SERVING DETROIT'S JEWISH COMMUNITY SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS FEBRUARY 21, 1992 / 17 ADAR 5752 Jews With AIDS Find Little Help AMY J. MEHLER Staff Writer N SPINOZA Simi () ews that Mary Fisher, daughter of multimillionaire in- dustrialist Max Fisher, tested positive for the AIDS virus, sent waves of shock and sympathy throughout metro Detroit last week. Debra Beck of Westland felt them and, for a brief moment, was elated by Mary Fisher's courageous admis- sion. If only her uncle hadn't feared coming forward. His family and friends might have helped him cope with the horror of testing HIV positive. Instead, her uncle kept it a secret, telling no one, until his body, so ravag- ed by AIDS, could keep the secret no longer. By the time news of Mary Fisher reached Detroit, Mrs. Beck, 34, an office manager in Southfield, was sitting shiver for her favorite relative. Her uncle, an artist and public school teacher, was dead at 46. His 70- pound, 6-foot-2 frame, was no longer able to sustain the beating of his heart. "We have to open our eyes and stop pretending AIDS isn't affecting our commun- ity," said Mrs. Beck. "The Jewish community has to Continued on Page 16 Butcher Shop, Va'ad In Dispute NOAM M.M. NEUSNER Staff Writer K While most Jewish people have left Detroit, a strong Jewish presence remains. , osher or not kosher, that is the question. For the past two weeks, Michael Cohen has charged in a public cam- paign that the Council of Or- thodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit has refused to certify his West Bloomfield butcher store as kosher, even though he says he sells only kosher meat. In his advertisement in The Jewish News, he says the council (Va'ad) wants him to join an Orthodox syn- agogue and become a fully observant member of the Or- thodox community. Mr. Cohen currently does not belong to any synagogue. In a statement released to The Jewish News, the Va'ad said, "Because of the threat of litigation which we have found as a needless drain on communal time and resources, we will not com- ment in the media as to why we have refused or ter- minated any specific cer- tification. Continued on Page 22 Jeffries Attracts 300 In Ann Arbor NOAM M.M. NEUSNER Staff Writer r. Leonard Jeffries, in a three-hour speech scheduled as a re- sponse to "media lynching" of black leaders, discussed African history, geography, engineering, ecology, sociology, American history, economics, medicine, Greek philosophy, Jewish history and paleontology. At the University of Mich- igan's student union Tues- day night, he also claimed he has never said Jews were "dogs," and if he had it has never been documented. Dr. Jeffries, a professor of Afro-American Studies at City College of New York, attracted national attention last summer by delivering a speech in Albany, N.Y., where he said there is an an- ti-black conspiracy, "plann- ed and plotted and pro- grammed out of Hollywood," by "people called Greenberg Continued on Page 34