LETTERS Southfield Is Closer It was interesting to read about Andrea Steingold's reasons for leaving Southfield as stated in The Jewish News article of Dec. 13, "Staying or Moving?" In particular, she said, "She wanted to be closer to the Jewish community." Surprise! That's exactly why my husband and I mov- ed our family to Southfield, so we would be closer to the Jewish community — the Jewish bookstores, the kosher bakery and kosher butcher shops, Congregation Beth Achim, the Hebrew school, and Southfield Public Schools. We like it here. In fact, to borrow a statement from Mrs. Steingold, "Things are close." Not just those places men- tioned above, but also shopp- ing malls and hospitals with state-of-the-art facilities. In addition, 1-696 allows Southfield residents the ease of rapidly moving anywhere in the metropolitan area. Ci- ty leaders chose the right slogan when they said, "Southfield — the center of it all." It was heartening to read the positive comments concer- ning Southfield made by Rab- bi Irwin Groner of Congrega- tion Shaarey Zedek and by Mr. David Gad-Harf, ex- ecutive director of the Jewish Community Council. These two well-known community leaders are knowledgeable and can carry the correct message out to the entire community quicker than anyone else: that Southfield is a great place to live. Unfortunately, the choice of photographs used for the ar- ticle was quite disappointing. The bleak photo of an ice- coated street sign with a dismal sky in the background is definitely not a fair representation of the bustling Jewish community in the Ten Mile-Greenfield area of Southfield. I also take exception to the photo of the children pictured on the cover. The skeptical looks on their faces set the tone for the remarks concern- ing the changing demogra- phics in the schools. Yet, the Southfield Public Schools demonstrate not only a very high standard of education, but encourage a broad- minded view of the world and emphasize a positive learning environment. To those of us who enjoy Southfield for its ambiance and its cosmopolitan at- mosphere, it is tiresome to see articles that suggest the city is "at risk." Questioning whether it is "too late or just in time for the Jewish com- munity of Southfield" is as upsetting to Southfield residents as receiving realtor notices that state a certain number of homes have been sold in the area and if the homeowner doesn't want to be left behind, he should jump on the bandwagon and put his house on the market now. The Jewish community in and around West Bloomfield would not like it at all if this attention Southfield is cur- rently receiving were to be directed toward their corn- munity. Yet, with the migratory pattern of the Jewish people in this metropolitan area, this very situation (i.e., the already in- creasing presence of other ethnic groups) will become a reality within the next 10-15 years for them. I hope the Jewish communi- ty will put an end to this needless leap-frogging that has been our pattern for so long. Let's make this the decade that people stand firm and say no more moving. We like our homes. We like our city. We're here to stay. There is no reason why we can't have two Jewish com- munities in the metropolitan area, one in the Southfield, Oak Park, Huntington Woods area and one in the West Bloomfield, Farmington Hills area. This can be a reality star- ting now and we will have done so much good in so many ways. Andrea S. Gordon Southfield Southfield Series Shows Racism I have never written to a newspaper before. I've never felt the need to, but after reading your article "Southfield: At Risk?" I had to. What moved me to write? I guess it was the question "Southfield: At Risk?" At risk of what? I ask, does one ethnic group have a monopoly on an entire city? As a black woman, excuse me, an African- American woman, that has seen in my 31 years of living many acts of injustice, I find it appalling that such an ar- ticle was even included in your newspaper. I have been a resident of Southfield for over 12 years and now I am a resident of Oak Park. I like the fact that my handsome African- American son goes to school with all kinds of children. I like that; I want my child to have a well-rounded upbringing. But in my years of living out here, I have seen so much bigotry and prejudice from the Jewish people toward other people it really opened my mind and my eyes. It took me awhile to understand that people who had been perse- cuted for years, people who were also once slaves, people who under Hitler's hands were burned in gas chambers, could turn right around and persecute another group. I think your article was sad and the sadness comes from the fact that you have forgot- ten the long road that you traveled. Southfield at risk? Maybe at risk of being a community of love and peace. In thinking about this, your article was racist. I wonder what would have been said if Detroit, a city that is 73 per- cent black, said, "Oh. We want to keep it black." What an uproar we would hear today. Brenda Pardon Oak Park Southfield Stats Upside Down Some 80 percent of Southfield's Jewish residents intend to stay in Southfield, according to the Jewish Fed- eration's 1989 demographic study — a seemingly ringing endorsement of the city's future Jewish viability and vitality. Yet on more than one occasion, including the Dec. 20 article on Southfield as one of five tales of integrated cities, your newspaper con- tinues to turn that demogra- phic statistic on its head by stating that 40 percent of Southfield's Jewish popula- tion is planning to move — "many out of Southfield." The "many" you cite is in reality half of that 40 percent, or 20 percent, leaving four out of five Southfield Jews con- tent to live in the metro area's most Jewishly populous suburb. Please correct this misperception in future ar- ticles and references to Jewish Southfield. Allan Gale Southfield Evangelism And Chabad In his attempt to build a case for Jewish evangelism towards non-Jews (Dec. 20); Barry Mehler belittles the outreach work of Chabad and other Orthodox groups. Since Mr. Mehler singles out Chabad, I would like to res- pond to his comments as one who has been involved in Chabad outreach for a number of years. Although I do challenge the reliability of some of his statistics, I consider it more important to address the broader issue of Jewish outreach. Mr. Mehler's contentions are based on his misconcep- tion of our outreach goals. Chabad shlichim (emissaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe) and, to the best of my knowledge, other Orthodox outreach workers as well, are not out to make other Jews "Lubavitchers" or "Or- thodox." The philosophy of Chabad underscores the eternal bond with God which is establish- ed through the performance of any mitzvah, be it tefillin, Ibrah study, Shabbat candles, or shalach manos. Our job is to reveal to every Jew the inherent divinity of his or her soul which can be illicited through the perfor- mance of a mitzvah. Anyone who can deny the "mitzvah explosion" in our midst is blind to reality. The burgeoning number of kosher consumers even in non- Orthodox circles, the myriads of sukkot that can be seen in non-Orthodox neighborhoods, shalach monos and shmura matzah becoming household words even in many assimi- lated homes, and Torah study groups springing up all over the Jewish landscape attest to this "mitzvah revival." There is one God in heaven who will judge the quality of our mitzvot, but in terms of quantity. I do venture to say that there has never been a time in recent history that so many Jews have been doing so many mitzvot. This is in no small measure due to the work of the Chabad shlichim and others who have given of themselves so selflessly for the sake of the Jewish people. The historic mission of the Jewish people is to prepare the world for Mashiach and the Messianic Era, when all Continued on Page 9 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 7