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April 10, 1992 - Image 47

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1992-04-10

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Independence Day
Celebration Planned

Holocaust Memorial
Set At Maple-Drake

The Dudaim, the Simon
and Garfunkel of Israel, will
perform at a cabaret evening
celebrating Israel In-
dependence Day 9:30 p.m.
May 9 at the Maple-Drake
Jewish Community Center.
The cabaret will be part of a
week-long communitywide
observance of Israel's 44th an-
niversary of statehood and
the 25th anniversary of the
reunification of Jerusalem.
The singing duo consists of
Benny Amdursky and Israel
Gurion. The two have toured
the U.S. and Israel and
recorded many albums. Mr.
Amdursky is an Israeli chef
and Mr. Gurion a stage
The evening also will be the
occasion for two exhibits at

The Shaarit Haplaytah
Organization of Metropolitan
Detroit, Survivors of the Nazi
Genocide, will hold its annual
Holocaust Memorial
Academy 1 p.m. April 26. The
event will begin in the Maple-
Drake Jewish Community
Center and conclude in the
Holocaust Memorial Center.
The annual commemoration
is held in conjunction with
the observance of Yom
HaShoah, Holocaust Remem-
brance Day.
A candlelighting ceremony
by the survivors of the con-
centration camps and ghettos
will include David Bauer,
James Fish, Sol Gringlas,
Leon and Rose Gutman,
Helen Jutkiewicz, Nathan
Nothman, Helen Reisman,
George Vine and Eva Wim-
mer. Sandy Baumhaft, Betty
Ellias, Debra Feldman, Morry
Levin, Faye Lincoln, David
Oliwek and Ann Tibert, all
children of Holocaust sur-
vivors, will participate and
will be joined by Daren
Shavell, grandchild of a
Holocaust survivor.
The candle in memory of
fallen Israeli soldiers and
civilians will be kindled by
Nathan Harris. Miriam
Slaim will light the candle in
memory of all deceased
members of Shaarit
Colors will be presented by
the Jewish War Veterans of
the United States of America,
Department of Michigan, led
by Commander Jack
Greetings will be extended
by Abraham A. Weberman,
president of Shaarit
Haplaytah; Leon Halpern,
president of the Holocaust
Memorial Center; Henry S.
Dorfman, chairman of the
HMC Executive Committee;
Mark Schlussel, president of
the Jewish Federation; Linda
Lee, president, Jewish Corn-
munity Center; Robert A. Ar-
mand, director of the Greater
Detroit Interfaith Round
Table of the National Con-
ference of Christians and
Jews; State Senator David
Honigman; Michael
Eizelman, chairman of the
Holocaust Committee of the
Jewish Community Council;
and Charles Silow, president
of C.H.A.I.M. (Children of
Holocaust Survivors Associa-
tion in Michigan).

The celebration
will be capped off
May 10 with the
annual Walk for

the Janice CharaCh Epstein
Museum/Gallery at
Tickets for the cabaret will
be available at Maple-Drake
and Jimmy Prentis Morris
Jewish Community Centers.
The week of activities will
begin with a Hebrew
University-sponsored pro-
gram titled "Israel Now: Con-
temporary Issues and
Answers," 7:30 p.m. May 3 at
Congregation Shaarey Zedek.
On May 4 and 6, puppeteer
Maureen Schiffman will pre-
sent an Israel show 6:30 p.m.
in the Discovery Room at
Maple-Drake. A Yom
Hazikaron memorial service
in honor of Israel's fallen
soldiers, featuring a talk by
Gen. (Res.) Uzi Narkiss, will
take place 7 p.m. at
Local and new Jewish
American teens will join in a
production of the play Sparks
. . . A Jewish Journey 7:30
p.m. May 7 at Temple

On May 9, teens in grades
9-12 will join the celebration
at "Up All Night for the
Allied Jewish Campaign."
Beginning with registration
at 10:30 p.m. at Maple-Drake,
teens will have an overnight
event with movies, basket-
ball, swimming, volleyball,
movies and food. Participants
should bring sleeping bags
and pillows. There is a fee
which will go to the Cam-
paign. To register, call Ellen

Krivchenia, 642-4260.
The celebration will be cap-
ped off May 10 with the an-
nual Walk for Israel 11:30
a.m., leaving from the Jewish
Community Campus. Follow-
ing the walk, there will be an
indoor Israeli street fair with
exhibits, games, entertain-
ment, food and more.
Students in grades 6 and 7
will compete for prizes in the
seventh annual Israel Quiz
Bowl 1:30 p.m. at
The Janice Charach Eps-
tein Museum/Gallery exhibit
"A Day in the Warsaw Ghet-
to: A Birthday Trip in Hell"
shows life in the Warsaw
Ghetto through the photos of
Heinz Jost, a Nazi soldier
who had taken the photos on
his birthday in 1941. The
museum/gallery's other ex-
hibit, "Art History: The Ar-
tist's Interpretation of the
History of the Jews," includes
the works of artists Lynne
Avadenka of Detroit and Dubi
Ari of Israel. Ari's The Mis-
sion, a painting depicting the
history of the Jewish people,
will be part of the first floor
museum/gallery exhibit.
For information about the
activities, call Shelley Milin,

