CLOSE-UP Esther Shapiro Paul D. Borman Director of the Consumer Affairs Department for the City of Detroit, Ms. Shapiro met her best pal 20 years ago when they were neighbors. Her name is Carol Camp- bell. But it wasn't until the two worked together in city government that they really got to know each other. Ms. Campbell, who has since retired, served on Mayor Coleman Young's staff. "She earned my respect," Ms. Shapiro says of Ms. Campbell. "Her mind goes right to the kernel of the problem, then comes out with a sharp, clear solu- tion." Ms. Campbell also was an expert at understanding complex legal terms. "First she had my respect," Ms. Shapiro says. "Then, as it happened, we were on the same trip together to Egypt. I found her to be adventurous and funny and a wonderful traveling companion." The two women have simi- lar backgrounds ("Both of our parents owned 'Mom and Pop' stores") and tastes, in- cluding an interest in -theater, movies and music. "We either really like the same things or disagree utterly," Ms. Shapiro says. "For example, Carol has an unhealthy preoccupation with exercise. That's one of those areas where we'll always disagree." Paul D. Borman is chief federal defender for the U.S. District Court in Detroit; his best pal is Douglas Mossman, a junior partner at Kogan Realty. The two were together in grade school and active in the same Sunday school and junior congregation. "We hung out together in the same 'hood and the same shul, Shaarey Zedek," Mr. Borman says. Both their parents were in the supermarket business, and both boys spent their summers at a cottage by Pine Lake. Mr. Borman says the two liked "cruising in cars i" and insists Mr. Mossman was "the troublemaker." Mr. Mossman also was the clothes horse. Esther Shapiro 26 FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1992 Robert Aronson (right) in Paris - with Paule and Danny Stein. Robert Aronson When not meeting with high-powered figures in the Jewish community or pro- moting Israel or directing the course of Detroit Jewry, Robert Aronson might be found immersed in what he calls his secret life: the arts. Executive vice president of the Jewish Federation, Mr. Aronson loves to get creative. It's what binds him to one of his oldest and dearest friends, Daniel Stein. Mr. Aronson and Mr. Stein grew up together in Milwaukee, Wis., where they met in a temple youth group. They quickly became friends. Though Mr. Aronson's in- terest in art is limited to his spare time, Mr. Stein has made creativity his life's work. He is a mime and has opened mime schools throughout the world. Until last month, when he settled in Los Angeles, Mr. Stein lived in Paris. But be- ing miles apart did not lessen his friendship with Mr. Aronson. "It's the kind of friendship where you might lose track for a year, but it's so dear you can pick it up again im- mediately," Mr. Aronson says. A friend, according to Mr. Aronson, "is somebody you can be yourself with. You don't have to wear a per- sona." With best friends, "I can think and dream in the world of ideas and ideals. They're both people who have lived out their dreams. It's a whole different language we use with each other than we use in our everyday lives." Mr. Aronson's other best pal is Elliot Beckelman, legal counsel for the Restau- rant and Hotel Workers Union of San Francisco. The two met in college, "where we shared a love of litera- ture and women and art and ideas. I love him dearly." Mr. Beckelman even ac- companied Mr. Aronson and his wife on their honeymoon. "Why he came along, I can't remember," Mr. Aron- son says. "We were in- separable, and I guess I didn't see anything wrong. But I think my wife might have had a little problem with it." Douglas Mossman and Paul Borman "He was fancier than I was," Mr. Borman says. "He was a real clothes maven and is still my expert on clothing. "You know, most kids have one or two ties. He had a dozen." For Mr. Mossman's 50th birthday, Mr. Borman took him to New York for a day. "We went to a lot of men's clothing stores," Mr. Bor- man recalls. "He was like a rabid dog. He went from one store to the next and to the next." "He's got a good sense of humor," Mr. Borman says of his best pal. "And he's really a nice person. "In the criminal justice system, you meet all kinds of people. Doug is a fine, car- ing, considerate person. There are not a lot of those in this world."