EDITORIAL Looking Back At Desert Storm One year after Desert Storm, the eu- phoria that accompanied the U.S. military victory over Iraq has largely evaporated, as have hopes that a new Middle East would quickly rise from the ashes of Kuwait. (See Close-Up, Page 22.) It is true that Iraqi expansionism has been curbed, at least for the time being, and that Baghdad's ability to wage war against its Persian Gulf neighbors and Israel has been severely curtailed. Likewise, Middle East oil still flows in abundance — and make no mistake about it, the industrialized world's horror at the prospect of Saddam Hussein controlling petroleum supplies was Washington's primary reason for going to war. In addition, the Gulf War spurred the release of the Western hostages held in Lebanon and it provided the window of op- portunity for Secretary of State James Baker to prod Israel and its Arab adver- saries into beginning a negotiating process that may still yield lasting benefit. But the long-term picture is less satisfy- ing. Saddam remains in power, audacious- ly proclaiming himself the real winner of the Gulf War. He continues to torment Ira- qi Kurds and Shi'ite Muslims, just as he continues to defy the United Nations by hiding his remaining stockpile of nuclear and chemical weapons. Wounded, he is probably even more dangerous than he was before the war, and will no doubt have to be reckoned with yet again, before he is able to regain full military strength. Moreover, democracy has progressed little in Kuwait or any other Arab state, and Syria and Iran are furiously buying up as many weapons of mass destruction as they can in advance of some perceived future showdown with the Jewish state. And while Yassir Arafat saw fit last week to confer with Saddam in Baghdad, Washington continues to apply pressure on Jerusalem to make concessions to Palestin- ian leaders whose trustworthiness remains dubious at best. On all those counts, very little has actu- ally changed for the better over the past year. The question must be asked, was the war worth the price paid in lives and resources? We think so. Had Saddam not been countered, he might very well be threaten- ing nuclear holocaust today and strangling already stressed Western economies by driving up the price of oil. But there is also little doubt that Presi- dent George Bush, having "lost" the peace by allowing Saddam to slip away and democracy to fall through the Gulf cracks, is desperate to deliver an election year Middle East peace agreement — at Israel's expense, if necessary. Had President Bush been able to deliver a kinder, gentler Middle East, as promised, Israel's right-wing government would be hard pressed to justify its continued hardline policy. But given the White House's poor post-Gulf War performance, who can fault Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir for being wary of the president's intentions. If anything, the past year has served to underscore the need for Israel to keep its guard up. The Middle East remain a very dangerous neighborhood. Why Stop The Rally? For Detroit Jews, the most vivid memory of exactly one year ago was perhaps the scene in the lobby of Shaarey Zedek. That Jan. 17 was the opening of the 1991 Allied Jewish Campaign. The guest speaker was pro-Israel political analyst Alan Keyes. While Mr. Keyes addressed the audience, almost everyone's mind was on what was happening in the back of the synagogue's lobby. There, surrounding a television set, was a group of about 20 people, many in tears, watching the live coverage of a Scud mis- sile attack on Tel Aviv. Sivan Maas, the shalicha at the Israel Program Center, watched the destruction and then called Israel as quickly as she could. Others simp- ly drifted around the area in a stunned stupor. And others, visibly upset, com- forted their friends and called for retalia- tion. A little over a week later, Jewish Detroit rallied at the same synagogue, 3,500 strong, in support of Israel and the allied coalition. This perhaps marked the 6 FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1992 crescendo of emotion for this community, and it all happened in January. In the months that have followed, the Scuds faded away, but we must question ourselves as a community and ask if our in- tensity has gone with the missiles. As Israel sits at the peace table, rallies shouldn't be reserved for a missile attack. For Diaspora Jews, a rally should be a pur- poseful feeling of support, something that's fed by information, opinion and question. For two days last January, Shaarey Zedek's sanctuary and lobby were filled with high-strung emotion. Maybe it's im- possible to maintain that level day-to-day. Maybe our rally should be to take a piece of that scene last year and carry it with us. Maybe by being more vocal, more "up" on the subject, we can help prevent similar attacks. Maybe when we look back at 1992, Israel will be better off and the Middle East a more stable place to be. We don't need a sign this time; we don't need a slogan. But we still need to rally. 77-/ Fy, 120 DOZ ALR MR. 4 .14MIR WELL i JIVE )tut? FILE Risitr ['En t./ • -72 c, 0 LETTERS I- , Old Frontiers For Detroit Jews Every congregation should be reminded of their purpose, what is implied in survival, the role of the synagogue in the community and the need for education. At Congrega- tion Beth Achim, a resoun- ding vote against moving was a first step containing and ultimately halting the fanatical flight of the free. Given that we are nearly 100,000 strong in the metro area, is there a single reason that we cannot identify with and sustain the already solid- ly established foundations of our community and consider other areas of development as additions to our greater com- munity instead of "replace- ments" for abandoned neighborhoods, and create large sectors of Jewish population linked by common bond, each having those vital support systems that make it a "Jewish" community? Such a hub already exists — in the Southfield-Oak Park- Huntington Woods-Birming- ham sector, incorporating firmly entrenched Orthodox, Conservative and Reform an- chors, and office retail, educa- tional, community center, religious, apartment and housing foundations. Developing such a master plan for our Jewish communi- ty would make us the envy of American Jewry and local governments, instead of the government manipulators that we are purported to be for our perceived length of stay. The empty nesters given such visibility in these aged suburbs might well consider tackling and reversing the trend of their grown children leaving the area and instead of settling nearby, continue to utilize the same synagogue, schools, businesses and neighborhoods of their youth. A synagogue inundated with a multi-generational mem- bership is a healthy synagogue. So is a neighbor- hood .. . There are more families in this already established hub than anyone cares to realize but, as Washington columnist William Raspberry recently wrote in the Detroit News, we identify problems and then look for the enemy. We waste months and years trying to place blame for failed synagogues, public/private schools, businesses and neighborhoods instead of looking for solutions .. . Each generation has its new frontier. lb be more Jewishly educated than predecessor generations would be a welcome new trend. It would signal the end of "accommodation" as a means of survival. If we are the education peo- ple, then a little introspection would be a shot in the arm and we'd not allow this New Frontier to become a lost horizon. Barry Silver Oak Park Article Hurt The Yeshiva Though my initial inclina- tion was not to respond to the article on Beth Yehudah which appeared in the Nov. 15 issue of The Jewish News, it has become apparent to me that the harm done to the Yeshiva's reputation by the article requires that some in- accuracies and misleading statements be corrected. The statement made by the spokesman for the "rabbinic committee," Rabbi Elimelech Continued on Page 9 4