Jerusalem Day
Plans Are Set

The 25th anniversary of the
reunification of Jerusalem
will be celebrated 2 p.m. May
31 at the United Hebrew
Schools building. The Detroit
Zionist Federation will pre-
sent "Rejoice with
Jerusalem," a family program
open to the community.
Members of Young Judaea
from Flint, Ann Arbor and
Detroit and the local B'nai
B'rith Youth Organization
will participate. A highlight
will be 15 shoferot heralds.
Helen Naimark, vice presi-
dent of Labor Zionist
Alliance, chairs the commit-
tee, assisted by Sara Schiff of
LZA and committee members
representing various Zionist
member organizations: Har-
mon Bayer, Shula Fleisher,
Deborah Kovsky, Lev and
Klara Paransky, Michael
Schoenberg, Vivian Stollman,
Esther Tal, Emil and
Shoshana Wolok and Dr. Leon
Warshay. Joseph Medwed is
president of the Detroit
Zionist Federation.
Religious school students,
with the cooperation of the
Jewish Educators' Council
headed by Dorothy Dressler,
will study the Gates of

The Dudaim

Jerusalem and prepare essays
and stories about these struc-
tures located around the City
of Jerusalem.
The Rabbinic Council of
Metropolitan Detroit is en-
couraging all rabbis in the
community to highlight the
significance of the reunifica-
tion of Jerusalem in a sermon
on May 30.
Yom Yerushalyim will
culminate the May events
observed by the Detroit
Jewish community including
Yom Hazikaron and Yom
Hatzmaut, in cooperation
with the Israel Desk of the
Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Detroit and the
Jewish Community Council.

Family To Family
Seeks Recruits

"Say Yes! to Family-To-
Family" is- the theme of the
Family-To-Family's new drive
to recruit local families to
welcome newcomers from the
former Soviet Union to live in
America, introduce them to
new activities and share in
the joy of Jewish traditions. In
advance of the Passover holi-
day, this is particularly mean-,
ingful for people who are
discovering their Jewish
With a waiting list of 50
new Jewish American
families and more expected
each month, there is a critical
need for families and in-
dividuals to become involved.
Small groups also may be con-
nected with two or more
newcomer families.
Co-sponsored by the Na-
tional Council of Jewish
Women and the Jewish
Federation Women's Division,
Family-To-Family has made
more than 350 connections in
the Detroit area.
To date, 1,800 new Jewish
Americans have come to the
Detroit area from the former
Soviet Union. More than 800
additional newcomers are ex-
pected this year.
Family-To-Family par-
ticipants have no financial
obligation nor a specific time
For information abut being
matched with a new
American family or the orien-
tation session, call Family-To-
Family, 258-6000.

Violinist Joseph. Ravitsky
will perform Russian and
memorial musical selectidns
and Sherri Kaufman will
deliver a recitation.
Proclamations will be

acknowledged by Dr. Irvin
Gastman, Junior Division of
Shaarit Haplaytah.
Rabbi Charles H. Rosenz-
veig, founder and executive
vice president of the
Holocuast Memorial Center,
will deliver the memorial ad-
dress and Cantor Najman will
sing "Ani Marvin."
Participants will then move
to the Holocaust Memorial
Center where Rabbi Rosenz-
weig will lead the Kaddish
and chant El Mole Rachamim
to be followed by the in-
dividual lighting by those
assembled of hundreds of
yahrtzeit candles.
Arthur Weiss is chairman
of the event. The committee
includes Rabbi Herbert S.
Eskin and Dr. Arthur Feuer,
honorary presidents of
Shaarit Haplaytah; past
presidents Arnold Einhorn,
Leon Halpern and Simon
Schwarzberg; and Norman
Adelsberg, Irving Altus,
Gustav Berenholz, Allen
Charlupski, Alex Ehrmann,
Gedale Elbaum, Fred Ferber,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fisk, Mrs.
Michael Fordonski, Mr. and
Mrs. Leon Halpern, Mr. Sol
Kleinman, Mrs. Benedict
Lewkowicz, Jack Lipton, Mrs.
John J. Mames, Herman
Marczak, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Moskowitz, Abraham Paster-
nak, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Praw, Mrs. Joseph Slaim, Ben
Sweet, George Vine, Martin
S. Water, Mr. and Mit.
Abraham A. Weberman.

Home For Aged
Needs Volunteers

The Jewish Home for Aged
needs volunteers to provide
services for residents at its
three locations: Borman Hall,
Prentis Manor and Fleisch-
man Residence/Blumberg
Among the ongoing projects
in which they assist are:
library, birthday gifts,
Chanukah gifts, flowers at
Rosh Hashanah and Passover,
gourmet club, out-trips, resi-
dent enrichment programs,
bingo and pokeno.
Volunteers assist profes-
sional staff members in a
wide variety of program
areas, including auxiliary gift
shop, nosh nook, out-trip ex-
cursions for residents,
creative center, friendly
visiting, Yiddish reading,
resident library/bookmobile,
music groups, men's club,
beading and jewelry classes.
To volunteer, call Carol
Rosenberg, 532-7112.


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