EDITORIAL Saddam As Amalek The Bush administration, plagued since the end of the Persian Gulf War with criticism that it failed to act decisively in removing Saddam Hussein from power, could take a lesson from this Sabbath's Torah reading. We will read of the biblical obligation to eradicate Amalek, the inveterate foe of the Jewish people, who attacked the women, children and the weak as the Israelites were crossing the wilderness. The com- mand to destroy Amalek is recalled annu- ally on Shabat Zachor, the Sabbath of Re- membrance that precedes the holiday of Purim. Centuries later, King Saul, the first king of Israel, is chastised for failing to observe the command to kill King Agag of Amalek, from whom, tradition teaches, Haman, the villain of the Purim story, is descended. For his transgression, Saul is removed as king. Saddam. Hussein is a modern-day version of Amalek, seeking to destroy Israel by at- tacking (through Scud missiles) the civilian population centers — the women, children and the weak — as opposed to soldiers on a battlefield. The United States is not displaying hu- manitarianism by allowing Saddam to con- tinue in power, causing his people to suffer and threatening the future stability of the region. The Washington Post this week notes that the U.S. has complied with Saudi Arabia's wish that Saddam be allowed to remain in power since this is preferable to Saudi sheiks than the risk of Islamic fundamentalists seizing control of Iraq. Washington's policy is motivated by con- cern over Arab oil rather than conviction. President Bush would do well to note that, as Judaism teaches, it is ultimately more humane and merciful to destroy evil than to seek to contain or control it. The world would be a safer place without Saddam Hussein. Begin's Torn Soul Menachem Begin's political career could well be bracketed by two comments he gave at widely disparate moments in his life. Asked almost midway through his tenure as prime minister how he would like history to remember him, he an- swered, "As the man who set the borders of Eretz Yisrael for all eternity," But about three years later, saddened by the death of his wife and disillusioned by Israel's 1982 war in Lebanon, he told those who were pleading for him to reconsider his intention to resign, "I cannot go on." And, indeed, he did not. Mr. Begin left Israel's government in September, 1983. For almost a year before his resignation and until his death earlier this week, he was a virtual recluse, living with his memories and his regrets in a deep and impenetrable silence. Menachem Begin's world view was forg- ed in the fires of the Holocaust, in which he lost much of his family. He became the leader of the militant Irgun underground in Palestine, unwilling to make the diplo- matic compromises adopted by mainstream Zionists. Mr. Begin espoused 'violence when necessary to achieve statehood and some called him a terrorist. For almost two decades of statehood, Mr. Begin was the voice of the opposition, sometimes vilified for his criticism of leaders like David Ben-Gurion, whom he once called "a fascist and a hooligan." During Mr. Begin's tenure as prime min- ister, which began in 1977, both the best and the worst of Israel were realized: A peace treaty with Egypt was signed in 1979; three years later, several hundred Palestinian men, women and children were killed in refugee camps by Israel's Chris- tian militia allies after being allowed to enter the camp by Israeli forces during the war in Lebanon. The peace treaty and the massacre marked Mr. Begin's realization that there were limits to his ideology that was steeped in force and strength. The peace treaty was the healthy side of such a realization; the massacre was the stunned, incredulous side. Now, nine years after Mr. Begin left Israel's highest office, the same dualities that tore at him — strength versus accom- modation, the desire for peace versus holding firm to the land — still tear at the nation that he so loved and with whom he will forever be identified. What Now, Mr. Bush? Washington must do whatever is necessary to stop the delivery of North Korean Scud missiles bound for Syria and Iran if it is to retain any shred of credibility in the Middle East peace process. Moreover, Secretary of State James Baker, who is so quick to condemn Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, needs to be equally vocal about Syria's con- tinued efforts to acquire weapons of mass destruction intended to terrorize civilian populations. 6 FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1992 Dry Bones In October, another North Korean freighter bound for Syria with Scud mis- siles of even greater range and accuracy turned back after Israel indicated it might take unilateral action to halt the shipment. Given the threat to its population, and the history of the Middle East, Israel has every right to act preemptively. No matter how ticklish the situation, President Bush and Mr. Baker must go beyond merely trying to publicly embarrass North Korea. CAN FoLLOOJ WAIN t 6%/MARE- Akib AP0LOGZE OR LETTERS Teens Will Be Tomorrow's Leaders Recently, we had the privilege and honor of serving on a panel of judges to select an outstanding Jewish high school senior to receive the coveted Betty and Grant Silverfarb Youth Award from the League of Jewish Women's Organizations of Greater Detroit. After interviewing 24 of our community's best and brightest teens, we had the ominous task of selecting one. Although we could only choose one, our entire Jewish community is really the big- gest winner of all. Each day, we only have to open the paper or click on the news to hear about drugs, AIDS, teen pregnancies, and school dropouts, but some- thing very wonderful is hap- pening right here. Our com- munity, whether Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform; lov- ing parents who serve as tremendous role models; and teachers who stimulate and encourage our youth are hav- ing incredibly great results. These 24 teens are proof. We have no doubt they will be tomorrow's leaders. Read about them. Remember their names. Watch them grow and continue to mature. We would like to offer a challenge to the rest of the community-at-large to match the generosity of Betty and Grant Silverfarb so that more outstanding youths can be recognized and rewarded each year for their leadership and achievements. Gilda Jacobs, Carol Kaftan, Gerald Levin, Donna Pearlman, Beverly H. Stone Opposition To Bush And Baker Leonard Fein posed the question on the Opinion page of the March 6 issue, "How do we learn whether the men who propose to be president are hollow or filled?" The on- ly way we know for sure is when they have been elected and they have served. George Bush is up for scrutiny. He and his Mr. Baker and their policy of a year ago: "Let us fight for you and then we will give you what you need." Well, here we are, a year later, and not only have they reneged on the loan Continued on Page 12