est pals. By Elizabeth Applebaum Richard Lobenthal • • Richard Lobenthal, direc- tor of the Anti-Defamation League Michigan Region, has three sets of best friends: John and Sandra Shephard, Robert Naftaly, and Karl and Julie Kadow. Mr. Lobenthal met Mr. Shephard, a judge with the Michigan Court of Appeals, through mutual friends in the early 1980s. The Loben- thals and the Shephards travel to Europe, rotate eders at each other's homes, and attend concerts and plays together. Mr. Lobenthal and Mr. Naftaly, executive vice pres- ident of Blue Cross of Mich- igan, met in 1964 through • I L activities. "He's my oldest friend," Mr. Lobenthal says. He ad- mires Mr. Naftaly's interest in social issues; "that's critical for me." "I remember Bob was olicited by the Capuchin •Food Kitchen, and he was looking at the list of names of the staff and saw that no Jews were involved," he recalls. "He thought that was a scandal." So Mr. Naftaly himself signed up, and today is an active fund-raiser for the soup kitchen. Mr. Kadow is a Chaldean whom Mr. Lobenthal met more than 20 years ago. He is the father of eight. "We have the largest cultural gaps to cross (of any of my best friends)," Mr. Lobenthal says. "But there , have never been any prob- lems. It's been exciting to see each other's understan- ding of the world." Mr. Lobenthal says he finds one of the most critical aspects of friendship is common values. "We might quibble about strategy, but the issues and values you hold dearest are shared," he says. "Then you begin to build assumptions, and those assumptions lead to trust." He also seeks "someone I respect intellectually" and friends with whom he can discuss personal subjects, like children, "and in no way feel at risk or vulnerable." He loves a fun social life, Mr. Lobenthal says. He also wants a friend who knows .how to keep private matters private. Something extraordinary happens as a close friendship develops, he says. "You achieve a level of intimacy that you don't have with other relationships." Judge John Shephard and Richard Lobenthal in Spain right, and families Zager, tar left, with Yolanda Tsdale, second from No Norma Zager Comedienne Norma Zager absolutely, positively could not pick just one best friend. She says she has three. "I've known Judy Green- berg since I was 10, though I don't even remember that far back," she says. "I couldn't have made it without her." Ms. Greenberg has an un- canny ability to "put every- thing in perspective when I'm completely scattered," Ms. Zager says. "She's always there for me when I need her." Ms. Zager met Marsha Barnett 23 years ago when the two were sorority sisters at Wayne State University. "We became friends be- cause we had common inter- ests," Ms. Zager says. "Like eating. Like the Rib Shack and Baskin-Robbins. She was a great diet partner." Ms. Barnett "has been very supportive of my ca- reer," Ms. Zager adds. "When my husband couldn't make it to one of my shows, Marsha was always there." Her most recent best friend — of 12 years — is Yolanda Tisdale. They met at a party. "There was a bunch of people in the living room, and a whole different group in the family room," Ms. Zager recalls. "The people in the living room were staun- ch and quiet. But the people in the family room — we were a bunch of crazies. Yolanda and I became friends when we both fig- ured out we were family- room people." Ms. Tisdale is her shopp- ing and let's-go-to-the- theater buddy, the kind of friend who you can just sit around and do nothing with, Ms. Zager says. "You've got to be able to confide in friends and feel comfortable with them," she says. "I'm lucky. My friends have been very supportive. They were all there for me even though I was nuts in the beginning." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 25