Ni I 'TIZNOTAnk H E ROES Photos by G lenn Trie FRIENDLY VISITOR Robert Singer has friends across Eight Mile. ROBERT SINGER REGULARLY VISITS INNER CITY JEWS. ALAN HITSKY Associate Editor 68 FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1992 obert Singer has given himself a difficult job in retirement. Sometimes it scares him. Mr. Singer, 71, drives down to East Grand Boulevard to vis- it Jews in nursing homes and adult foster care facilities. Some are down and out on their luck. Some are too fond of booze, cig- arettes or drugs. Some are in- digent and ill. The neighborhood is no longer the best. But Mr. Singer has an oblig- ation, and as long as a few of his "clients" remain, despite his re- cent illnesses, he will continue his visits. A civil engineer who retired after working for several local railroads, Mr. Singer has been a volunteer for nearly a decade with the Jewish Vocational Ser- vice's Project Outreach. He started with 10-12 clients in four or five homes. He would make the rounds once every two weeks, visiting the clients, talk- ing to administrators, serving as an advocate. "Some have passed on," he says, "and some have been transferred to Borman Hall (Jewish Home for Aged). I still visit two on the Boulevard and two at Borman. "Sometimes I'm concerned about my safety — apprehen- sion is the word. One of my clients became a beggar, a pan- handler. He would lean up against a party store and hold out his hat. There was little we could do; he would use any mon- ey I gave him for cigarettes and soft drinks." The man is in terrible shape, both physically and mentally, Mr. Singer says. His clothing is "beyond description" and Mr. Singer has donated attire to him on several occasions. He is one of two clients Mr. Singer still vis- its on the Boulevard, between Jefferson and Gratiot. Mr. Singer's daughter, Julie, believes the clients have touched his life as much as he has