) state within the cur- rent territory really under- mines the concept of safe and secure borders." She also affirmed Israel's need to retain the Golan Heights. Ms. Braun, who worked closely with Jewish groups The candidate is running on an unusually strong pro-Israel platform. O during her tenure in the El- linois state legislature, be- lieves that strong support- from both the Jewish and the African-American com- munities in Illinois will help repair relations between the two groups. "The politics of division that we're hopefully coming , out of has set up all kinds of divide-and-conquer dy, namics," she said. "It had people pointing fingers at < each other, blaming each other for their troubles. The challenge for all of us is to repair that by example." Moynihan Tries Again On Jerusalem Bill Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan is a man who understands the value of persistence in politics. For years, Mr. Moynihan has sponsored bills intended to convince the White House to move the American em- bassy in Israel to Jerusalem — an effort that routinely wins strong congressional support, but — so far — has failed to sway the White House. This time around, to com- memorate the 25th anniver- sary of the reunification of Jerusalem, Mr. Moynihan has introduced a measure the administration will have a harder time opposing. Mr. Moynihan's new resolution incorporates Pres- ident Bush's own words — including quotes from a 1980 speech in which the presi- dent promised that he would never question the unity of Jerusalem. The current resolution, calls on the administration to celebrate the anniversary < by declaring that it is U.S. policy that Jerusalem will never again be divided, and that no religious groups will --, ever again be denied access_, to their holy places in the city. "We believe this will help the cause of peace and strengthen the hand of the forces in Israel that want peace," said a spokesman for the senator. "As long as the question is raised that Jerusalem can be dismembered, Israelis will have problems with the peace process." The resolu- tion is currently gathering co-sponsors. When the'l number reaches 51, Mr. Moynihan will make his li move.