THE JEWISH NEWS COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE shouldn't air dirty laundry. If that's how you feel, you can't be a good Jew and a good Jewish newspaperman at the same time," he said. "If the Jewish community doesn't grow up, I don't know if we're going to have anything for them." At the same time, Mr. Klein admits that Jewish papers operate on some premises that general news- papers do not. For instance, Jewish newspapers treat re- ligion as if it is central to people's lives and cover Israel sympathetically. It gets to the point, Mr. Klein said, that "even the best, most perfect Jewish paper would still have to be an ad- vocacy paper." Daniel Schorr, now a senior news analyst at Na- tional Public Radio, worked at the Jewish Telegraphic Agency from 1934-41. There, he routinely looked for a Jewish "angle" to any event. "I don't know how many times I had to do the story about whether Columbus was Jewish," he said. "You felt somehow you were look- ing at the whole world through this focus." Now, he says, he's "glad to be rid of it. "You were dealing in a climate where you could not exercise a full sense of in- dependence," he said. Even if Jewish newspapers could be completely in- dependent, the Jewish com- munity, according to one editor, "does not have many boat rockers." Where most newspaper in- vestigations rely heavily on unnamed sources, Jewish papers often wrangle with federation leaders over get- ting routine information, like budget figures. "Everyone's afraid of get- ting in trouble," said Mr. Klein. This, he said, not only hurts a paper's ability to in- vestigate stories in depth. He said it deprives the com- munity of the criticism it sometimes needs — and de- serves. "We're always looking at what happened after it happened," he said. At daily newspapers, in- 1942-1992 "I've had people tell me that they want a nice paper on Shabbat to read. They tell me that their Jewish paper should make them feel good about being Jewish." Marc Klein, Editor, Jewish Bulletin of Northern California Mayer Wise did in Cincin- nati in creating the Reform movement. "A good, strong, Jewish newspaper is a key to a good strong Jewish community. History will bear that out," said Frank Strauss, director of communications for the Council for Jewish Federa- tions. This, editors admit, raises the ultimate paradox: Is a Jewish newspaper supposed to be more "Jewish" than newspaper"? And what do people mean by a "good Jew- ish newspaper"? To those questions, you will never receive the same answers. But most everyone agrees with Leonard Fein's assessment: If Jewish news- papers are irrelevant, boring and poorly-run, they mirror the quality and excitement of contemporary Jewish life. "Newpapers both reflect and nurture," he said. "We could use a wet nurse." ❑ CC vestigation is how reputa- tions are earned. But at Jew- ish papers, even reputable ones, investigations are sometimes impossible. "Dealing with the Jewish community is like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall," said Leonard Fein, the former editor of Moment magazine. What's worse, Jewish pa- pers aren't interested or capable of doing that kind of investigation anyway. "For the most part, the Jewish press does a better job of covering Israel than covering its own back yard," said Baltimore, Detroit and Atlanta editor Gary Rosenblatt. But if Jewish papers fail to do a good job, at least few have given up. Jewish com- munity leaders and intellec- tuals frequently cite Jewish newspapers as the best means of creating a cohesive and strong Jewish commun- ity. "I don't think you have a community unless you have some medium of connec- tion," said Mr. Fein. Jewish newspapers, he said, create a "shared community of discourse." The history of Jewish pa- pers proves that point. Fre- quently, Jews have used their newspapers to solidify their communities, as Isaac MARCH 27, 1992 29