who could overcome anything. This can happen to other children if parents here aren't aware that in Europe, the rules for skiing are different. Here, if there is a dangerous cliff near a ski area, everyone knows it. The ski patrol here would never allow you to ski off the course. There, the rules seem to be diff- erent." In Europe, skiing out of bounds is almost an ac-, cepted practice. Warnings are less severe than at American resorts. Euro- pean skiers are often an- noyed if they are approach- ed by ski patrol, so the patrols are more inclined to leave them alone. Also, death in the European mountains is perhaps more common than in the United States. Bodies of hikers and skiers are sometimes found in the mountains days or weeks after death. Recently, when the ice- preserved body of a 4,000-year-old man was uncovered, authorities did not respond to the find in- stantly, thinking that it was a hiking or skiing in- cident. The body was even toyed with by hikers before it was reported to au- thorities. The question now seems to be, what is there left for the Stillmans to do? They still haven't been able to unpack their son's backpack. It sits in his room. The canteen he wore came back with his per- sonal effects, dented and misshapen from the fall. From David's death, his father has found new meaning in life. .A soft- spoken but strong man, Dr. Stillman said he'll never take things for granted anymore. Life, he said, is precious. with your life that makes a difference." Dr. Stillman's quiet, measured way helped him talk about his son. He said there are times when he feels his son's closeness, his love. At those moments, he'll back off from whatever it is he is doing, and knows that David is all right. "I guess I feel that if he had to die, then he died very happy," Dr. Stillman said. "He was doing some- thing he loved to do, he was skiing. David, in his young life, - achieved something that many never achieve. He lived his life to the fullest. There was almost nothing he didn't try that he couldn't do. But more importantly, he had friends. And at his funeral, his friends came here to Michigan from all over the country. He loved them, they loved him. "My sadness comes in spurts," Dr. Stillman add- ed. "I'm sad that he wasn't given the chance to have a future. That's the sad part of it all. But the happy part is here is a young man who actually did what he set out to do in life." Lauren Stillman still calls her brother's phone number sometimes in Ann Arbor. It's as if she wants to talk to him one more time and find out what ac- tually happened on that slope. "I want to ask him what happened," she said. "Was he scared? Did he know that he was going to die? I watch all of this stuff on television about the Olym- pics or I see ads promoting skiing in Europe. But peo- ple don't know how dangerous it all is." The Stillmans recently received the results of David's California bar exam. He passed on the first try. His parents are now con- sulting attorneys. It's not that money could bring their son back. But they want others to think twice before they ski outside the United States. "If God had to take David," Judy Stillman said, "I hope there was a purpose that will help others. That's what helps us keep going. Through the years it was often David that helped us keep going when there were rough times. Now, it's his memory."0 Dr. Burton and Judy Stillman hope to learn in greater detail just why and how their son died last August in Zermatt. "I'm more in tune to valuing my friendships, my family," he said. "I learned that it's not how much money you have that is im- portant, but what you do Photo by Glenn Triest THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 25